Topic: pt 3 "Our Unbelief" | |
We must now consider unbelief, which is to opposite of faith. We can choose to have faith in God after receiving revelation of the truth about Him, or we can choose unbelief. Which one do you fall into? Unbelief produces consequences that we need to be aware of. All of us know we have frailties. Although it is unpleasant for us to uncover our weaknesses, it is important for us to understand what they are. Likewise, all of us live with guilt of our imperfections. Although it is difficult for us to face our guilt, it is important for us to understand our moral and spiritual imperfections. These imperfections keep us from enjoying an eternal relationship with the Holy God. The mistakes we make in life, our actions, words and thoughts, which violate God’s laws, God calls sin, and our sin prevents us from having a life with God. Sin begins in our when we disobey God. Sin is missing the mark of God’s perfection, and we are all guilty of missing the mark. Sin separates us from God and can poison our relationships with other people. Just as a body without physical life is declared physically dead, so anyone who is separated from God, the giver and sustainer of life. But we don’t have to stay that way! God, in His love, has allowed us a way our sins can be forgiven. We humans find ourselves in a terrible predicament. Because of God’s purity, no sin can enter Heaven’s gates. And neither can a person who is stained with sin. Consequently, the matter of our sin needs to be dealt with. God devises a plan to deal with our sin in order for us to be fit for Heaven. It is important at this time to explain why our lives are considered impure in God’s eyes. Adam’s sin of disobeying God’s command in the Garden of Eden at our Earth’s beginning brought the curse of sin to rest upon all humanity, which includes us today. With his eating of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and evil which God had forbid him to do. Adam brought death to himself and all of humanity since. He listened to satan’s voice rather then god’s and the consequences resulted in both physical and spiritual death. Since the time of Adam, human nature has been sinful, which means we have a tendency to disobey God. David declares in the Psalms, “Surely I was sinful at birth, sinful from the time my mother conceived me.” (Psalm 51:5) Adam set in motion the sinful nature that we each have even from birth, and because of this we are born with a rebellious spirit. Christ came to earth for the purpose of redeeming us from the eternal dondemning consequences of our sin. When Christ died on the cross, he made it possible dor all humans to adopted as God’s spiritual children. He did this by defeating and destroying the powers of sin, satan and death that hold us captive. Paul says that “God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself.” Jesus Christ was fully God, and yet he joined himself to our nature by becoming a man. He had a body with bones and organs and blood, just like any other man. He was tempted just as we are. And he suffered trials and tribulations just as we do. But, unlike us, Jesus never sinned. Even when all the power of the Temple authorities, and all the power of the Roman Empire, and all the power of satan’s realm were unleashed against him, he remained sinless. Instead of running from his accusers, or telling them what they wanted to hear, he faced them in serene silence. God’s plan for us is to realize how Jesus accomplished this victory! There are three essential truths. First Jesus was a man, representing us before his Father in Heaven. Second Jesus is God, and therefore he lives eternally with the Father. Third, Jesus was sinless (perfect in his obedience) and therefore the shed blood on Calvary’s cross, acknowledged by God the Father, broke the curse of sin that has held the human race captive from the time of Adam and Eve through present day. Sadly, many people scoff at the things of God and the provision He made for us, not realizing their disbelief and sin will not change any of the facts. People often ask, “Is there more then one path that leads to Heaven?” Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life, No one comes to the Father except through me.” People also ask me a lot well how do I let Jesus into my life…..It’s simple. "Heavenly Father, I thank you for sending Jesus to die on the Cross for me. Lord Jesus, I thank you for giving your life for me on the Cross. Jesus, I ask you right now to come into my life and be my Savior. I confess to You my sins and ask You to forgive me of my sins and cover them with you shed blood you gave many years ago at Calvary. I acknowledge I need you as Savior and Lord of my life, in order to me to ever go to Heaven. I repent of my sins and I ask You to help me to live my life, and to turn from then and to seek to bring You honor every day. Lord Jesus, thank you for the gift of everlasting life as I look to you for my way to heaven. I pray in you Mighty precious name, Lord Jesus. Amen." God Bless and peace be with you all. |
Hey Lady..... How are you?
I almost want to post to topic but I can't do religious threads well. I just saw it was you and wanted to say hello. ![]() |
Hey Lady..... How are you? I almost want to post to topic but I can't do religious threads well. I just saw it was you and wanted to say hello. ![]() Hi lilith....I know you not good at religion....but I don't care I still love ya madly any way......How is life? Are you going to come visit the match game soon? Giggle...... |
I'm getting to thinking about it.....
