Topic: Why do SOME people have issues with dating single parents?
Fade2Black's photo
Wed 06/04/08 05:37 AM

I've gotten replies from guys stating they are not interested in dating me because I am a single mom. I'm not offended by it, because every one is entitled to there opinions as to what type of person they want to date. I personally don't have a problem dating a man that has a child/children.

I've asked the guys as to what their reasons were, but I don't get a reply. So I guess my question is, what are the reasons? Anybody got any incite on this?

I think some say that because they feel they would have to take on the responciblity and wouldn't have the time with you as they would if you were single. Just one thought that comes to mind of many.

it's called responsibility .. and many people don't want to take it. not for someone else's family. Besides that means they don't get as much time with you.

One guy I used to talk to wanted to wait until all my kids were out of the house. WTH. They will ALWAYS be in my life and I want someone who can blend WITH my family, not be set apart from them. Dumbass .. ha ha hagrumble (the guy .. not you sweets)

tearsofblood666's photo
Wed 06/04/08 05:42 AM
Edited by tearsofblood666 on Wed 06/04/08 05:51 AM
I can speak for myself as to why I personally find it difficult to be dating a single mom.
Basically my lifestyle and my schedules keeps me away for long long times, and a lot of stuff that I do makes it hard for me to be there as much as is needed for the whole thing to work.

Also I might add, that at my age, I would prefer someone more free or bindings like me.
I have tried to date someone with a kid, but there was a lot of drama, though I accepted her with the kid and all, so I guess it's not really for me.

My $0.02.

no photo
Wed 06/04/08 05:45 AM

I've gotten replies from guys stating they are not interested in dating me because I am a single mom. I'm not offended by it, because every one is entitled to there opinions as to what type of person they want to date. I personally don't have a problem dating a man that has a child/children.

I've asked the guys as to what their reasons were, but I don't get a reply. So I guess my question is, what are the reasons? Anybody got any incite on this?

Well, when I was younger (18-22 or thereabouts), I was in relationships with three consecutive older divorced women who had kids.

In each case, the women weren't really interested in a relationship at all; they wanted someone to come in and play Daddy.

Which is fine, as far as that goes -- but I eventually discovered that I had no aptitude for, nor interest in, being a parent (or substitute parent). Maybe it's because I was raised in an environment where there was little "parenting," per se, but the whole concept makes no sense to me and seems completely alien.

As a result, I have chosen not to date anyone with children. Which, admittedly, reduces the number of suitable potential candidates -- as does the fact I won't date anyone who drinks -- but I'd rather be alone than be with someone unsuitable.

And, despite the overwhelming odds against it, I have found the one person who truly matches up with my preferences. So anything is possible!

therooster's photo
Wed 06/04/08 05:59 AM
:smile: My 2 cents,,,,

In my case, my daughter would have to clic with the woman on some level,,,,,not as a potential mother. more importantly as a friend!!!!!!! drinker

tearsofblood666's photo
Wed 06/04/08 06:01 AM

I can speak for myself as to why I personally find it difficult to be dating a single mom.
Basically my lifestyle and my schedules keeps me away for long long times, and a lot of stuff that I do makes it hard for me to be there as much as is needed for the whole thing to work.

Also I might add, that at my age, I would prefer someone more free or bindings like me.

Someone around and close to my age with kids come across as a lot of responcibilities and kind of would prolly tie me down.

I have tried to date someone with a kid, but there was a lot of drama, though I accepted her with the kid and all, so I guess it's not really for me.

My $0.02.

hikerchick's photo
Wed 06/04/08 06:02 AM

I've gotten replies from guys stating they are not interested in dating me because I am a single mom. I'm not offended by it, because every one is entitled to there opinions as to what type of person they want to date. I personally don't have a problem dating a man that has a child/children.

I've asked the guys as to what their reasons were, but I don't get a reply. So I guess my question is, what are the reasons? Anybody got any incite on this?

Well, when I was younger (18-22 or thereabouts), I was in relationships with three consecutive older divorced women who had kids.

In each case, the women weren't really interested in a relationship at all; they wanted someone to come in and play Daddy.

Which is fine, as far as that goes -- but I eventually discovered that I had no aptitude for, nor interest in, being a parent (or substitute parent). Maybe it's because I was raised in an environment where there was little "parenting," per se, but the whole concept makes no sense to me and seems completely alien.

As a result, I have chosen not to date anyone with children. Which, admittedly, reduces the number of suitable potential candidates -- as does the fact I won't date anyone who drinks -- but I'd rather be alone than be with someone unsuitable.

And, despite the overwhelming odds against it, I have found the one person who truly matches up with my preferences. So anything is possible!

Lex, I meant to say this before..but I couldn't be happier for you.flowerforyou

I knew you would eventually post in this thread.

Sir_Galahad's photo
Wed 06/04/08 11:48 AM
I hate being honest...because it cuts me off from too many people...

but honestly, I don't want kids. So, unless they're already grown and out of the house--then I have to deal with kids.

But that's me--I can't speak for everyone else.

no photo
Wed 06/04/08 11:54 AM

I have two teenagers that live with me, and I have plenty of room in my house and heart for more.


