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Topic: Not sure how to handle this one....
madamx7316's photo
Sun 06/01/08 10:52 AM
according to an email i received, there seems to be some controversy regarding my health situation. i appears that there is someone(s) who think i lied about my situation and had people request prayers on my behalf for attention. stating that no way could i have cancer and be "healed" in 2 weeks. well, i never said i was out of danger...i can not explain what happened. could it be a mistake? a miracle? i have no clue...

only thing i can say to this is WOW! OMG! those who know me, would know this is one hell of an accusation to make towards me.

i suppose that by me being called an attention whore that i am wrong for being friendly and outgoing in the threads.

according to this email...there are many out there "buzzing" about it behind the scenes...if there are questions or a problem, i would think one would address me directly!

i am just at a loss for words here....

No1sLove's photo
Sun 06/01/08 10:54 AM
Was not aware of this...was glad to know your scan came out clean...and hope your luck sticks hon! flowerforyou

Sun 06/01/08 10:56 AM
Edited by MAKE_ME_GIGGLE on Sun 06/01/08 11:02 AM
Let it go... don't stoup to thier level... you know in your heart whats right... does anything else matter???

LIJOMA's photo
Sun 06/01/08 10:56 AM
I wouldnt sweat what people say..... I know it is bothersome, but the way I see it is, when people are talking about u whether what they say is true or not, u know that u are on their mind enough to talk about u, so, carry on is what I say, It's a DAMN GOOD TOPIC... U have always been friendly and nice to everyone from what I have seen on here, and to me. I hope you have a better day!flowerforyou

Max_Darkling's photo
Sun 06/01/08 10:56 AM
God has the power to heal.I believe You

Kleisto's photo
Sun 06/01/08 10:57 AM
Edited by Kleisto on Sun 06/01/08 10:58 AM

Let it go... don't stoup to there level... you know in your heart whats right... does anything else matter???

I concur, you know the truth, to hell with what anyone else says. Don't let them steal your peace. flowerforyou :heart:

Glad to know you're ok in any case. :smile:

lilith401's photo
Sun 06/01/08 10:58 AM
Edited by lilith401 on Sun 06/01/08 10:58 AM
Madam.... I am outraged. Don't people know by now you're not a liar? Why would you do such a thing, so not your style. You have nothing to prove and those of us who know you are not at all thinking this is true. Don't let that bother you and please don't get upset thinking about it.

Onward and upward, you need positivity!

madamx7316's photo
Sun 06/01/08 11:00 AM
im was first angry...then crushed.

i am not the lying type...nor would i EVER make up such a story such as that. i am beside myself.

it bothered me because this was someone i considered a friend :cry:

hikerchick's photo
Sun 06/01/08 11:04 AM
Oh sweetie..I have been in the position of having a friend think the worst of me and totally crush me by it..just remember that they are the one with the problem. A person like that was never your friend to begin with and was never worthy of you. Hold your head up high because you know your real friends think the world of you. And we are pretty awesome people, if I do say so myself! blushing

So many people really love you, Kitt.:heart:

Don't let the haters get to you.

LIJOMA's photo
Sun 06/01/08 11:04 AM

im was first angry...then crushed.

i am not the lying type...nor would i EVER make up such a story such as that. i am beside myself.

it bothered me because this was someone i considered a friend :cry:

In---MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCE---stressed, those are the ones who ***k u, them and FAMILY!!! I am sorry this has happened to you, and made you sad... you are always such an upbeat lady.flowerforyou

unsure's photo
Sun 06/01/08 11:05 AM
No matter what you are going to have people that do not believe something that is being said. Its sad but its true. All you can do is ignore those people and know that they are not your true friends!!
Does it really matter who believes you and who doesn't? In your heart, you know its true and you wouldn't lie about something like this! People now adays have no compassion, so you can not take things to heart.
I know, when I had cancer my ex wanted papers from my doctor to prove it! See..people are stupid!!! Live and let live and those that are stupid will get what is coming to them :wink:
Good luck flowerforyou

unique1111's photo
Sun 06/01/08 11:07 AM

im was first angry...then crushed.

i am not the lying type...nor would i EVER make up such a story such as that. i am beside myself.

it bothered me because this was someone i considered a friend :cry:

Maybe your friend was having a bad day and concerned for you---maybe thought you were just saying you were OK so others wouldn't worry about you......try not to think the worst. Stay positive and accept the positive light and energy from your friends.....God heals as He sees fit, not to follow someone else's agenda.

flame1cutie's photo
Sun 06/01/08 11:09 AM
I'm glad you are feeling better, take care of yourself and don't pay attention to what some people are saying. My prayers are still with youflowerforyou flowerforyou

Knightime's photo
Sun 06/01/08 11:10 AM
1st what i say about when we pray together 4 the same thing ? 2nd i havent heard anything said behind ur back .. 3rd ... who cares what some ppl say ... who lack faith . and finally you came 2 your friends here 4 help and it worked .. celabrate and dont let ppl dim his miracle ... jmho . ur friend Knight ..

no photo
Sun 06/01/08 11:11 AM
Madam...dont let them get you down.

attention is nothing you have to beg to get,you are a very energenic person and people love you for who you are.

and for those of you that think that only Madam's friends are gonna stick up for her your wrong cause she's not one of my friends but I do enjoy her post that she makes.

Negative people just S U C K

ljcc1964's photo
Sun 06/01/08 11:11 AM
This is very common and, in no way, should you take this personally. I, myself, have posted threads in which I share some positive epiphony...but include some darkness I have gone through. I amost always get some people who, not only don't get my point, but go on to tell me to get over it and stop being....whatever they think I'm being.

You just gotta realize that there will always be people who won't understand what you say....who may even just be mean spirited people. And their response has nothing to do with you...and everything to do with their own crap going on in their heads.....

flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

adirtygirl's photo
Sun 06/01/08 11:11 AM
Let me at them!!!! I will take care of them for you!!!!! I love you Madamxflowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

rodfcutler's photo
Sun 06/01/08 11:18 AM
I hope you know it wasnt me.I could never,nor would ever treat you cruely,or in any way,diebelieve what you have found out,just rest assured that I am and always will be,WITH YOU,and be yours forever!

Dont let this eat away at you Hon!

Rod:heart: :heart: :heart:

chris1979's photo
Sun 06/01/08 11:20 AM
i was asked recently if i had terminal cancer from someone on here. kinda strangehuh

michiganman3's photo
Sun 06/01/08 11:22 AM
There's always someone to rain on your parade,
or pi%% in your cornflakes.grumble

They best revenge is living well.

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