Topic: What would u do?
hikerchick's photo
Sun 06/01/08 07:19 PM

Gee what a great gal you are. Talk about stringing someone along. You don't "feel it" with him, yet you let him keep buying you ****, and taking you places? Pathetic. Women say they want a nice guy, and this is one of the main reasons why a lot of guys don't treat women like they want. Who wants to be used, and strung along? Pathetic display of indifference to others feelings in my opinion.
I agree

Lily0923's photo
Sun 06/01/08 07:24 PM
Edited by Lily0923 on Sun 06/01/08 07:25 PM

Gee what a great gal you are. Talk about stringing someone along. You don't "feel it" with him, yet you let him keep buying you ****, and taking you places? Pathetic. Women say they want a nice guy, and this is one of the main reasons why a lot of guys don't treat women like they want. Who wants to be used, and strung along? Pathetic display of indifference to others feelings in my opinion.

Good God Damn read what she says...

I'm not TOTALLY in love with him...

It's only been 2 months, geez give her some time.

There is some chemistry....

She never said the sight of him repulses her.

It's called dating, geez, are you supposed to fall in love with every guy that wins you a stuffed animal at the fair? Give me a break. She obviously cares about him. She has some feelings for him. Hows is that stinging him along?

We don't know if they are exclusive, we don't know if he sees other people, we don't know anything but shat she says, and from what she says, they have a fine relationship, she's just questioning how much she likes him, IT'S BEEN 2 MONTHS...OF COURSE SHE'S QUESTIONING IT....

BlueskyJ's photo
Sun 06/01/08 07:30 PM
It's called dating, geez, are you supposed to fall in love with every guy that wins you a stuffed animal at the fair?

Now that is one thing i have yet to do, win a stuffed animal....but i still say she should hold out for the diamond ring or at least the PlayStation 3.....

*Okay Lily, your advice makes good sense....Shhhh! don't tell anybody i said that....* glasses glasses

Lily0923's photo
Sun 06/01/08 07:37 PM

It's called dating, geez, are you supposed to fall in love with every guy that wins you a stuffed animal at the fair?

Now that is one thing i have yet to do, win a stuffed animal....but i still say she should hold out for the diamond ring or at least the PlayStation 3.....

*Okay Lily, your advice makes good sense....Shhhh! don't tell anybody i said that....* glasses glasses

Secret is safe with me baby...:wink:

no photo
Sun 06/01/08 07:39 PM

OK I have been dating this guy for about 2 months, he treats me like a queen, and I really mean that..buys me stuff, is courtesous, takes me to the shore, dinners, fun stuff, everything a girl could want, except I am not totally in love with him, like there is some chemistry, but not that you know, mind blowing feeling you get when you really dig someone, the sex is pretty good, however. So I am torn, keep him or look for the chemistry, I know I will never find another guy who treats me this way...but should I settle, and it doesn't seem like I am settling, cause we do have so much fun together, so what would you do..keep or not.??flowerforyou

The very fact you're questioning your relationship with the fella spells trouble, possibly meaning that you're even less into him than you're saying. And -if that's true- that could spell trouble down the road.

If you feel you can do better, then fine- dump his ass and find someone else. Just keep in mind that you might NOT be able to find that other person. However, if there is any question as to whether or not there will be anyone out there more to your liking, then you'd best just settle for what you got.

hikerchick's photo
Sun 06/01/08 07:42 PM
She needs to explain to the gentleman that she feels like she is "settling". It's only fair.

All I know is if the shoe was on the other foot I would not want someone settling for me. If you are not head over heels, stop wasting my time.

Lily0923's photo
Sun 06/01/08 07:44 PM
I now know why I am single.....

I have dated guys that I fell head over heals for, I've dated guys I've like alot, I've dated guys we spent alot of time together, I've dated guys i've only ever seen once or twice a week....IT'S CALLED DATING.... Not every relationship is going to be the end all be all, and there is nothing wrong with that...

Ease up guys, do you have to be head over heels in love with every guy that you date? Really? As long as she's not telling him that he is "the one" what is the issue here?

hikerchick's photo
Sun 06/01/08 07:46 PM

I now know why I am single.....

I have dated guys that I fell head over heals for, I've dated guys I've like alot, I've dated guys we spent alot of time together, I've dated guys i've only ever seen once or twice a week....IT'S CALLED DATING.... Not every relationship is going to be the end all be all, and there is nothing wrong with that...

Ease up guys, do you have to be head over heels in love with every guy that you date? Really? As long as she's not telling him that he is "the one" what is the issue here?
I guess I never dated. I was either head over heels or I didn't bother.

Perhaps that is an extreme, but I can't imagine spending time precious time..with someone who was just OK. Oh, and letting him spend money on me while I was at it. It just seems wrong to me.

hunky62's photo
Sun 06/01/08 07:46 PM

Gee what a great gal you are. Talk about stringing someone along. You don't "feel it" with him, yet you let him keep buying you ****, and taking you places? Pathetic. Women say they want a nice guy, and this is one of the main reasons why a lot of guys don't treat women like they want. Who wants to be used, and strung along? Pathetic display of indifference to others feelings in my opinion.
I agree

NO SH*T...hope he reads this and sees how he is being used and dumps your selfish A$$...

Lily0923's photo
Sun 06/01/08 07:46 PM

She needs to explain to the gentleman that she feels like she is "settling". It's only fair.

All I know is if the shoe was on the other foot I would not want someone settling for me. If you are not head over heels, stop wasting my time.

