Topic: As Promised - Oz PM Pulls All Troops From Iraq
Fanta46's photo
Wed 06/04/08 08:18 PM

All news to me. Maybe it's because they tied me to a chair and water boarded me until i was preaching "go bush, go war!" grumble

Seriously dude, i think you will find 80% of the people surveyed had never actually left the compound when in country. You know and i know only 20% of all the soldiers ever sent over, ever actually saw a firefight (less then that actually ever regularly left their secured bases). When you don't leave the compound, and aren't collecting intel, you don't know what's going on. You just know that it's a pain in the ass to be away from home. Sorry, but i don't know anybody that was ever surveyed about that question. I know many that were over there during that time frame. All were grunts. None were ever asked. Almost all of my friends that were over there with me, as well as friends that have been over tehre since, pretty much all agree with me.

This is how they use surveys to manipulate people. Ever notice how like ever toothpaste commercial says "4 out of 5 dentists surveyed recommend this product." ? Seriously, i would not believe most surveys on this matter. Especially since military sites show surveys that say exactly the opposite. Both are probably biased.

I'd like to see the joint chiefs have a sit down with grunt commanders on this matter. Find out what they really think and why. Maybe they could get together and find a way of resolving the matter without allowing the slaughter of millions of people. (Sorry if i still see this choice as a last resort.)

Thats the only Poll I could find!

Id say they wont let anyone ask.drinker

Drivinmenutz's photo
Wed 06/04/08 09:27 PM
There was another one on It was a while ago, and i obviously don't have access to that website anymore. It was also in favor of Iraq (surprise surprise).

You're right it's almost impossible finding unbiased info on this matter. Does kinda make you think. Somebody probably doesn't want anyone to know. But "who" is the question...

Fanta46's photo
Wed 06/04/08 10:09 PM

My nephew has been there since OCT and he has to write letters to say anything. He said the US gov blocks too much on his e-mails. I think they started that last summer right before Peterus's first report to Congress.

Drivinmenutz's photo
Wed 06/04/08 10:46 PM
Edited by Drivinmenutz on Wed 06/04/08 10:47 PM
Interesting.... I never had a problem with e-mails. Nor did any of my friends (when i was over there). Gonna have to ask some other friends about this when they get back...

Fanta46's photo
Thu 06/05/08 12:13 AM

Interesting.... I never had a problem with e-mails. Nor did any of my friends (when i was over there). Gonna have to ask some other friends about this when they get back...

He can send them, but he cant talk openly like we do.drinker

madisonman's photo
Fri 06/06/08 03:58 PM
We need more troops to die so that those who died befor them didnt die in vainexplode

Drivinmenutz's photo
Fri 06/06/08 04:13 PM
Edited by Drivinmenutz on Fri 06/06/08 04:14 PM

We need more troops to die so that those who died befor them didnt die in vainexplode

Wow dude....once again a victim of over simplification.

The troops were fighting for something once. now after they lose friends you want to convince them that it's hopeless and not worth their sacrifice. You, a man who gets to sleep in his confortable bed at night. A man allowed to have a beer with dinner, and can watch T.V. in the comfort of his living room. Here is what bother's me, you guys want this to be for nothing. It's called a self-fulfilling prophecy. You would rather be part of the problem then trying to figure out a solution.

The troops are the ones giving their all. Until you hav a chat personally with the leaders of GRUNTS who say "the situation is hopeless, get us the hell out" then you are speculating and making an uneducated decision.

My own personal experiences contradict most of what the media is trying to convince you guys. Seriously. War is hell. You gave it to them. Let them do what they gotta do. And for god's sake stop cheering the possibility of them leaving like it's your own personal victory. It will make this tragety all the greater if we leave. It will be a sad day. And soldiers will need to be mourned and comforted all that much more the day it happens (if it does).

madisonman's photo
Fri 06/06/08 04:35 PM
We as a super power can occupy any country we set our will too even against the will of those being occupied what is victory in Iraq? to me victory will resemble genocide and future historians will view Bush and his gang as Nazis of some type. the only difference is we havent fired up any gas chambers.

BrandonJItaliano's photo
Fri 06/06/08 04:50 PM
You can look at a man by the name of Muhammad Ali for guidance here. When he said "I aint got no quarrel with them there Viet-cong, aint no Viet-cong ever called me a N*****, That same idea and principle can be taken into this war, I dont have a quarrel with the Iraqi people, they have NEVER harmed us in any way

no photo
Fri 06/06/08 04:55 PM

We as a super power can occupy any country we set our will too even against the will of those being occupied what is victory in Iraq? to me victory will resemble genocide and future historians will view Bush and his gang as Nazis of some type. the only difference is we havent fired up any gas chambers.

Thank you very much .

Drivinmenutz's photo
Fri 06/06/08 05:11 PM

We as a super power can occupy any country we set our will too even against the will of those being occupied what is victory in Iraq? to me victory will resemble genocide and future historians will view Bush and his gang as Nazis of some type. the only difference is we havent fired up any gas chambers.

There are millions of differences i won't get into. A few are, Saddam was a tyrant. People may have been freed against their will but they are still free. They have better medical care now than ever before. But one thing i will agree with you on is this... Maybe they do need a tyrant that will execute anyone that stands against him. Maybe they need someone that rapes and kills women for pleasure. Maybe women in that country shouldn't have any say in what goes on in their lives. Maybe technologies like cell phones and internet shouldn't be allowed. But hey, who am i to make that decision?

I guess i don't see where we are Nazi's. And i don't see where you have any credible information comparing us to Nazi's. Like i said, my personal experiences go against what the media makes us out to be. These people are way more brutal with eachother than we are with anyone. I could give you a million stories, but i am pressed for time at the moment.

Once again...i will only say this one more time. I don't agree with the way this "war" was fought. This is why politicians have no place in commanding a military. My problem is with those who cheer our loss. With those who would be happy to see our soldiers come home with their tails between their legs. This is where i have a problem. You say you support the troops. Support what they do. It will be a sad day if they are brought home before the job is done, no matter how you will look at it. That act itself would commit genocide to their people. But i guess you really don't care about that. Although, for some reason you talk about how we committed genocide already... Contradict ourselves much? I guess it's the standard left-wing approach to things.

Anyway, critizise the way the war was handled all you want. Just don't ever cheer the soldiers coming home. It will just mean more death. But most of you don't see that. Most of you don't care. Until you hold a child that was killed by an insurgent's suicide bomb i really doubt many of you will ever understand.

madisonman's photo
Fri 06/06/08 06:01 PM
Listen to Marshall Goering in the Nuremberg trials "It is natural for the common people to not want war but, after all, it is a country's leaders who determine policy and it is an easy matter to convince the people. Whether they have a voice or not, the people can always be made to do what their rulers wish. It's easy. All you have to do is tell them they are under attack and condemn the pacifists for their lack of patriotism and for exposing their country to danger". It was Goering the Nazi who said this in 1945 not george Bush.

Jess642's photo
Mon 06/09/08 08:45 PM

We as a super power can occupy any country we set our will too even against the will of those being occupied what is victory in Iraq? to me victory will resemble genocide and future historians will view Bush and his gang as Nazis of some type. the only difference is we havent fired up any gas chambers.

Thank you very much .

Super power???noway noway huh

Bwah hahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!

Reading the backs of toilet doors, and watching propaganda again?

The might of a nation is portrayed by their leaders....

and it isn't about who's gun is bigger either.bigsmile

madisonman's photo
Tue 06/10/08 03:37 PM

We as a super power can occupy any country we set our will too even against the will of those being occupied what is victory in Iraq? to me victory will resemble genocide and future historians will view Bush and his gang as Nazis of some type. the only difference is we havent fired up any gas chambers.

Thank you very much .

Super power???noway noway huh

Bwah hahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!! Jess I am not saying its right but umerika spends more on the military then the next ten countries combined or something like that....there realy isnt a country that can match us what does that make umerikad besided a super power?

Reading the backs of toilet doors, and watching propaganda again?

The might of a nation is portrayed by their leaders....

and it isn't about who's gun is bigger either.bigsmile

no photo
Tue 06/10/08 04:43 PM

We as a super power can occupy any country we set our will too even against the will of those being occupied what is victory in Iraq? to me victory will resemble genocide and future historians will view Bush and his gang as Nazis of some type. the only difference is we havent fired up any gas chambers.

There are millions of differences i won't get into. A few are, Saddam was a tyrant. People may have been freed against their will but they are still free. They have better medical care now than ever before. But one thing i will agree with you on is this... Maybe they do need a tyrant that will execute anyone that stands against him. Maybe they need someone that rapes and kills women for pleasure. Maybe women in that country shouldn't have any say in what goes on in their lives. Maybe technologies like cell phones and internet shouldn't be allowed. But hey, who am i to make that decision?

I guess i don't see where we are Nazi's. And i don't see where you have any credible information comparing us to Nazi's. Like i said, my personal experiences go against what the media makes us out to be. These people are way more brutal with eachother than we are with anyone. I could give you a million stories, but i am pressed for time at the moment.

Once again...i will only say this one more time. I don't agree with the way this "war" was fought. This is why politicians have no place in commanding a military. My problem is with those who cheer our loss. With those who would be happy to see our soldiers come home with their tails between their legs. This is where i have a problem. You say you support the troops. Support what they do. It will be a sad day if they are brought home before the job is done, no matter how you will look at it. That act itself would commit genocide to their people. But i guess you really don't care about that. Although, for some reason you talk about how we committed genocide already... Contradict ourselves much? I guess it's the standard left-wing approach to things.

Anyway, critizise the way the war was handled all you want. Just don't ever cheer the soldiers coming home. It will just mean more death. But most of you don't see that. Most of you don't care. Until you hold a child that was killed by an insurgent's suicide bomb i really doubt many of you will ever understand.

NO one kills innocent men , women and children to help them : this is a war propaganda and you know it too .sad sad sad

MirrorMirror's photo
Tue 06/10/08 05:43 PM
Edited by MirrorMirror on Tue 06/10/08 06:36 PM

no photo
Tue 06/10/08 05:50 PM

"There are millions of differences i won't get into. A few are, Saddam was a tyrant. People may have been freed against their will but they are still free. They have better medical care now than ever before. But one thing i will agree with you on is this... Maybe they do need a tyrant that will execute anyone that stands against him. Maybe they need someone that rapes and kills women for pleasure. Maybe women in that country shouldn't have any say in what goes on in their lives. Maybe technologies like cell phones and internet shouldn't be allowed. But hey, who am i to make that decision? "

noway OMGnoway Thats insanesick

noway Only someone with no humanity would say things like thatnoway

The world is in a chaos because there are so many people with
no humanity ,no conscience and full of crap .sad sad sad .

Jess642's photo
Tue 06/10/08 06:42 PM
"Jess I am not saying its right but umerika spends more on the military then the next ten countries combined or something like that....there realy isnt a country that can match us what does that make umerikad besided a super power? "

A super idjit, perhaps?bigsmile

Drivinmenutz's photo
Tue 06/10/08 07:20 PM
"A super idjit, perhaps?"

Wow, you crack me up... not really....but seriously... Your contempt for a country that has done nothing to you astounds me. Fortunately, anyone with any critical thinking ability immediately dismisses your comments from the conversation (unless they are just laughing). Your contempt makes your views too biased to be taken seriously.

Next, Sam, i know you have compassion for your fellow person and this is commendable. You say that i have been influenced by propoganda, but if you take one look at yourself, that is literally all you have to base your opinion on. I can give you specific missions where insurgents directly targeted Iraqi civilians. I have seen it. I have been there. I have personally taken down high priority targets (You know the ones with multi million dollar rewards on their heads). I've got 150+ combat ops under my belt in this very conflict. I am less influenced by propoganda than most in these forums.

"There are millions of differences i won't get into. A few are, Saddam was a tyrant. People may have been freed against their will but they are still free. They have better medical care now than ever before. But one thing i will agree with you on is this... Maybe they do need a tyrant that will execute anyone that stands against him. Maybe they need someone that rapes and kills women for pleasure. Maybe women in that country shouldn't have any say in what goes on in their lives. Maybe technologies like cell phones and internet shouldn't be allowed. But hey, who am i to make that decision? "

And just in case anyone misunderstood that, i was being sarcastic, not heartless. These are all things that changed upon our arrival that many fail to see. (Unless you've roamed the streets a bit.)

Jess642's photo
Tue 06/10/08 07:30 PM

"A super idjit, perhaps?"

Wow, you crack me up... not really....but seriously... Your contempt for a country that has done nothing to you astounds me. Fortunately, anyone with any critical thinking ability immediately dismisses your comments from the conversation (unless they are just laughing). Your contempt makes your views too biased to be taken seriously.

Next, Sam, i know you have compassion for your fellow person and this is commendable. You say that i have been influenced by propoganda, but if you take one look at yourself, that is literally all you have to base your opinion on. I can give you specific missions where insurgents directly targeted Iraqi civilians. I have seen it. I have been there. I have personally taken down high priority targets (You know the ones with multi million dollar rewards on their heads). I've got 150+ combat ops under my belt in this very conflict. I am less influenced by propoganda than most in these forums.

"There are millions of differences i won't get into. A few are, Saddam was a tyrant. People may have been freed against their will but they are still free. They have better medical care now than ever before. But one thing i will agree with you on is this... Maybe they do need a tyrant that will execute anyone that stands against him. Maybe they need someone that rapes and kills women for pleasure. Maybe women in that country shouldn't have any say in what goes on in their lives. Maybe technologies like cell phones and internet shouldn't be allowed. But hey, who am i to make that decision? "

And just in case anyone misunderstood that, i was being sarcastic, not heartless. These are all things that changed upon our arrival that many fail to see. (Unless you've roamed the streets a bit.)

Thanks for the judgement call... and how did this end up ONCE AGAIN ALL about the US???

It WAS about the Aussie PM..