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purplecat's photo
Tue 02/20/07 02:54 PM
me,,well I am old fashioned and very rarely e-mail a guy ,,little own
one that is not my friend

um ,,,is it appropriate for a female to start the chase ,, I just cant
send a stranger an e-mail with out them showing some interest first ...

am I to old fashioned ,, is this acceptable ?? would'nt a guy think i
was too forward ...oh no ..thinking cap on fire!!!!!


romee's photo
Tue 02/20/07 02:56 PM
oh thank you tiger sweetie.

spay's photo
Tue 02/20/07 02:58 PM

no photo
Tue 02/20/07 02:58 PM
You're very welcome romee! :smile:

romee's photo
Tue 02/20/07 03:01 PM
oh yea haha.

OnALark's photo
Tue 02/20/07 03:06 PM
Purplecat, there is nothing wrong with being old fashioned and there is
nothing wrong with emailing someone you think you may be interested in
getting to know. Just do what you are comfortable with.

Romee, I don't know what to tell you. I can't understand a woman who
would not answer an email from a cutie like you!

shamikhan's photo
Tue 02/20/07 03:09 PM
You know guy, the same has happened to me. The people I do know are
great, but the ones the majority of the ones I reach out to never

romee's photo
Tue 02/20/07 03:13 PM
boy i love this site, you all are wonderful.

purplecat's photo
Tue 02/20/07 03:15 PM
{{ climbs back into box}}

hmm warm and cozy in here..........

no photo
Tue 02/20/07 03:18 PM
This site is AWESOME!

romee's photo
Tue 02/20/07 03:26 PM
wow thank you onalark, no one has ever said that to me today i'm getting
email's i'm happy.

OnALark's photo
Tue 02/20/07 03:32 PM
Romee, I've seen you on this site many, many times and I must say, you
are a sweetheart! The woman you find should feel very lucky to have you

romee's photo
Tue 02/20/07 03:35 PM
thank you so much for that onalark, that mean's alot to me i'm very
happy right now.

no photo
Tue 02/20/07 03:36 PM
I agree 100% with Onalark! :smile:

OnALark's photo
Tue 02/20/07 03:37 PM
May I add that you are very attractive?

BiFemale's photo
Tue 02/20/07 03:51 PM
Lol! romee

romee's photo
Tue 02/20/07 04:07 PM
thank you ladie's so much a kiss for you all kisssss.

no photo
Tue 02/20/07 04:23 PM
smooched for romee

romee's photo
Tue 02/20/07 04:27 PM
thank's tiger your sweet.

no photo
Tue 02/20/07 04:30 PM
You're welcome romee! You're sweeter than honey! :smile:

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