Topic: Question to men.
Kleisto's photo
Sat 06/07/08 12:15 PM
Edited by Kleisto on Sat 06/07/08 12:16 PM

oooooouuuuuhhhhhh, you sound so German, so practical... so for you a relationship is nothing about romance and being in love? Is it pure a partnership like in business? noway

I have NEVER experienced love, so I have nothing to compare it to...

Then how can you speak on it, if you know nothing about it?

Where did I speak of it?

Well you sounded like you knew something about it in your earlier post, least to me.

no photo
Sat 06/07/08 12:24 PM
Edited by BrandSpankinNew on Sat 06/07/08 12:28 PM
when 'intelligence' means
I know it all, you know nothing slug, and
'confidence' says you are nothing, I am everything . . .
then it really has nada to do with gender.
Some people simply need to be 'feared'/left alone to love themselves. After all we humans could never be good enough any way!

no photo
Sat 06/07/08 12:27 PM
On the other hand,
when intelligence comes across as
'let's share thoughts so that we can learn and grow from one another', and
coonfidence says 'I can hear your opinion and not defensively attack it'
well now. . . then we can get along!

Winx's photo
Sat 06/07/08 12:32 PM

Not me.

I think that you like them smart.:wink:

isaac_dede's photo
Sat 06/07/08 12:33 PM

Why some men are scared of smart and confident women?

Because they know they can get the house when they leave usgrumble

no photo
Sat 06/07/08 12:37 PM

Why some men are scared of smart and confident women?

Because they know they can get the house when they leave usgrumble

BlueskyJ's photo
Sat 06/07/08 12:41 PM
Smart & Confident women are Enticing to me....

Condescending & Controlling women are a Turn Off...

And i'm sure the same is true for women!!! they don't want a C & C guy either....

no photo
Sat 06/07/08 12:44 PM

Smart & Confident women are Enticing to me....

Condescending & Controlling women are a Turn Off...

And i'm sure the same is true for women!!! they don't want a C & C guy either....

you said it best . . .
and it deserves repeating :

And i'm sure the same is true for women!!! they don't want a C & C guy either....

no photo
Sun 06/08/08 12:49 AM

I've never met a woman who was "smart"...and by smart, I mean "smarter than me".

I have, on this site. There was only one fatal flaw in the possibility of anything real. No kids, didn't want any either. Otherwise, she's a brilliant and attractive woman and one I could easily match with in terms of wits and appeal, and did I mention that she has long beautiful hair? There's probably nothing wrong with breaking from stereotypes and being her friend though. What's his name just did that. laugh laugh laugh laugh

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Sun 06/08/08 01:24 AM

I've never met a woman who was "smart"...and by smart, I mean "smarter than me".

It's amazing what you WON'T find at closing time at the barlaugh

Sir_Galahad's photo
Sun 06/08/08 02:02 AM
Edited by Sir_Galahad on Sun 06/08/08 02:11 AM
^^I NEVER expect to find a woman at a bar...because I'm not interested in "drunk chicks".

EDIT: At the bar I go and sing at, I have met women who at least TRY to beat me at the NTN trivia games...even if they ARE unsuccessful. End EDIT.

Even when I was going to college...and was ten years older than many of the women going there...I couldn't find women with the practical or even book-based intelligence I had. I did go out with one of them...because she approached ME, said she was impressed by my intelligence.

However, I wasn't impressed with hers...or her lack of taste:tongue: ...but what more to expect out of someone just out of high school?

calmguy3's photo
Sun 06/08/08 02:06 AM

Any man that is intimidated by me is too insecure so I say move on!

I totally agree with AllSmilesInTulsa
drinker drinker

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Sun 06/08/08 02:36 AM

^^I NEVER expect to find a woman at a bar...because I'm not interested in "drunk chicks".

EDIT: At the bar I go and sing at, I have met women who at least TRY to beat me at the NTN trivia games...even if they ARE unsuccessful.

Even when I was going to college...and was ten years older than many of the women going there...I couldn't find women with the practical or even book-based intelligence I had. I did go out with one of them...because she approached ME, said she was impressed by my intelligence.

However, I wasn't impressed with hers...or her lack of taste:tongue: ...but what more to expect out of someone just out of high school?

Well, I was living with a VERY smart AND gorgeous woman in Minnesota. Book smart, street smart AND good ol' fashioned common sense smart. Now, I'm not a stupid man (IQ 138 btw and never went to college/university), but she's way smarter than I am. I can honestly say I've met more than a few ladies that were quite intellectual, challenged me with their ideas or just made me think of things from a different but still intelligent and logical perspective.
The best part was..all but one of them were serious partiers too. But I digress, maybe your standards are just way too high.
Who CARES if she's yer intellectual match? I figure as long as she can hold her own in a conversation, unless ya start yackin' about 15th Century Polish architecture, or something just as esocteric, just be happy with someone that's smart enough to at least listen to what you're saying and offer her own opinions or ideas back. As long as yer smart enough to understand and respect those ideas and/or opinions. Maybe it's not that they're as smart as you either..maybe it's just a case of having different goals or ideologies, or simply that their intellect is in a different area than yours.
Be more open dude, ya catch more fish with a big net than a little one.

toastedoranges's photo
Sun 06/08/08 02:44 AM

Why some men are scared of smart and confident women?

because they're insecure

boneyjoe's photo
Sun 06/08/08 02:50 AM
lmao,,,,,this is to funny,,,,did any one notice that very few women has made a post in this forumlaugh laugh laugh laugh

toastedoranges's photo
Sun 06/08/08 02:51 AM

lmao,,,,,this is to funny,,,,did any one notice that very few women has made a post in this forumlaugh laugh laugh laugh

nope, i didn't read ****

s1owhand's photo
Sun 06/08/08 03:10 AM
Edited by s1owhand on Sun 06/08/08 03:11 AM
Top ten list why women intimidate men...

10. woman is too smart
9. too physically fit
8. too pretty
7. dresses too well
6. can bench press more than them
5. too articulate
4. too sexy
3. can outdrink them
2. woman is too successful

and the number one reason women are intimidating...

1. woman is too horny

no photo
Sun 06/08/08 03:16 AM

Why some men are scared of smart and confident women?

I am not scared of them .....I love them .
Body and brain is the way to go .
Oops I forgot high sex drive to keep me sweating ...laugh
laugh :wink: flowerforyou .

toastedoranges's photo
Sun 06/08/08 03:25 AM

and the number one reason women are intimidating...

1. woman is too horny

that's a dumbass guy then, that **** just makes me happy

s1owhand's photo
Sun 06/08/08 03:27 AM

"i'm not skeeered"