Topic: I am falling apart at the seams
jisytg14's photo
Thu 06/05/08 03:57 PM
hey chin up.. there is plenty of love to go round.. whether it is to one special person... children you might work with.. friends or family... i think far too often we think the only kinda love that matters is romantic love with someone special... love yourself.. first.. then your family and friends and the rest will all fall into place

shoesmonkey's photo
Thu 06/05/08 03:57 PM

I have been on practically every singles site on the web, including this one. I haven't met a single soul who would like to go out with me. I have changed my profile wording more times than I can remember. My photo is relatively new. What is wrong with me that no one wants me? I am a good, decent person. I love to laugh and have a good time without all the bull crap of being drunk or doped up. I am feeling like there is no one out there for me and it is very disheartening. All I want is someone to love me. I have lots of love to give that special someone.
Sorry forsounding all depressedand al, but from where I stand, there isn't a "light at the end of the tunnel".

Ok now look, I do not intend to be mean in ANY WAY. Look at your pic. What do you realy think? Put on some make-up, do your hair. The angle of your pic. isn't good. Get dolled up like for a dateflowerforyou Have a friend take a pic. of your sweet, smiling face! Post that and good luck to us all!!!:heart: flowerforyou bigsmile bigsmile

robert1652's photo
Thu 06/05/08 03:59 PM

No Robert... why would I be annoyed with you?huh
your last posting about jack and jill had two blue faces that normally is smke signal for the fire to follow
any way glad not the caseflowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou
so here is another
Little Miss Muffet sat on a tuffet,
Her clothes all tattered and torn.
It wasn't the spider
That crept up beside her,
But Little Boy Blue and his horn.

robert1652's photo
Thu 06/05/08 04:01 PM

I have been on practically every singles site on the web, including this one. I haven't met a single soul who would like to go out with me. I have changed my profile wording more times than I can remember. My photo is relatively new. What is wrong with me that no one wants me? I am a good, decent person. I love to laugh and have a good time without all the bull crap of being drunk or doped up. I am feeling like there is no one out there for me and it is very disheartening. All I want is someone to love me. I have lots of love to give that special someone.
Sorry forsounding all depressedand al, but from where I stand, there isn't a "light at the end of the tunnel".

Ok now look, I do not intend to be mean in ANY WAY. Look at your pic. What do you realy think? Put on some make-up, do your hair. The angle of your pic. isn't good. Get dolled up like for a dateflowerforyou Have a friend take a pic. of your sweet, smiling face! Post that and good luck to us all!!!:heart: flowerforyou bigsmile bigsmile
Gentle does it shoemonkey I know you mean wellflowerforyou read my reply

LandRover28's photo
Thu 06/05/08 04:03 PM
I'm sure there's somebody out there for you. It's just that most men aren't attracted to homely women. You'll be fine.

tanyaann's photo
Thu 06/05/08 04:04 PM
hey now.... i'm homely. nothing wrong with homely!

shoesmonkey's photo
Thu 06/05/08 04:04 PM

I'm sure there's somebody out there for you. It's just that most men aren't attracted to homely women. You'll be fine.

You are absolutely horrible!!!!!!!!!!!!

shoesmonkey's photo
Thu 06/05/08 04:05 PM

hey now.... i'm homely. nothing wrong with homely!
Tanyaann, you're beautiful gurlflowerforyou

shoesmonkey's photo
Thu 06/05/08 04:06 PM

I'm sure there's somebody out there for you. It's just that most men aren't attracted to homely women. You'll be fine.

You are absolutely horrible!!!!!!!!!!!!
Stupid blue box!explode

tanyaann's photo
Thu 06/05/08 04:06 PM

hey now.... i'm homely. nothing wrong with homely!
Tanyaann, you're beautiful gurlflowerforyou

ssshhhhhhh.... don't be telling anyone that! laugh

shoesmonkey's photo
Thu 06/05/08 04:07 PM

hey now.... i'm homely. nothing wrong with homely!
Tanyaann, you're beautiful gurlflowerforyou

ssshhhhhhh.... don't be telling anyone that! laugh
I know the roller's are just your cover lol.

LandRover28's photo
Thu 06/05/08 04:08 PM
She asked what was wrong, so instead of all you liars out there. Maybe it's better she get the truth...

Blackbird's photo
Thu 06/05/08 04:13 PM
Men can have the same problem you know. It isn't easy to find people with real integrity or interest in other human beings in a world that can't stop encouraging people to hurt each other to get ahead.

Jill298's photo
Thu 06/05/08 04:17 PM

hey now.... i'm homely. nothing wrong with homely!
you are so not homelylaugh homely women so can not pull off lookin hot in curlersdrinker

tanyaann's photo
Thu 06/05/08 04:18 PM

She asked what was wrong, so instead of all you liars out there. Maybe it's better she get the truth...

Wow! that's uncalled for, just b/c you don't find her attractive does not mean that there aren't a hundred or a thousand men out there that would.

We aren't liars. I am glad that we aren't jerks, either!

BettyB's photo
Thu 06/05/08 04:21 PM

She asked what was wrong, so instead of all you liars out there. Maybe it's better she get the truth...

Wow! that's uncalled for, just b/c you don't find her attractive does not mean that there aren't a hundred or a thousand men out there that would.

We aren't liars. I am glad that we aren't jerks, either!

Right on Tanya!! At least she doesn,t have a square blue face

LandRover28's photo
Thu 06/05/08 04:22 PM

She asked what was wrong, so instead of all you liars out there. Maybe it's better she get the truth...

Wow! that's uncalled for, just b/c you don't find her attractive does not mean that there aren't a hundred or a thousand men out there that would.

We aren't liars. I am glad that we aren't jerks, either!

You set the limit. 100 or a 1000 guys out there? That's like finding a needle in a stack of needles!

tanyaann's photo
Thu 06/05/08 04:23 PM

She asked what was wrong, so instead of all you liars out there. Maybe it's better she get the truth...

Wow! that's uncalled for, just b/c you don't find her attractive does not mean that there aren't a hundred or a thousand men out there that would.

We aren't liars. I am glad that we aren't jerks, either!

You set the limit. 100 or a 1000 guys out there? That's like finding a needle in a stack of needles!

huh? that made no sense!

Blackbird's photo
Thu 06/05/08 04:30 PM
I used to sit in anguish going over websites trying to find someone I could relate to. Sometimes I would wonder why people couldn't like me for me, or I couldn't find a nice woman I find interesting that actually behaved well.

Eventually I just gave up. I realized that maybe I'm not meant to find that person that I can truly mesh with as a human being. I simply gave up on trying to find someone, and started ignoring the women that just wanted sex or to get inside my head.

It's silly to think there is something that wrong with us that no one would want us. Relationships whether friendship, romantic, casual, or even true love are all about compatibility. Only relationship satisfied people talk about how many there are out there because we all know it's not any easier than finding a needle in a haystack. As we get older we are more set in our ways, more defined so far as what type of people we are, and what kind of people we accept in your life. We all make choices and some of us would rather be alone (as painful as that can be) than be with the wrong person.

There are a few silver linings to the cloud though. All of the money I used to spend on dating I can spend on other things. No relationships or dating means there is no one to muck up your life details, or cause you serious relationship stress. I can do whatever I wish with my time, and answer to no one. I stopped having to deal with women that couldn't see their own problems but wanted me to change my life to please them. (Visit or move to other countries or states, wear polo brand clothes, ect ect). When I go to the fridge for something I know it's going to be there since I'm the only one raiding it. No women around means my shirts are safe and I get to keep them! I know these are small silly things, but it's meant to make you think, and make you laugh because I can't find what I need either.

Hope, does not float, it just makes the world look brighter. :)

longhairbiker's photo
Thu 06/05/08 04:43 PM
Do these jeans make my butt look fat? Or do I gotta hot sweet ass? Never mind the fact its getting arrested.