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Topic: He Strikes again
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Mon 06/02/08 03:58 PM

My father keeps telling me pretty much I'm a f*ck up. I know I am not what he expects from a daughter. I hate when he brings me down. I know I have messed up in the past a lot but I am trying my hardest to turn my life around but it just does not seem like enough. I do still live with my parents, I cant find a job anywhere I have tired everywhere even fast food places. I do have debt but I am trying and he can't seem to see that. I do not know what I can do... never in my life have I heard him say he is proud of me...everything I want to do with my life he shots me down. EMT,biotechnology,cop,army..shot down! He does not see me doing anything with my life. I'm so sick of this! brokenheart sad It hurts me more then anything knowing I'm not what he wants.

Very good advice.

maybe you should tell him this instead of us. I don't mean that in a rude way but maybe he doesn't know just how much of an ass he's being to you. Write him a letter if you can't face him. Sometimes we can't see the forest because of the tree.

Topsykretts's photo
Mon 06/02/08 03:59 PM

Jim519's photo
Mon 06/02/08 04:00 PM
Your 20yrs old

At what point are you going to say its my life? Take some control of it?

Your Father may or may not be who you describe...But seriously....Isnt it up to you? YOU and only YOU are responsible for your actions flowerforyou

redhead44613's photo
Mon 06/02/08 04:00 PM

My father keeps telling me pretty much I'm a f*ck up. I know I am not what he expects from a daughter. I hate when he brings me down. I know I have messed up in the past a lot but I am trying my hardest to turn my life around but it just does not seem like enough. I do still live with my parents, I cant find a job anywhere I have tired everywhere even fast food places. I do have debt but I am trying and he can't seem to see that. I do not know what I can do... never in my life have I heard him say he is proud of me...everything I want to do with my life he shots me down. EMT,biotechnology,cop,army..shot down! He does not see me doing anything with my life. I'm so sick of this! brokenheart sad It hurts me more then anything knowing I'm not what he wants.

maybe you should tell him this instead of us. I don't mean that in a rude way but maybe he doesn't know just how much of an ass he's being to you. Write him a letter if you can't face him. Sometimes we can't see the forest because of the tree.
he does know it hurts me.. he knows my mother has told him over an over again what I tell her about how I feel, the thing is he just does not care anymore

wildflower27203's photo
Mon 06/02/08 04:00 PM
forget him. you do what you gotta do for you and no one else. if he starts hounding you just say whatever and walk off. it usually works for me and i should know cuz i'm one of the world's biggest f*ckups when it comes to being a good daughter. i can never do anything right, even if its what my parents suggest.....its a no win situation and thats why you just have to do what you think is best for you:wink:

seahawks's photo
Mon 06/02/08 04:00 PM
it always seems we hurt the ones we love.!!!:cry:

Jim519's photo
Mon 06/02/08 04:01 PM

My father keeps telling me pretty much I'm a f*ck up. I know I am not what he expects from a daughter. I hate when he brings me down. I know I have messed up in the past a lot but I am trying my hardest to turn my life around but it just does not seem like enough. I do still live with my parents, I cant find a job anywhere I have tired everywhere even fast food places. I do have debt but I am trying and he can't seem to see that. I do not know what I can do... never in my life have I heard him say he is proud of me...everything I want to do with my life he shots me down. EMT,biotechnology,cop,army..shot down! He does not see me doing anything with my life. I'm so sick of this! brokenheart sad It hurts me more then anything knowing I'm not what he wants.

maybe you should tell him this instead of us. I don't mean that in a rude way but maybe he doesn't know just how much of an ass he's being to you. Write him a letter if you can't face him. Sometimes we can't see the forest because of the tree.
he does know it hurts me.. he knows my mother has told him over an over again what I tell her about how I feel, the thing is he just does not care anymore

Sounds like he is probably just fed up...JMO

Jtevans's photo
Mon 06/02/08 04:01 PM

My father keeps telling me pretty much I'm a f*ck up. I know I am not what he expects from a daughter. I hate when he brings me down. I know I have messed up in the past a lot but I am trying my hardest to turn my life around but it just does not seem like enough. I do still live with my parents, I cant find a job anywhere I have tired everywhere even fast food places. I do have debt but I am trying and he can't seem to see that. I do not know what I can do... never in my life have I heard him say he is proud of me...everything I want to do with my life he shots me down. EMT,biotechnology,cop,army..shot down! He does not see me doing anything with my life. I'm so sick of this! brokenheart sad It hurts me more then anything knowing I'm not what he wants.

i use that kinda stuff to motivate me.if people tell me i can't do something,i do it just to prove them wrong.:smile:

CleanBathroom's photo
Mon 06/02/08 04:04 PM
If all else fails, have your dad sign up here and I'll stalk him! :angry:

MyrtleBeachDude's photo
Mon 06/02/08 04:04 PM

My father keeps telling me pretty much I'm a f*ck up. I know I am not what he expects from a daughter. I hate when he brings me down. I know I have messed up in the past a lot but I am trying my hardest to turn my life around but it just does not seem like enough. I do still live with my parents, I cant find a job anywhere I have tired everywhere even fast food places. I do have debt but I am trying and he can't seem to see that. I do not know what I can do... never in my life have I heard him say he is proud of me...everything I want to do with my life he shots me down. EMT,biotechnology,cop,army..shot down! He does not see me doing anything with my life. I'm so sick of this! brokenheart sad It hurts me more then anything knowing I'm not what he wants.

maybe you should tell him this instead of us. I don't mean that in a rude way but maybe he doesn't know just how much of an ass he's being to you. Write him a letter if you can't face him. Sometimes we can't see the forest because of the tree.
he does know it hurts me.. he knows my mother has told him over an over again what I tell her about how I feel, the thing is he just does not care anymore

YOU tell him babygirl. Maybe he needs to hear it from you. Things like this will lose translation.

MyrtleBeachDude's photo
Mon 06/02/08 04:05 PM

If all else fails, have your dad sign up here and I'll stalk him! :angry:

laugh laugh laugh laugh

therooster's photo
Mon 06/02/08 04:08 PM

My father keeps telling me pretty much I'm a f*ck up. I know I am not what he expects from a daughter. I hate when he brings me down. I know I have messed up in the past a lot but I am trying my hardest to turn my life around but it just does not seem like enough. I do still live with my parents, I cant find a job anywhere I have tired everywhere even fast food places. I do have debt but I am trying and he can't seem to see that. I do not know what I can do... never in my life have I heard him say he is proud of me...everything I want to do with my life he shots me down. EMT,biotechnology,cop,army..shot down! He does not see me doing anything with my life. I'm so sick of this! brokenheart sad It hurts me more then anything knowing I'm not what he wants.

flowerforyou That's a hard place to be,,,,,When I have a problem with someone, and it is really getting to me in an emotional way,,,,, I start praying for them. And reminding myself that some people are sick. It's more important to me to learn how to forgive, than to be understood. flowerforyou

DebbieJT's photo
Mon 06/02/08 04:08 PM
you dont need his approval or respect..if you respect yourself and know you have done your best thats all that matters..wish my mum was here she had the same from her dad only 100 times worse hun believe me..but she came to a point in her life where she stopped looking up to him and looked to herself and she did good and so can you

redhead44613's photo
Mon 06/02/08 04:12 PM
thank you everyone for ur kind words and the help. I feel alittle better... just need to show him I can become a cop..just need to push myself more flowerforyou

DebbieJT's photo
Mon 06/02/08 04:14 PM

thank you everyone for ur kind words and the help. I feel alittle better... just need to show him I can become a cop..just need to push myself more flowerforyou
do it for you...not himflowerforyou

MyrtleBeachDude's photo
Mon 06/02/08 04:16 PM

thank you everyone for ur kind words and the help. I feel alittle better... just need to show him I can become a cop..just need to push myself more flowerforyou
do it for you...not himflowerforyou

agreed and nice new pic there Debbie

DebbieJT's photo
Mon 06/02/08 04:16 PM

thank you everyone for ur kind words and the help. I feel alittle better... just need to show him I can become a cop..just need to push myself more flowerforyou
do it for you...not himflowerforyou

agreed and nice new pic there Debbie
why thankyou kind sirflowerforyou

MedinaMan's photo
Mon 06/02/08 04:23 PM
You're only 20? Parents can do allot of damage intentionally and unintentionally.
Cant find a job? Go talk to a recruiter. Coast Guard. Two years, you dont have any kids? An outstanding chance to move, and be removed from verbal nonsense. Earn some schooling money, experience, serve our country etc etc. Otherwise, you're not taking control of the problem- gaming only numbs that pain. Gaming affects the SAME part of the brain that drugs do. Walk away from it.

I'll verbally abuse him on the phone for $5.

Now THAT is an outstanding idea! laugh

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