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Topic: What is romance
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Mon 06/02/08 01:46 PM
What would you consider romantic?flowerforyou

IamMewhoRU's photo
Mon 06/02/08 01:48 PM
****....if I knew i wouldn't be on here! laugh

ljcc1964's photo
Mon 06/02/08 01:49 PM
I got one!

A guy who loses his internet service drives around town looking for a hot spot he can use to get online with you.

no photo
Mon 06/02/08 01:50 PM

I got one!

A guy who loses his internet service drives around town looking for a hot spot he can use to get online with you.

laugh :tongue: laugh

No1sLove's photo
Mon 06/02/08 01:54 PM
Romance is a smile from across the room, a hand on your knee during a movie, a wink at the dinner table, a squeeze on the arm while your stirring the pasta, flowers for no reason, remembering a card on an occasion, a romantic weekend alone by the the lake, fireplace, or whatever, a picnic lunch brought to work to share, a walk in the cool summer breeze hand in hand and waking up to a smile in the morning that says I'm so glad you're here. flowerforyou Just a few things that are romantic to me.

no photo
Mon 06/02/08 01:56 PM

Romance is a smile from across the room, a hand on your knee during a movie, a wink at the dinner table, a squeeze on the arm while your stirring the pasta, flowers for no reason, remembering a card on an occasion, a romantic weekend alone by the the lake, fireplace, or whatever, a picnic lunch brought to work to share, a walk in the cool summer breeze hand in hand and waking up to a smile in the morning that says I'm so glad you're here. flowerforyou Just a few things that are romantic to me.
Scary sounds like you were reading my mind...glasses

No1sLove's photo
Mon 06/02/08 01:57 PM

Romance is a smile from across the room, a hand on your knee during a movie, a wink at the dinner table, a squeeze on the arm while your stirring the pasta, flowers for no reason, remembering a card on an occasion, a romantic weekend alone by the the lake, fireplace, or whatever, a picnic lunch brought to work to share, a walk in the cool summer breeze hand in hand and waking up to a smile in the morning that says I'm so glad you're here. flowerforyou Just a few things that are romantic to me.
Scary sounds like you were reading my mind...glasses
How have you been hon? flowerforyou :heart:

no photo
Mon 06/02/08 02:01 PM

Romance is a smile from across the room, a hand on your knee during a movie, a wink at the dinner table, a squeeze on the arm while your stirring the pasta, flowers for no reason, remembering a card on an occasion, a romantic weekend alone by the the lake, fireplace, or whatever, a picnic lunch brought to work to share, a walk in the cool summer breeze hand in hand and waking up to a smile in the morning that says I'm so glad you're here. flowerforyou Just a few things that are romantic to me.
Scary sounds like you were reading my mind...glasses
How have you been hon? flowerforyou :heart:
Fine...and you?
Oops forgot a few things.... Rose pedals on the bed, candles, soft music, and warm water in the tub, holding each other at night.:wink:

Winx's photo
Mon 06/02/08 02:01 PM

Romance is a smile from across the room, a hand on your knee during a movie, a wink at the dinner table, a squeeze on the arm while your stirring the pasta, flowers for no reason, remembering a card on an occasion, a romantic weekend alone by the the lake, fireplace, or whatever, a picnic lunch brought to work to share, a walk in the cool summer breeze hand in hand and waking up to a smile in the morning that says I'm so glad you're here. flowerforyou Just a few things that are romantic to me.

And kisses for no reason at all.happy

no photo
Mon 06/02/08 02:02 PM

Romance is a smile from across the room, a hand on your knee during a movie, a wink at the dinner table, a squeeze on the arm while your stirring the pasta, flowers for no reason, remembering a card on an occasion, a romantic weekend alone by the the lake, fireplace, or whatever, a picnic lunch brought to work to share, a walk in the cool summer breeze hand in hand and waking up to a smile in the morning that says I'm so glad you're here. flowerforyou Just a few things that are romantic to me.

Will you marry me?? flowerforyou

no photo
Mon 06/02/08 02:05 PM

Romance is a smile from across the room, a hand on your knee during a movie, a wink at the dinner table, a squeeze on the arm while your stirring the pasta, flowers for no reason, remembering a card on an occasion, a romantic weekend alone by the the lake, fireplace, or whatever, a picnic lunch brought to work to share, a walk in the cool summer breeze hand in hand and waking up to a smile in the morning that says I'm so glad you're here. flowerforyou Just a few things that are romantic to me.

Will you marry me?? flowerforyou

ooookkkkk maybe that was a bit forward of me....
can you at least date me for a few weeks???

No1sLove's photo
Mon 06/02/08 02:12 PM

Romance is a smile from across the room, a hand on your knee during a movie, a wink at the dinner table, a squeeze on the arm while your stirring the pasta, flowers for no reason, remembering a card on an occasion, a romantic weekend alone by the the lake, fireplace, or whatever, a picnic lunch brought to work to share, a walk in the cool summer breeze hand in hand and waking up to a smile in the morning that says I'm so glad you're here. flowerforyou Just a few things that are romantic to me.

Will you marry me?? flowerforyou

ooookkkkk maybe that was a bit forward of me....
can you at least date me for a few weeks???
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

No1sLove's photo
Mon 06/02/08 02:12 PM

I got one!

A guy who loses his internet service drives around town looking for a hot spot he can use to get online with you.
This is romance for sure. bigsmile

JTstrang's photo
Mon 06/02/08 02:17 PM
I think romance is pulling out.

poohbearface19's photo
Mon 06/02/08 02:17 PM

Romance is a smile from across the room, a hand on your knee during a movie, a wink at the dinner table, a squeeze on the arm while your stirring the pasta, flowers for no reason, remembering a card on an occasion, a romantic weekend alone by the the lake, fireplace, or whatever, a picnic lunch brought to work to share, a walk in the cool summer breeze hand in hand and waking up to a smile in the morning that says I'm so glad you're here. flowerforyou Just a few things that are romantic to me.

u make me sad ........i havent had a smile across the room in so long.........well i did but the guy was in same day care as mee...and all girls wanted i rather not go there........that and i think he was gay.sight oh we... just my luck latelly or a while back the guys that caught my eye ended being gay darn it........

No1sLove's photo
Mon 06/02/08 02:19 PM

Romance is a smile from across the room, a hand on your knee during a movie, a wink at the dinner table, a squeeze on the arm while your stirring the pasta, flowers for no reason, remembering a card on an occasion, a romantic weekend alone by the the lake, fireplace, or whatever, a picnic lunch brought to work to share, a walk in the cool summer breeze hand in hand and waking up to a smile in the morning that says I'm so glad you're here. flowerforyou Just a few things that are romantic to me.

u make me sad ........i havent had a smile across the room in so long.........well i did but the guy was in same day care as mee...and all girls wanted i rather not go there........that and i think he was gay.sight oh we... just my luck latelly or a while back the guys that caught my eye ended being gay darn it........
Sorry to hear it hon. frown Maybe the next one will be a romantic. bigsmile flowerforyou

feistybaby's photo
Mon 06/02/08 02:21 PM
sitting on the porch steps his arms wrapped around me star gazing...hearing him call my name in his sleep...that first cup of coffee in the am fussing over who will shower first then deciding to share one...hopping out before him and writing I love you in the steam on the mirror for him to find...walking the beach at sunset holding hands and sharing kisses...surprising him with a hot candlelit bath and a romantic dinner when I know he has had a bad day...hiding love notes in his pocket for him to find at odd times...waking to a rose on my pillow...

Teresa1901's photo
Mon 06/02/08 02:24 PM driving down the road following your date....your stopped at a red light...and he puts his hand out the window to do sign language...spells out I LOVE YOU....THAT WAS ROMANTIC

poohbearface19's photo
Mon 06/02/08 02:25 PM
Romance is being so tired but yet still making time too talk too that special somoeone......
romance is that first kiss hey thats how i know too know if we are going oto get anywhere cal me old fashion but if we kiss and i feel no sparks its like wow not good.......
then agian romance can also be just little details ..detaisl that u notice not any other guy knows of u i recentlly got told by a guy i absolutlly cant get along wiht ......but i was flattered but didnt change thinggs...hes all like .. i like the way u talk stare the color the eyes change when u are under sun.the way your hair turns curly when humid hteway you do the lip too the left.....i was like wow....tooo bad i dont like him like that ...this guy knows me good.........ahhaaha and i like someone else hahaha.......but firs t time a ugy had noticed that stuff or atleast told me hahahaha
romance cna be jsut talking on phone and laughting over dumb stuff yet knowing you cna be your self .romance is being able too go out in pajams and slippers that dont match too wleocme you a chirtmas family reunion.......ahahai got that becasue i know someoe that did that hey she iddnt care they had been together for like 4 years.....well i would go on but itll never finish.well now u know........oh yeah romance is cuddling together under blanket and just that guy not asking or caring if anyhting happens... or just a simple ttext saying miss u out of no where...or huggin u in public and walking or wlaking hand by hand....a cute peck kiss at park aaasight ok ill stop now

no photo
Tue 06/03/08 12:30 AM

I got one!

A guy who loses his internet service drives around town looking for a hot spot he can use to get online with you.

That could be just as easily be internet booty call, though. laugh laugh laugh laugh

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