Topic: whats on the agenda
FaithfulOne78's photo
Wed 06/11/08 05:41 PM
Me lying on your floor getting stepped on by everyone that walks in cause they don't know how to walk around me!:tongue: :tongue:

no photo
Wed 06/11/08 05:42 PM
dont make me get the whisky

chris1979's photo
Wed 06/11/08 05:42 PM

Me lying on your floor getting stepped on by everyone that walks in cause they don't know how to walk around me!:tongue: :tongue:
damn idiotslaugh

FaithfulOne78's photo
Wed 06/11/08 05:42 PM

dont make me get the whisky

Oh please do!

FaithfulOne78's photo
Wed 06/11/08 05:43 PM

Me lying on your floor getting stepped on by everyone that walks in cause they don't know how to walk around me!:tongue: :tongue:
damn idiotslaugh

laugh laugh :tongue:

MYheartACHES4u's photo
Wed 06/11/08 05:43 PM

Me lying on your floor getting stepped on by everyone that walks in cause they don't know how to walk around me!:tongue: :tongue:

are your shoes on or offdevil devil

FaithfulOne78's photo
Wed 06/11/08 05:44 PM

Me lying on your floor getting stepped on by everyone that walks in cause they don't know how to walk around me!:tongue: :tongue:

are your shoes on or offdevil devil

Off of course..I never wear shoes unless I have to:tongue:

higlander's photo
Wed 06/11/08 05:46 PM

frown frown nothing. another night alonesad sad
whay baby im her flowerforyou flowerforyou

Dangerous_Kitchen's photo
Wed 06/11/08 05:46 PM

Me lying on your floor getting stepped on by everyone that walks in cause they don't know how to walk around me!:tongue: :tongue:

are your shoes on or offdevil devil

Off of course..I never wear shoes unless I have to:tongue:

i've heard that a lot around these parts :tongue:

bl4cks4bb4th's photo
Wed 06/11/08 05:46 PM

tonite everyonebigsmile

I really have nothing going on tonight. Maybe look for a job. The MGS4 release is tonight at midnight. Unfortunately I won't be there.

MYheartACHES4u's photo
Wed 06/11/08 05:46 PM

Me lying on your floor getting stepped on by everyone that walks in cause they don't know how to walk around me!:tongue: :tongue:

are your shoes on or offdevil devil

Off of course..I never wear shoes unless I have to:tongue:

damn as long as they are off you are off limits

kirk443's photo
Wed 06/11/08 05:47 PM

frown frown nothing. another night alonesad sad
it does not have 2 be that way:tongue:

kirk443's photo
Wed 06/11/08 05:47 PM

tonite everyonebigsmile

I really have nothing going on tonight. Maybe look for a job. The MGS4 release is tonight at midnight. Unfortunately I won't be there.
have u found my banana 80s game yet?drinker

Godschosengirl's photo
Wed 06/11/08 05:47 PM

frown frown nothing. another night alonesad sad
it does not have 2 be that way:tongue:

oh, really?huh

kirk443's photo
Wed 06/11/08 05:48 PM
flowerforyou blushing

FaithfulOne78's photo
Wed 06/11/08 05:48 PM

Me lying on your floor getting stepped on by everyone that walks in cause they don't know how to walk around me!:tongue: :tongue:

are your shoes on or offdevil devil

Off of course..I never wear shoes unless I have to:tongue:

damn as long as they are off you are off limits
devil devil

robert1652's photo
Wed 06/11/08 05:49 PM

Me lying on your floor getting stepped on by everyone that walks in cause they don't know how to walk around me!:tongue: :tongue:
At least is better than being stuck outside the JSH like I was. Homeless for the night I was.

bl4cks4bb4th's photo
Wed 06/11/08 05:49 PM

tonite everyonebigsmile

I really have nothing going on tonight. Maybe look for a job. The MGS4 release is tonight at midnight. Unfortunately I won't be there.
have u found my banana 80s game yet?drinker

No. I've been looking, but I still can't find anything about it. I'm Googleing as hard as I can

FaithfulOne78's photo
Wed 06/11/08 05:50 PM

Me lying on your floor getting stepped on by everyone that walks in cause they don't know how to walk around me!:tongue: :tongue:
At least is better than being stuck outside the JSH like I was. Homeless for the night I was.


robert1652's photo
Wed 06/11/08 05:51 PM

tonite everyonebigsmile

I really have nothing going on tonight. Maybe look for a job. The MGS4 release is tonight at midnight. Unfortunately I won't be there.
have u found my banana 80s game yet?drinker

No. I've been looking, but I still can't find anything about it. I'm Googleing as hard as I can

loads of hard plantins any one?