What if they just have a good time together? What if they see other people too? As long as she's not being deceptive, I don't think she's in the wrong.

hikerchick's photo
Sun 06/01/08 07:47 PM

She needs to explain to the gentleman that she feels like she is "settling". It's only fair.

All I know is if the shoe was on the other foot I would not want someone settling for me. If you are not head over heels, stop wasting my time.

What if they just have a good time together? What if they see other people too? As long as she's not being deceptive, I don't think she's in the wrong.
WEll, that's what I said. As long as he knows she feels like she is settling..which she said she does. He deserves to know her true feelings. As long as he is ok with that, I agree.

BlueskyJ's photo
Sun 06/01/08 07:51 PM
I think he likes her more than she likes him....its only been two months....relationships need more time than that to grow....she may find over time that she likes him more than she thinks.....

And I want to talk to this guy....send me his email....this Queen thingy has got to change....i can at least save him some money...:smile: drinker

hikerchick's photo
Sun 06/01/08 07:57 PM
I don't get the whole "guys spending money on chicks" thing. I never expected a guy to act like a cash machine or a Santa Claus. I think he should keep his money and she should buy her own stuff, and pay for her own lunch.

But that's just me.

BlueCollarDad's photo
Sun 06/01/08 07:57 PM
Hey, here's a thought!!

Why don't you ask him to slow down on the materialistic things. Tell him you appreciate it (cuz it sounds like you do), but you're more interested in his "heart and soul" rather than his "wallet and pole"!!
Give THAT relationship 2 more months and see where your feelings are then. That will tell ya where ya need to be... with him or without him.

No1sLove's photo
Sun 06/01/08 08:06 PM

Hey, here's a thought!!

Why don't you ask him to slow down on the materialistic things. Tell him you appreciate it (cuz it sounds like you do), but you're more interested in his "heart and soul" rather than his "wallet and pole"!!
Give THAT relationship 2 more months and see where your feelings are then. That will tell ya where ya need to be... with him or without him.
You may be my hero. happy

No1sLove's photo
Sun 06/01/08 08:14 PM

OK I have been dating this guy for about 2 months, he treats me like a queen, and I really mean that..buys me stuff, is courtesous, takes me to the shore, dinners, fun stuff, everything a girl could want, except I am not totally in love with him, like there is some chemistry, but not that you know, mind blowing feeling you get when you really dig someone, the sex is pretty good, however. So I am torn, keep him or look for the chemistry, I know I will never find another guy who treats me this way...but should I settle, and it doesn't seem like I am settling, cause we do have so much fun together, so what would you do..keep or not.??flowerforyou

The very fact you're questioning your relationship with the fella spells trouble, possibly meaning that you're even less into him than you're saying. And -if that's true- that could spell trouble down the road.

If you feel you can do better, then fine- dump his ass and find someone else. Just keep in mind that you might NOT be able to find that other person. However, if there is any question as to whether or not there will be anyone out there more to your liking, then you'd best just settle for what you got.
Where are his feelings in this? Where are his needs being met if he wants someone who is as into the relationship as he is? Just sayin' ohwell

brooke007's photo
Sun 06/01/08 08:29 PM
seeing eachother 2 months....

no butterflies???
at all???

time to hit the road

Single_Rob's photo
Sun 06/01/08 10:57 PM
if after 2 months of "being treated like a princess" youa re on the fence about someone, it is never going to be there. You can throw all the btchy remarks in there. These same people saying it is ok are the first ones to tell a woman to clear out if they feel a woman is being used by a man for fwb's. I love the perpetual dounle standard levelled by members of the jilted womans court

Citizen_Joe's photo
Mon 06/02/08 12:50 AM

OK I have been dating this guy for about 2 months, he treats me like a queen, and I really mean that..buys me stuff, is courtesous, takes me to the shore, dinners, fun stuff, everything a girl could want, except I am not totally in love with him, like there is some chemistry, but not that you know, mind blowing feeling you get when you really dig someone, the sex is pretty good, however. So I am torn, keep him or look for the chemistry, I know I will never find another guy who treats me this way...but should I settle, and it doesn't seem like I am settling, cause we do have so much fun together, so what would you do..keep or not.??flowerforyou

That feeling you're describing is locked tightly within the confines of your own mind anyway, and it sounds like you have a really good man on that hook. It sounds like you have what makes you happy, but well, maybe he's not as um, bad as you want too? That seems sorta wishy washy, if you think about it.

feistybaby's photo
Mon 06/02/08 01:19 AM

if after 2 months of "being treated like a princess" youa re on the fence about someone, it is never going to be there. You can throw all the btchy remarks in there. These same people saying it is ok are the first ones to tell a woman to clear out if they feel a woman is being used by a man for fwb's. I love the perpetual dounle standard levelled by members of the jilted womans court

Actually I tend to agree with this if you have been in an intimate relationship for 2 months and I have to make an assumption and think that it's a semi regular occurance thats plenty of time to know or at least have a good idea where things are heading. The fact that you say you are on the fence leads me to think that this guy isn't the guy for you if you are looking for sky rockets. Only you can decide if you can live with starlit nights and not sky rockets. But either way you need to discuss your feelings of doubt with Mr. not so right. It's only fair to him that he know that your heart isn't in the same place his seems to be. Personally I think starry skies last a heck of a lot longer than skyrockets. And while you are up there on your fence you might want to give some thought to the fact that the grass is not always greener and that just because it glitters it doesn't make it gold...