Topic: Would you ..
Johncenawlife316's photo
Wed 06/11/08 01:12 PM
Take a job as a manager of a company you knew little about and it's 8:30 am - 5:30 pm M-F. With paid training.

Well I am so unsure if I should jump for this or skip and wait for something else. I mean being in charge of hiring people and customer service of some kind seem's a bit stress full if I do say so my self.

What happen is when I was at work last night I got a call from this company called RockLand any how I worked up enough to call them back today and found out that much. Some how they came across my rusume online etc because I don't recall sending one to them.

I know it's full time and I haven't worked full time in I don't know when, oh wait that's when retail hours pick up lol, no but really I am a bit iffy since I never been offer such a job because and surely it would be a bit closer to home and all, it would just be different from what I am use to doing.

I'm just not sure what to do right now is all. That and thinking about taking two classics online, is a lot to think about.

Sure I would have more income and all and get out of the job I dislike but I hate those voices in the back of my head that always keep me second guessing. I mean it's not that I am scared of doing this it's that I am unsure about it all.

Any advice.

no photo
Wed 06/11/08 01:13 PM
take it

Tazz42's photo
Wed 06/11/08 01:14 PM
Go for it! You might find that you really like it! Don't ever pass up an oportunity when it comes your way!

GOOD LUCK!:smile:

kitcat87's photo
Wed 06/11/08 01:15 PM
take it

ujGearhead's photo
Wed 06/11/08 01:16 PM
If you don't like it you can always quit.

no photo
Wed 06/11/08 01:16 PM
take a pass..that way you can spend the rest of your life wondering if you made the right choice or gave up the best job of your life...indifferent

Johncenawlife316's photo
Wed 06/11/08 01:23 PM

If you don't like it you can always quit.

True,even though I hate quitting and all.

Johncenawlife316's photo
Wed 06/11/08 01:23 PM

take a pass..that way you can spend the rest of your life wondering if you made the right choice or gave up the best job of your life...indifferent

Yeah also true.