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there is no such thing as "sin" or "original sin", god the immortal, gave humans the mortals, the ability to choose..that was "god-given", its a test, not a sin...we are free to choose the path towards discovery of the unknown (god) or the controlled (man-made). What you would call faith is merely choosing the path towards the unknown and hoping it leads us towards a better understanding of god's will...
Note that I didnt say god's will FOR US..that is a totally selfish, self centered ideal, (like saying god sent his only son to die for OUR sins)..god is not here to serve, god is not here to be served, god is here to be understood and emulated..the devine made manifest within the mortal. Since god is in all of its creations, then how can there be sin, unless god himself is sinful..? |
there is no such thing as "sin" or "original sin", god the immortal, gave humans the mortals, the ability to choose..that was "god-given", its a test, not a sin...we are free to choose the path towards discovery of the unknown (god) or the controlled (man-made). What you would call faith is merely choosing the path towards the unknown and hoping it leads us towards a better understanding of god's will... Note that I didnt say god's will FOR US..that is a totally selfish, self centered ideal, (like saying god sent his only son to die for OUR sins)..god is not here to serve, god is not here to be served, god is here to be understood and emulated..the devine made manifest within the mortal. Since god is in all of its creations, then how can there be sin, unless god himself is sinful..? Nice input. Very cool to think about. They would rather believe in crazy ideas like being held responsible for some guy eating fruit way back when, then to look into the simple truths you point out here. peace in truth. ![]() |
We must now consider unbelief, which is to opposite of faith. We can choose to have faith in God after receiving revelation of the truth about Him, or we can choose unbelief. Which one do you fall into?
I didn't bother reading the rest of your post because I know that you are just proselytizing Christianity. I know this partly because I know you, but also the Capital "H" in him is a dead giveaway that you're a Jesus freak. Nothing wrong with likely Jesus, he was portrayed in the bible as having been completely sinless, born of a virgin mother, and clearly divine. And then he ends up being brutally and seemingly unjustifiably crucified by those nasty Romans. However the truth of the actually story is that it was his plan to be nailed to a cross from even before he was born of a virgin. So you can hardly blame the Romans for what the biblical God had intended to do with his supposed son. Moreover, you probably don't even realize that if Jesus paid for your sins by being nailed to a cross, that means that you are the reason he had to be crucified. To accept Jesus as your savior is the same ad confessing that you are guilty of making it necessary for him to have to be nailed to a pole in the first place. You are also accepting that the Romans nailed him to a pole for your sake. In other word to accept Jesus as your savior it the same as nailing him to the cross yourself. Had you been there you wouldn't dare life a finger to stop the crucifixion because to do so is the same as shouting out, 'NO! I don't accept having this man nailed to a cross for my sake!" So you see Debbie, to accept Jesus as your savior, is to accept that he was nailed to the pole for your sake. You are condoning the crucifixion to save your own but. You'd rather see Jesus nailed to a cross than to face the possibility of death. I've read the story Debbie, and if the story is true, I decline. I cannot in good conscience condone nailing Jesus to a pole to save me from death. I must decline in principle. I'm see myself standing at Mt. Calvary and saying, "No! I don't not condone nailing this man to a cross, even if it means that I will die". And I must take this stance Debbie because the biblical God is said to be all-knowing. It is claimed that he knows all there is to know for all of time past and future. Therefore, in the biblical God's eyes I'm declining to accept his plan to have his son nailed to a cross for myself long before it ever happened. God knows before the beginning of time what my decision will be, because he is suppose to know everything including the future. So my decision to decline his plan is automatically sent clear back to the beginning of creation. I'm telling God at the very beginning of creation that I disagree with his deranged plan to have his son slaughtered on pole in order to pay for my sins. If he can't figure out how to set things up so that men can pay for their own sins then I refuse to play his game. That's my answer to the biblical God. And I'm giving him that answer before he even starts out on the project because he knows my thoughts even before I think them, even before I was born, even before he began creation. I'm declining his plan to have men murder his son to make me feel guilty. That's my 'vote' before creation even begins. And I don't care that it's not a democracy. I don't care that God is a fascist dictator. I'm still voicing my true and honest feelings. After all, surely you don't expect me to hide my true and honest feelings from God? To do so would mean that I would have to continue to hide my true and honest feelings from God for the rest of eternity. I could never reveal to him the truth that I think he plan for creation sucks. So rather than cowering down to the biblical God and pretending to agree with his methods and plans when in fact I don't, I prefer to be truthful. I choose not to lie to God. I choose to tell God the truth about how I feel. I feel that his plan to have men slaughter his son on pole as an appeasement to himself to pay for my disobedience toward him is a terrible plan. I also don't even see what sense it makes on so many levels not the least of which is that there is not even any option for men to pay for their own sins even if they wanted to. I must object to the whole plan. I disagree with the biblical God and even though the biblical God is portrayed as the ultimate authority and an unwavering fascist dictator I must still voice my true and honest feelings and face the death penalty that he has dictated must be bestowed upon me. I choose death given his options, because the only other choice is to live an eternal lie pretending that I agree with his demented design when in truth I don't. I do not agree with it, I think it's a terrible plan in so many ways. I must be truthful with both God and myself, and the truth is that I do not condone or agree with this madness. Thankfully I don't believe this picture of God is true. I think it's entirely a manmade fabrication of human imagination tainted with demagoguery designed to keep people under the thumb of an authoritarian church using unwarranted guilt, fear, and superstitious notions. Many of which seem utterly and blatantly absurd to me. I've also found a different picture of God that is far more loving. No demons exist in this world other than the ones that humans create in their own minds. Can a human become demonic? Most certainly! But not because any external demons coerced them. Only because they choose to become demonic. God herself is pure and perfect, she has nothing but unconditional love for everyone, including those who chose to be demonic in their decisions and actions. She is truly all-forgiving, truly all-merciful, truly all-wise. She has no need to have her only begotten daughter nailed to a pole to save mankind from their inherently evil nature. She didn't give men an inherently evil nature. She gave men an inherently free nature. All men will have to face their own choices. All men will have to answer for their own deeds. There's no free moral lunch in God's creation. You can't get free tickets to Jesus World just by believing in an ancient doctrine. If you want to be reincarnated into Jesus World you have to act out the part that earns that reincarnation. Otherwise you'll be reincarnated into a lesser world. Maybe one like Earth. Or maybe one that's even worse. It's your choice. Clinging to an automatic savior isn't how you get to heaven Debbie. If you want to get to heaven you need to rehearse for the part. ![]() |
We must now consider unbelief, which is to opposite of faith. We can choose to have faith in God after receiving revelation of the truth about Him, or we can choose unbelief. Which one do you fall into?
I didn't bother reading the rest of your post because I know that you are just proselytizing Christianity. I know this partly because I know you, but also the Capital "H" in him is a dead giveaway that you're a Jesus freak. Nothing wrong with likely Jesus, he was portrayed in the bible as having been completely sinless, born of a virgin mother, and clearly divine. And then he ends up being brutally and seemingly unjustifiably crucified by those nasty Romans. However the truth of the actually story is that it was his plan to be nailed to a cross from even before he was born of a virgin. So you can hardly blame the Romans for what the biblical God had intended to do with his supposed son. Moreover, you probably don't even realize that if Jesus paid for your sins by being nailed to a cross, that means that you are the reason he had to be crucified. To accept Jesus as your savior is the same ad confessing that you are guilty of making it necessary for him to have to be nailed to a pole in the first place. You are also accepting that the Romans nailed him to a pole for your sake. In other word to accept Jesus as your savior it the same as nailing him to the cross yourself. Had you been there you wouldn't dare life a finger to stop the crucifixion because to do so is the same as shouting out, 'NO! I don't accept having this man nailed to a cross for my sake!" So you see Debbie, to accept Jesus as your savior, is to accept that he was nailed to the pole for your sake. You are condoning the crucifixion to save your own but. You'd rather see Jesus nailed to a cross than to face the possibility of death. I've read the story Debbie, and if the story is true, I decline. I cannot in good conscience condone nailing Jesus to a pole to save me from death. I must decline in principle. I'm see myself standing at Mt. Calvary and saying, "No! I don't not condone nailing this man to a cross, even if it means that I will die". And I must take this stance Debbie because the biblical God is said to be all-knowing. It is claimed that he knows all there is to know for all of time past and future. Therefore, in the biblical God's eyes I'm declining to accept his plan to have his son nailed to a cross for myself long before it ever happened. God knows before the beginning of time what my decision will be, because he is suppose to know everything including the future. So my decision to decline his plan is automatically sent clear back to the beginning of creation. I'm telling God at the very beginning of creation that I disagree with his deranged plan to have his son slaughtered on pole in order to pay for my sins. If he can't figure out how to set things up so that men can pay for their own sins then I refuse to play his game. That's my answer to the biblical God. And I'm giving him that answer before he even starts out on the project because he knows my thoughts even before I think them, even before I was born, even before he began creation. I'm declining his plan to have men murder his son to make me feel guilty. That's my 'vote' before creation even begins. And I don't care that it's not a democracy. I don't care that God is a fascist dictator. I'm still voicing my true and honest feelings. After all, surely you don't expect me to hide my true and honest feelings from God? To do so would mean that I would have to continue to hide my true and honest feelings from God for the rest of eternity. I could never reveal to him the truth that I think he plan for creation sucks. So rather than cowering down to the biblical God and pretending to agree with his methods and plans when in fact I don't, I prefer to be truthful. I choose not to lie to God. I choose to tell God the truth about how I feel. I feel that his plan to have men slaughter his son on pole as an appeasement to himself to pay for my disobedience toward him is a terrible plan. I also don't even see what sense it makes on so many levels not the least of which is that there is not even any option for men to pay for their own sins even if they wanted to. I must object to the whole plan. I disagree with the biblical God and even though the biblical God is portrayed as the ultimate authority and an unwavering fascist dictator I must still voice my true and honest feelings and face the death penalty that he has dictated must be bestowed upon me. I choose death given his options, because the only other choice is to live an eternal lie pretending that I agree with his demented design when in truth I don't. I do not agree with it, I think it's a terrible plan in so many ways. I must be truthful with both God and myself, and the truth is that I do not condone or agree with this madness. Thankfully I don't believe this picture of God is true. I think it's entirely a manmade fabrication of human imagination tainted with demagoguery designed to keep people under the thumb of an authoritarian church using unwarranted guilt, fear, and superstitious notions. Many of which seem utterly and blatantly absurd to me. I've also found a different picture of God that is far more loving. No demons exist in this world other than the ones that humans create in their own minds. Can a human become demonic? Most certainly! But not because any external demons coerced them. Only because they choose to become demonic. God herself is pure and perfect, she has nothing but unconditional love for everyone, including those who chose to be demonic in their decisions and actions. She is truly all-forgiving, truly all-merciful, truly all-wise. She has no need to have her only begotten daughter nailed to a pole to save mankind from their inherently evil nature. She didn't give men an inherently evil nature. She gave men an inherently free nature. All men will have to face their own choices. All men will have to answer for their own deeds. There's no free moral lunch in God's creation. You can't get free tickets to Jesus World just by believing in an ancient doctrine. If you want to be reincarnated into Jesus World you have to act out the part that earns that reincarnation. Otherwise you'll be reincarnated into a lesser world. Maybe one like Earth. Or maybe one that's even worse. It's your choice. Clinging to an automatic savior isn't how you get to heaven Debbie. If you want to get to heaven you need to rehearse for the part. ![]() Abra if you know me so well...then why do you come to my posts???????....they are not going to change...they are always going to be based on God, Jesus Christ and the Bible....... |
I come to your proselytizing posts because I know what you are selling.
I come to serve the public interest. I am here for humanity. And for God's sake. Yes, I feel that I'm working for God too in a way. Just a different picture of God than you work for. ![]() I'm posting alternative views of reality for the sake of enriching the forums with a diversity of thought. After all, these are public forums are they not? If you want to brainwash people without interruption you should start a proselytizing web site. Your posts are suggesting to people that they only way that can get to heaven is if they believe in the religion of your choice. Your posts make every attempt to brainwash people into believing that if they fail to accept the biblical God they are rejecting God. Your posts make every attempt to make people feel guilty. Your posts make every attempt to try to make people believe that there is a demon named Satan who is blinding them to God's truth. In other words you're have been brainwashed by a book that makes all these claims. I'm simply trying to show people why the claims are absurd. And to further enlighten them that even if the claims are true the resulting Godhead of this story would be extremely manipulative, deceitful, and downright unreasonable. You talk about belief like it is a matter of choice. Just believe in this and you'll be saved. I claim that it would be a lie to pretend to believe in something you truly don't believe in. I'm somewhat down-to-earth. I believe in gravity and that if I jump without any technological machines to help me, I will quickly return to the ground. I believe this because this has been my experience and not matter how hard I try to believe otherwise I can't sprout wings and fly. It would be foolish for me to go through life claiming to believe that I can sprout wings and fly when I know I can't. Religions no different. You're asking me to believe in an utterly outrageous incredulous story that has no basis in fact. On the contrary there is an infinity of reasons to deny it. It's totally logically inconsistent and self-contradictory. These are truths Debbie. You are asking me,(and you are asking me when you proselytize on a public forum), to "believe" in utter absurdities. But how could I possible 'believe' in them? All I could possible do is brainwash myself into pretending that I can believe in them. Just like I could brainwash myself into pretending that I can spout wings and fly. But all the while I know I can't do that. The belief cannot be a "belief" at all. At best it can be a pretense of wishful thinking. Finally, as I elaborated on in my previous post. Even if the biblical story is true, I would have to decline its offer. I would have no choice. I disagree with God that is portrayed in the biblical stories. It would be a pretense for me to pretend to agree with it just to appease it so that I could serve under it in its heaven for the rest of eternity. So even if these incredulous absurd stories are true, I would still have no choice but to decline the offer made but this fascist dictating God. I do not agree with its plan and methods and to pretend that I do just for the sake of appeasing it would be living a lie. If I can't find a picture of a God that can accept me through truth, then I genuinely choice to die. I have no choice but to reject the biblical God's offer of eternal life, because they only way I could be eligible for that eternal life is to pretend that I agree with its methods and plans. I couldn't be truthful with the biblical God and confess that I disagree with its methods and plans. I can only go to the biblical God via a lie. I could only serve under the biblical God by living a lie for all of eternity pretending to agree with it when in truth I do not. If I can't live in truth with my creator then I choice death. So it truly doesn't matter to me whether the biblical story is true or not. I would have to lie (fake my true principles) to appease it. It's a totally hopeless creed. Again, let me say that I just post my honest sincere thoughts on this public forum for the sake of sharing my own personal testimony with humanity. Why should I have to sit back whilst you try to brainwash innocent people with feelings of guilt, despair, and rejection should they choose to not believe in the biblical picture. I'm sick of these brainwashing tactics to try to fill people with feelings of guilt, despair, and rejection. God does not reject people just because they don't believe in utterly incredulous manmade mythologies that were clearly designed to make people feel guilty, desperate, and rejected if they fail to succumb to the authority of the church (The doctrine! The Bible as the ultimate authority and only word of God!} It's baloney. But not to worry Debbie. The real God still loves you just as much as she loves everyone else. And she doesn't even expect you to give up your fairytales. But I'm sure that she would be very pleased if you would just live your own life instead of trying to convince everyone else that they should feel guilty, desperate, and rejected if they don't believe like you do. ![]() |
Well you just have fun with that....and as long as you are around....I will follow also with a different way to look at things...because to me the only way is through Jesus Christ.....end of story......and if you want to believe in your have fun with that also...
......and if you want to believe in your have fun with that also... I am haing fun with it. ![]() I prefer to refer to god as a she because I like to think of god in that way. Also notice the use of the lowercase 'g' in the 'god' because god had no ego. She has no gender either but no one likes to refer to god as an 'it'. You prefer to think of your God as a He, always using captial letters because He will be offended if you don't recognize his Ego. Your Hegod has amitions to rule the world as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, and let's make sure we Capitalize all of those Lables so we don't offend His Ego. You view of god seems to be all about recognizing God's authortity whether you agree with His auhotrity or not. If you disagree with it you have to lie to yourself and to Him and pretend that you do. Or at least submit to His desires whether you agree with them or not. My view of god is one of LOVE. ![]() Period amen. Oh wait, I used all caps for LOVE. Oh well,... if that's all that's important to god then I guess all-caps is cool. ![]() And yes Feral, I'm just having fun with my shegod. ![]() That's one thing I LOVE about her. She so much FUN! And ultimately god is no more female than male. But then Mother Earth probably isn't really a female planet either. And Mother Nature also has no gender (or she has all gender) depending on how you want to look at it. ![]() My truck isn't female either but I think she runs great. My car isn't a male but for some reason that's the way I think of him. Why do I think of my truck as a female and my car as a male. I have NO IDEA! ![]() It's just the impressions I got from hanging around with them. ![]() |
......and if you want to believe in your have fun with that also... I am haing fun with it. ![]() I prefer to refer to god as a she because I like to think of god in that way. Also notice the use of the lowercase 'g' in the 'god' because god had no ego. She has no gender either but no one likes to refer to god as an 'it'. You prefer to think of your God as a He, always using captial letters because He will be offended if you don't recognize his Ego. Your Hegod has amitions to rule the world as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, and let's make sure we Capitalize all of those Lables so we don't offend His Ego. My view of god is one of LOVE. ![]() Period amen. But then Mother Earth probably isn't really a female planet either. And Mother Nature also has no gender (or she has all gender) depending on how you want to look at it. ![]() My truck isn't female either but I think she runs great. My car isn't a male but for some reason that's the way I think of him. Why do I think of my truck as a female and my car as a male. I have NO IDEA! ![]() It's just the impressions I got from hanging around with them. ![]() The bible was written by men, with concepts that were meant to be digested and acceptable in a male dominated ancient society. Because of this the pronoun He was used frequently. In truth if there was ever proof that the "God" spoke of in the bible ever had a physical penis, true gender, or physical lust I missed it. In fact the belief in the gender of god as a man may (or may not) reach back to ancient pagan beliefs that would sacrifice a virgin to the god so that he might enjoy taking her virginity himself. (This is in no way meant to claim people thought so I am simply trying to explain ancient cultural views and workings as I understand them.) Ancient people were simple and most were uneducated, for them to imagine a god without gender may have been difficult so rather than dehumanize "God" by saying it they were forced to choose a gender in writings. HE was a obvious choice to avoid having a ancient chauvenistic culture reject everything because they refused to bow to a woman. All of this said although I believe that the whole gender debate is silly I do agree that procreation is by a single gender is more believable as a woman than a man. Even the bible offers Mary as a supposed example of the possibility of spontanious single gender procreation and she was indeed a woman. Nowhere in history or the bible has any hint of a man spontaniously becoming pregnant, gestating, and giving birth to a child. Only a woman has done this, it was only Mary, and the bible is one of the only volumes in spiritual history to ever elude to such a possibility. Only women give birth so it is natural that many people refer to the Christian God as a she. Although some may in error claim this affirms that God would be a male by making Mary concieve this argument would imply that this "God" was a lustful god given to physical lust or the desire for physical pro-creation when indeed the whole point of "God" is supposed to be a spiritual rather than physical manifestation. It was said in the bible that we were created in "his image" but basically it failed to specify in what way. Some believe this means physical form but I believe if there is any truth to it this is more likely to mean our spiritual form which seperates us from animals. Otherwise one could claim that apes, Chimps, and the like (anything with two arms, legs, and capable of walking upright) would be a close reprsentation of being made in the image of "God". So far as god goes when I say god (or goddess) I refer to a higher being. God although an incacurate use is usually used to refer to the god of the hebrews as a name. I find it interesting that this is done in the english language because in theory it would be more accurate to use the hebrew word for god as a name or qualifier but this is only my opinion regarding religeous culture. With all of this said it is my personal belief that when Feral says HE or Abra says She you are both right because it is simply your human tendency to apply known gender concepts to a being beyond our understanding and in essense unimportant. We use labels as a tool to understand things, and ANY god or goddess or higher power without gender is something beyond the understanding of humankind. Rather than define the nature of a higher power these pronouns simply aid us in conveying throughts or our personal views without effecting the higher power itself. |
We must now consider unbelief, which is to opposite of faith. We can choose to have faith in God after receiving revelation of the truth about Him, or we can choose unbelief. Which one do you fall into?
I didn't bother reading the rest of your post because I know that you are just proselytizing Christianity. I got just about that far, too, same deal. Then I had a Tonto moment, thinking "What's this 'we' crap, Kimmasabbe?" Then I got to thinking about this old post from a Usenet group I used to frequent. Frames the rebuttal rather nicely, I think... ========= 6.50 AM. Dawn. Small town with a grassy hillside sloping up behind it. Helicopters buzz overhead, and the lights of emergency vehicles flash. A black car draws up. Tall, dark, handsome priest gets out, followed by a beautiful red-haired nun. (Though only an expert eye could identify her suit and blouse as the habit of the Sisters of St Thomas the Doubter.) They duck under a striped tape barrier. Friar Mulder (striding up the slope): It's a Presbyterian heresy, you know, that angels have no free will. Sister Scully: I don't know, Fox, there's nothing about that in Calvin, or Luther, or ... Mulder: Hah! Yes, and you won't find the words 'vapour canopy' or 'C14 decay' in the _Institutio_ either, but would you deny that Creationism is a specifically Presbyterian heresy? Scully (quietly): Seventh Day Adventist, actually. Mulder: Same thing. In the good old days, Mommy would have had them both burned at the same stake. Sister Scully looks skywards with a 'God give me strength' expression. Fire-fighters and other rescue workers pass in the opposite direction, carrying large pieces of white marble. Scully: So what has all this to do with what we have here? Mulder: Lot of fundies in the military. They're the only sort of people who could chase an angel at Mach 2 and actually bring it down. They reach the top of the slope and look down the other side. In the grassy hillside a marble statue of an angel with a 100-metre wingspan appears to have crashed face down and shattered into a million pieces, which rescue workers are removing one by one. <Cough> A more senior cleric is standing beside Mulder and Scully. Smoke puffs from under the brim of his hat. Cigarette-smoking priest: The story is that the statue was being flown in over the coast when the pilot had to jettison it ... Mulder (laughs harshly): Statue? Like the flying Christ in _La Dolce Vita_? At Mach 2? This size? Don't make me laugh. <Smoke flickers like a tongue>: Mach 2? Scully: We've seen the radar traces. We have tapes of the chase. <Cough>: You *had* tapes of the chase. He drifts away. Mulder (shouting after him): Some day you'll slip up, Cancer Man! Scully: Now, that's something even *I* wish I could believe. ======== -Kerry O. |
The God that spoke to me was not a if your is abra then so be it.....
