Topic: Dear diary......omg another diary!!! - part 84
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Mon 06/02/08 12:21 PM

hey again tto!!!drinker

<-------still in THATS a surprize~!~!!noway laugh drinker

HEY ... how did you know I AM ???? x-ray vision ?noway laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

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Mon 06/02/08 12:21 PM

Dear come all of the men on my man counter are from INDIA????noway laugh noway

OK I am going to PERV ya noway laugh laugh laugh laugh

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Mon 06/02/08 12:22 PM


Dear come all of the men on my man counter are from INDIA????noway laugh noway

OK I am going to PERV ya noway laugh laugh laugh laugh
You can only do that if your named is BALBINDER!!!laugh laugh laugh laugh

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Mon 06/02/08 12:23 PM
I have 7 hours before bedtime.
I could bury those seeds,but instead Im digging them up and throwing them away

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Mon 06/02/08 12:24 PM are now #2 from the top........someone from BAGREESH IS #1!!!laugh noway

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Mon 06/02/08 12:24 PM

I have 7 hours before bedtime.
I could bury those seeds,but instead Im digging them up and throwing them away
7 hours??? what time is it there??? I havent even woken up yet......noway

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Mon 06/02/08 12:25 PM are now #2 from the top........someone from BAGREESH IS #1!!!laugh noway

WWOO HOOO ... number 2 .... " halo , dis is Barbinder CALLING " laugh laugh laugh

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Mon 06/02/08 12:25 PM

I have 7 hours before bedtime.
I could bury those seeds,but instead Im digging them up and throwing them away
7 hours??? what time is it there??? I havent even woken up yet......noway

3:25 pm

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Mon 06/02/08 12:26 PM are now #2 from the top........someone from BAGREESH IS #1!!!laugh noway

WWOO HOOO ... number 2 .... " halo , dis is Barbinder CALLING " laugh laugh laugh
Hella hella???? hella???laugh laugh laugh laugh Nooooooooooooo gypsy doesnt live here.....but I can put on Sukwinder for you!!!laugh noway laugh

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Mon 06/02/08 12:27 PM

I have 7 hours before bedtime.
I could bury those seeds,but instead Im digging them up and throwing them away
7 hours??? what time is it there??? I havent even woken up yet......noway

3:25 pm
ahhhhhhhhhhhhh you are east coast!!!!!

<-------in the western world!!!drinker

damnitscloudy's photo
Mon 06/02/08 12:28 PM
Dear Diary;

I was just washing my hands and put some sanitizer on afterwards until i remembered "I've just been playing with battle kittens, so i have alot of scratches and open cuts"

but it was too late, and my hands now feel like they are on fire frown

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Mon 06/02/08 12:30 PM

Dear Diary;

I was just washing my hands and put some sanitizer on afterwards until i remembered "I've just been playing with battle kittens, so i have alot of scratches and open cuts"

but it was too late, and my hands now feel like they are on fire frown
Just be happy you arent able to be in labour!!!noway laugh laugh laugh laugh

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Mon 06/02/08 12:31 PM
Im out of here for a bit,mechanic called I can go get my car.
see ya laterdrinker

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Mon 06/02/08 12:36 PM

Im out of here for a bit,mechanic called I can go get my car.
see ya laterdrinker
see ya laura!!drinker

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Mon 06/02/08 12:36 PM
Dear diary.........I just took a pic of the spider on my ceiling.......

<----he looks like a crab!!!noway

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Mon 06/02/08 12:38 PM

Im out of here for a bit,mechanic called I can go get my car.
see ya laterdrinker

Later Laura flowerforyou

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Mon 06/02/08 12:38 PM

Dear diary.........I just took a pic of the spider on my ceiling.......

<----he looks like a crab!!!noway

HAHAHHA I thought that was like a GAINT bird out over the water near your house laugh laugh laugh laugh

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Mon 06/02/08 12:39 PM
<-----wasted half the day already!!! I NEED TO GO SHOPPING!!!!love laugh drinker

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Mon 06/02/08 12:40 PM
Wow!!! Man counter going insane over my spider!!!noway laugh noway

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Mon 06/02/08 12:42 PM
OH I know what it looks like .... NESSIE the Loch ness laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh