Topic: :(
no photo
Sat 05/31/08 06:45 AM
There was a story last night on the news channel that made me quite upset.There was a little black bear who was roaming around the Cranston,
RI area so many calls came into the ACO of their town.Well the control officer cornered him up a tree & fired 2 tranquiler darts into him.He fell 25-30 ft.down onto to the concrete sidewalk landing on his side & narrowly missing a fence:cry: And the reporter went on to say Oh!he's fine.That's awful.Why didn't they put down some gym mats or padding on the sidewalk first 2 cushion his impact?That's a cruel & crude method for apprehending an animal.What's your opinion?

tanyaann's photo
Sat 05/31/08 06:48 AM
grumble they could have waited for him to climb down the tree! that was not nice! :cry:

happyhippie's photo
Sat 05/31/08 06:49 AM
that makes me unhappy. it says alot about a person when they are cruel to animals. they should have prevented its fall with some form of cushion.

FearandLoathing's photo
Sat 05/31/08 06:50 AM

There was a story last night on the news channel that made me quite upset.There was a little black bear who was roaming around the Cranston,
RI area so many calls came into the ACO of their town.Well the control officer cornered him up a tree & fired 2 tranquiler darts into him.He fell 25-30 ft.down onto to the concrete sidewalk landing on his side & narrowly missing a fence:cry: And the reporter went on to say Oh!he's fine.That's awful.Why didn't they put down some gym mats or padding on the sidewalk first 2 cushion his impact?That's a cruel & crude method for apprehending an animal.What's your opinion?

Unfourtanetly when dealing with animal's that are wild it is never a simple cut and draw process. The animal can become aggressive with little or no reason at all, given a bear's weight and the 25-30 foot drop down I'm sure it is fine. It is terrible none the less, but it is difficult to get a handle on an wild animal.

No1sLove's photo
Sat 05/31/08 07:05 AM

grumble they could have waited for him to climb down the tree! that was not nice! :cry:
xactly, what harm was e doing in a tree? They shoulda waited for em to come down. frown

g'mornin (((Cy))) flowerforyou

boneyjoe's photo
Sat 05/31/08 07:05 AM
well said,,,,,,,some people tink all animals came from th zoo,,,,,,,,rong,,,,,,did any one see on tv where they found a group of people that lived still like prehestoric times,,,i know i spelled that rong,,,,,,,,but as they were trying to take pictuer of them they were trying to shoot th camara man with bows

no photo
Sat 05/31/08 07:07 AM

grumble they could have waited for him to climb down the tree! that was not nice! :cry:
xactly, what harm was e doing in a tree? They shoulda waited for em to come down. frown

g'mornin (((Cy))) flowerforyou

G'morn.sweetheart.{{{bear~huggie}}}:wink: flowerforyou drinker

MsTeddyBear2u's photo
Sat 05/31/08 08:56 AM
Edited by MsTeddyBear2u on Sat 05/31/08 08:57 AM
Morning (((CY))) flowerforyou

Yes they should of used some padding, or waited
for him to come down from the tree.

I am truely ashamed of my own home town.
A while back a black bear was wondering around.
Police were called out 2a.m. on a domestic distrubance.
During looking around a wooded area they stumbled
onto (what is totally rare around here)a black bear.
They supposedly called the zoo, animal control,
and DNR. No one had a tranqulizer gun in the area
or knew what to do. WTH??? They ended up shooting
the bear and then chased it down with their car
and rammed it.(OMG). It died.

There has been an uproar over here about this. They claim to of been concerned about childrens safety- as it was near a school.
So sad. I feel it should of been handled much different. The first bear to be seen in these
parts for years and they killed it. noway :cry:
This city should of been prepared for this kind of thing. Yet they were not. We don't even have one lousey trainqulizer gun- any where around the vicinity. noway :angry: explode

fivgears's photo
Sat 05/31/08 09:20 AM

There was a story last night on the news channel that made me quite upset.There was a little black bear who was roaming around the Cranston,
RI area so many calls came into the ACO of their town.Well the control officer cornered him up a tree & fired 2 tranquiler darts into him.He fell 25-30 ft.down onto to the concrete sidewalk landing on his side & narrowly missing a fence:cry: And the reporter went on to say Oh!he's fine.That's awful.Why didn't they put down some gym mats or padding on the sidewalk first 2 cushion his impact?That's a cruel & crude method for apprehending an animal.What's your opinion?

Who cares? It's a bear. This sick fascination with animals just because they're apparently 'cute' in any fashion is disgusting. I never hear any outcry over ugly animals getting injured.

Alterego1961's photo
Sat 05/31/08 09:31 AM

There was a story last night on the news channel that made me quite upset.There was a little black bear who was roaming around the Cranston,
RI area so many calls came into the ACO of their town.Well the control officer cornered him up a tree & fired 2 tranquiler darts into him.He fell 25-30 ft.down onto to the concrete sidewalk landing on his side & narrowly missing a fence:cry: And the reporter went on to say Oh!he's fine.That's awful.Why didn't they put down some gym mats or padding on the sidewalk first 2 cushion his impact?That's a cruel & crude method for apprehending an animal.What's your opinion?

Who cares? It's a bear. This sick fascination with animals just because they're apparently 'cute' in any fashion is disgusting. I never hear any outcry over ugly animals getting injured.

A very similar sitation occurred here last year. Small bear up a tree fell similar distance when tranquilized. Difference was this bear died from the injuries he got when he fell. I know there are people who care for animals and people who don't, but still, it's a living creature who was posing no danger to people or property. Why not try to protect it while we get it out of the tree? It's only a little extra work. Or we could always just kill off all the bears and never have this problem again.... noway noway

fivgears's photo
Sat 05/31/08 09:33 AM
If a bear becomes used to an environment with humans, yes, they are dangerous.

MsTeddyBear2u's photo
Sat 05/31/08 09:43 AM
Edited by MsTeddyBear2u on Sat 05/31/08 09:48 AM
This Bear is Hungrey... Hmmmmmmmmmmm...
yum yum people laugh devil

Sad that humans have so cornered all the wild
animals of this world and used up all of their
habitats. Its a wonder they don't wander into
our neigboorhoods. We have destroyed most of their
home enviroments. Then we all panick when they do get close.

Handle their wanderings with kindness.
Tranquilize them and set them free out futher
in the wilderness. Its far better to do that-
than kill or injure them. Yes wild animals are dangerouse- but that does'nt give us a free ticket
to kill them all off!

Alterego1961's photo
Sat 05/31/08 09:56 AM

This Bear is Hungrey... Hmmmmmmmmmmm...
yum yum people laugh devil

Sad that humans have so cornered all the wild
animals of this world and used up all of their
habitats. Its a wonder they don't wander into
our neigboorhoods. We have destroyed most of their
home enviroments. Then we all panick when they do get close.

Handle their wanderings with kindness.
Tranquilize them and set them free out futher
in the wilderness. Its far better to do that-
than kill or injure them. Yes wild animals are dangerouse- but that does'nt give us a free ticket
to kill them all off!

Well said MsTeddyBear. We must be the keepers of this world since we are the main ones who are destroying it. We all need to start feeling more compassionate toward all living things, people and animals alike. If we can get more people to start to think like that then maybe we can save the planet before we totally turn it to toast.