Blackbird I will go through what you have said.......and then brain is on overload at the moment....
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Sat 06/07/08 08:12 PM
Believe in one who sets me free I believe in one who heals me I believe in one who comforts me I believe in one who gives me joy I believe in one who softens my heart I believe in one who gives me everything I believe in one who leads me I believe in one who speaks to me I believe in one who gives me life I believe in one who shows me mercy I believe in one who prays for me I believe in one who is wonderful I believe in one who died for me |
I come to your proselytizing posts because I know what you are selling. I come to serve the public interest. I am here for humanity. And for God's sake. Yes, I feel that I'm working for God too in a way. Just a different picture of God than you work for. ![]() You aren't doing God any service...your a pagan & we all know what God says about pagans. It's all devil worship & a great deception. If you aren't obeying God you are glorifying the devil. There is NO fence sitting here. You come here to argue with people of faith. That is your only reason to comment at all. Let's get that one straight. As for us? The Bible says this... Blessed are those who HEAR the word of God & KEEP IT! Therefore take heed that the light in you is not darkness. If then your whole body is full of light, having no part dark, the whole body will be full of light, as when the bright shining of the lamp gives lights. For we with the Holy Spirit's help, by faith anticipate & WAIT FOR the blessing & good for which our righteousness & right standing with God to hope. We bear one another's burdens & troublesome moral faults, & in this way fulfill & observe perfectly the law of Christ, & complete what is lacking in YOUR obedience to it. God does expect us to be patient not only with each other but unbelievers "until Christ is completely & permanently formed within you." God says our present "suffering" is nothing compared to the glory that will be revealed. We live in hope unlike those who live in their vain glories. To hang tough... to not grow weary in doing good... in due time we will reap IF we faint not. We can afford to LIVE in faith that has something to hope for. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
The God that spoke to me was not a if your is abra then so be it.....
So now you're trying to claim that God actually spoke to you in a male voice? Are you sure it wasn't Funches? Here's the profile of convicted serial proselytizers. First they try to sell the biblical picture to people using the LOVE of Jesus. When that fails, they move on to step two,...the guilt trip,... They say, "Ok, if you won't come to God via love than know this! You're going to be really sorry for siding with Satan and rejecting God. I won't tell you that you're going to hell, but I will tell you that you aren't going to heaven and clearly that leaves only one other place to go so you better repent now!" When thet fails they start saying things like,... I know, like I know, like I know , like I know that God exists he actually SPOKE TO ME and yes he's a guy! Yeah, sure Deb. ![]() So why then did God reject me. I clearly accepted him and asked him to come into my life. If there was any rejecting going on it has to be in his court. ![]() He's screwed now. ![]() I've already found a female god that I'm dating and so yahoo (or whatever his name is) will just have to be the jealous God that He always wanted to be. |
......and if you want to believe in your have fun with that also... The bible was written by men, with concepts that were meant to be digested and acceptable in a male dominated ancient society. Because of this the pronoun He was used frequently. With all of this said it is my personal belief that when Feral says HE or Abra says She you are both right because it is simply your human tendency to apply known gender concepts to a being beyond our understanding and in essense unimportant. We use labels as a tool to understand things, and ANY god or goddess or higher power without gender is something beyond the understanding of humankind. Rather than define the nature of a higher power these pronouns simply aid us in conveying throughts or our personal views without effecting the higher power itself. The word of God is God inspired & not of us. It's very clear that "religion" is very different than living by faith & the word of God. In reference to a "she god" it's not about gender but made up gods that have no REAL power. It's called paganism & is clearly against God's word. In fact, it's an abomination to God. |
Edited by
Tue 06/10/08 04:04 PM
I come to your proselytizing posts because I know what you are selling. I come to serve the public interest. I am here for humanity. And for God's sake. Yes, I feel that I'm working for God too in a way. Just a different picture of God than you work for. ![]() You aren't doing God any service...your a pagan & we all know what God says about pagans. It's all devil worship & a great deception. If you aren't obeying God you are glorifying the devil. There is NO fence sitting here. You come here to argue with people of faith. That is your only reason to comment at all. Let's get that one straight. As for us? The Bible says this... Blessed are those who HEAR the word of God & KEEP IT! Therefore take heed that the light in you is not darkness. If then your whole body is full of light, having no part dark, the whole body will be full of light, as when the bright shining of the lamp gives lights. For we with the Holy Spirit's help, by faith anticipate & WAIT FOR the blessing & good for which our righteousness & right standing with God to hope. We bear one another's burdens & troublesome moral faults, & in this way fulfill & observe perfectly the law of Christ, & complete what is lacking in YOUR obedience to it. God does expect us to be patient not only with each other but unbelievers "until Christ is completely & permanently formed within you." God says our present "suffering" is nothing compared to the glory that will be revealed. We live in hope unlike those who live in their vain glories. To hang tough... to not grow weary in doing good... in due time we will reap IF we faint not. We can afford to LIVE in faith that has something to hope for. ![]() ![]() ![]() I am pagan, does that make me a bad person, or wrong in my convictions about spirituality? Does it make my years of study and research both as a Christian and as a Pagan to understand the nature of both the Christian God and the Christian faith any less valid? This is a Religion forum rather than a Christian forum which I happily stay out of as a unwelcome participant. Many of my beliefs do follow the teachings of Jesus as a spiritual being regardless of my conceptual understanding of him. Devil worship can only be achieved by someone who embraces all of the concepts of Christianity. To worship the devil contrary to the misconceptions of many in the Christian congregations is actually to worship Satan, who is a part of the Christian system of beliefs. To accuse a non Christian of devil worship is to in essense state that you believe that they are bound by your own beliefs whether you are right or wrong. It is my PERSONAL belief that if you stood before Christ in a manifestation as a human being he would either gently admonish you or slap you in the face for sacrilage and failure to follow his way. When I mention the possiblility of violence from one so obviously superior in spirit and understanding please go read your bible about his actions in the temple where he was anything but peaceful in his outrage against the corruption of religious practice. If you claim to hear the word of God then hear the words of his son Christ if you are indeed a Christian and follow his ways rather than the hostile teachings of a church created by man. It is per the Christian belief system the right of God and Christ to judge if you have additional passages written by God or Christ contradicting this please offer them right now. hostilitly and accusations are an act of darkness, so when you attack another discussing belief rather than discuss your difference in belief you are in essense per the Christian definition doing the work of the Devil and acting in direct opposition to Christ. If you are a true Christian I invite you to understand the error of your ways and reject the work of your Devil in order to understand the true sanctity of religion and spiriutuality as well as the divine nature of all life and all souls including Abra's whether you or I personally like him as an individual or not. Speak not of disobedience to a non christian and instead examine your own disobedience in the act of denying Jesus Christ by attacking and denying the sanctity of another "Child of God" per your own belief system. If you want to be Christian I invite you to act like one instead of acting like a non believer hiding behind christianity. IF you were correctly stating your own belief in saying "God does expect us to be patient not only with each other but unbelievers "until Christ is completely & permanently formed within you." how can you stomach then going against this by accusing someone of a non christian religion of worshiping your Devil? This is duplicity in a common example of false christian behavior. Notice I failed to capitalize christian because Christianity is by definition the following of Christ rather than the following of your own convictions. Faith is an acceptance rather than a denial of. I am unsure where you received your ideas of what Christianity should stand for, but I was required to read three different versions of the bible, later read more from them to better my understanding, and then read additional texts both modern and ancient in origin in order to better understand the Christian God and Jesus Christ. In invite all "christians" to go with God, and follow Christ if that is their choice, while rejecting unchristian like behavior coming from those who lie and say they follow Christ while they are actually following the prejudice and hatred of man or their own "Devil". So far as what GOD said, the hebrew god said nothing about pagans, it was men that said these things claiming they represented "God". And for that matter even these men were refering to ancient sects of Pagan worship, probably speaking of particular ones that no modern person has any real knowledge and surity about. ALL texts in ancient form must be taken in context and considered with their proposed meaning rather than modern views of any religion. Some neo pagan systems worship monotheistically just as christians do but with different names. The dual Goddess God nature of many pagan forms differs little in concept from a religion that splits God into a trinity of Father, son, and holy ghost. What is really in a name other than cultural pride or egotism? Has it occured to you that the Christian dogmatic approach to religion has encouraged and forced cultural genocide of almost all cultures throughout the world encouraging people to deny their own spiritual understandings and beliefs to adopt all that is hebrew? This is a form of racism even if done by belief rather than bloodline. I would suggest you stop thumping the bible or using it as a mousepad, and actually open it and read it rejecting hatred and seeking to understand the teachings of Christ, or admit that you are indeed not a Christian and give up the facade completely. |