RedKat's photo
Wed 06/04/08 12:40 PM
i don't mind the kids, i had a couple of girlfriends that had kids, i just don't like the mama and papa drama, or the fact she heaving trouble taking care of the kid, and she becomes money hungry, this is not always the case but i seen it and my ex-girlfriend used to fight with her ex like crazy, i said the hell with it, I'm not crazy about going down that line,again, unless shes got every thing cool and all.

no photo
Wed 06/04/08 12:44 PM
It also works both ways. How many 40 yr old + ladies would date a man with a 7 yr old? Not many I suppose.

BaseballFan's photo
Wed 06/04/08 04:23 PM
I can speak from experience with trying to blend a family. Mine was four children. 2 of mine, and two of hers. It takes a LOT of work to blend a family, not only do you work on your relationship with your partner, but with step children. There is always the dynamic of having to make sure the children all get along as well. Throw in the fact that maybe, the ex-spouses are involved too. (Mine and hers) They need to be accepting as adults, of you too. Children often find it difficult to deal with thier loyalties - mommy or daddy has a new partner. With joint custodies, the children go to the ex-spouse for a couple of days, and have to come back and make adjustments to your parenting style all over again. Their is a lot of patience, love, and nurturing in these types of relationships that many men AND women are not ready to explore or endure. One of the hardest things that I dealt with on a regular basis was pouring all my love and parenting into her kids, then they run off to their dad every other weekend, only to come back and sound as if they had the times of their lives. I felt like chopped liver. It's not easy to blend a family regardless of number of children. Anyway, that is my take on it.

BlueskyJ's photo
Wed 06/04/08 05:58 PM

that used to happen to me when my kids were younger....

If the kids split time with both parents then i have no problem....but when the children live full time with the mom then there usually is a problem with finding time to go out....

i once talked and emailed a full time mom for a month & we never went out on a date because there was always something else she was doing with the kids....even though she wanted to keep the communication up i figured if she couldn't see me after that long then when would she?

no photo
Wed 06/04/08 10:23 PM

It also works both ways. How many 40 yr old + ladies would date a man with a 7 yr old? Not many I suppose.

I would. I miss PTA, Band Boosters, 4-H & baking cupcakes.

chevylover1965's photo
Wed 06/04/08 10:28 PM
huh i dont have a promblem dating some one with kid's ?

ColdRain's photo
Wed 06/04/08 11:28 PM
Girls with kids scare me cause i feel like if i date them i will be expected to help her care for her kid. This might seem like a dum fear for some girls, but i have met plenty of girls who have pulled the "I have a kid what am i suposed to do" guilt trip on men trying to break up with them causthey ended up caring for the girls kid. Im sorry to the resposible single mothers out there, the few not so resposible girls out there screw it up for every one. Also when i get into a relationship with a girl i want to help her out any way i can, however helping raise a kid thats not mine is just something that i don't know i can do, plus if i fall in love and marry her i will be a step father. I don't much like the idea of being a step father.

elwoodsully's photo
Thu 06/05/08 06:09 AM
I've been chatting with a woman on here with kids. She is simply an amazing person. Does it scare me that she has kids? No. She's my age,and we both have pasts.

Here's to you, you. flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

Goofball73's photo
Thu 06/05/08 06:27 AM

I've gotten replies from guys stating they are not interested in dating me because I am a single mom. I'm not offended by it, because every one is entitled to there opinions as to what type of person they want to date. I personally don't have a problem dating a man that has a child/children.

I've asked the guys as to what their reasons were, but I don't get a reply. So I guess my question is, what are the reasons? Anybody got any incite on this?

Sad to say this, but single Mom's get a bad rep these days. And that rep comes from these single mothers who are out there looking for a "sugar daddy" or some man out there who will help take care of them and there kids. Hey, the truth hurts, and that is a fact. Some single mom's look for a man with this mindset. They don want love. They want someone to take care of them. So, when a guy meets a girl and she is a single parent, the red flag goes up. Not fair to all those single mothers who want to find a man who will love them and there kids. But, that is one reason guys avoid single mom's.

therooster's photo
Thu 06/05/08 06:35 AM
After reading through this thead,,,another thought,,,,, Someone might not to want to bond with a child in the relationship, for fear of, if you break it off, they have to end the connection with the child as well,,,,,,

Nurseguy08's photo
Thu 06/05/08 06:57 AM
I have no problems with kids even though I don't have any. Went out with a lady this past week with two boys 4 and 7)...the kids were great. They thought I was cool and kept asking me to stay.

ljcc1964's photo
Thu 06/05/08 08:40 AM
From my very own single mom perspective.....

I'm looking for love. I'm looking for a man who will love me more than life itself for the rest of our lives.

I happen to have one young son living with me and two older boys who may come to live with me at any moment. Not likely, but always a possibility.

The bottom line is that we are a package. Not to be sold separately. The last man in my life will not only love me, but love my boys....simply because they are mine.

I sure as hell am not looking for a sugar daddy, as I have come to be able to take care of me and mine perfectly and sufficiently on my own. I am looking for love because, simply put...being without a man is just an unnatural state. Life and love were meant to be shared by two souls. I can get through life just fine on my own.....but I just don't think that is the way it was meant to be.

I don't fault any of you men who don't want to deal with my children. You just obviously are not the one for me. :smile: