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Britty's photo
Tue 07/01/08 05:43 AM

Thanks brit, I like that.

you are most welcome.

God bless.


Britty's photo
Tue 07/01/08 05:44 AM


Isaiah 55:`10,11.

For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven, and returneth not thither, but watereth the earth, and make it bring forth and bud, that it may be give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater :

So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth :

it shall not return unto me void, but it will accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.


John 4:10.

Jesus answered and said unto her, If thou knewest the gift of God, and who it is that saith to thee, Give me to drink ; thou wouldest have asked of him, and he would have given thee living water.

flowers flowers flowers flowers
flowers flowers flowers flowers
flowers flowers flowers flowers

Good morning honey,

bigsmile flowers :heart:

Britty's photo
Tue 07/01/08 05:44 AM

Good morning to all who stop in the coffeehouse


dooby's photo
Tue 07/01/08 06:44 AM
good moring to everone

feralcatlady's photo
Tue 07/01/08 06:57 AM
Good Morning everyone.......

May God's Grace come upon each and everyone in this Coffeehouse. Lord I ask that you bring those truly seeking to know your word....Draw them into the coffeehouse, but more important draw them to You Lord God. Let them ask questions and let them Lord God have eyes and ears open.....And Lord especially let their hearts be open to receiving the Good News......For Your Lord God will always be the best part of me.
Heal those that are hurting Lord God, Give wisdom and strength to those that need it. And most of all Lord put those in the path that need them for whatever the reasons, and all by the Grace of You Father. In Your precious precious name this I pray.

Britty's photo
Tue 07/01/08 07:54 AM

Amen to that Debs.


feralcatlady's photo
Tue 07/01/08 07:59 AM
Hi sweet Britty......

And oh yea

Amen and Amen

dooby's photo
Tue 07/01/08 08:02 AM
hi Brit and fer, how you two doing today? :smile:

feralcatlady's photo
Tue 07/01/08 08:07 AM
Good Morning dooby.....I am doing just great...How about you....

Ok Brit I think I am ready to tackle Rich's lesson from previous.....gigglesnort.

Britty's photo
Tue 07/01/08 10:52 AM

Hi Dooby, enjoying a lovely warm sunny day.
How about you?

Debs, that last lesson that Rich shared - really good,
be interested to know what you think about it.

flowerforyou :heart:

MirrorMirror's photo
Tue 07/01/08 06:19 PM
:heart: So I'm happy tonight :heart:

:heart: Im not worried about anything :heart:

:heart: Im not fearing any man :heart:

:heart: Mine eyes have seen :heart:

:heart: The Glory of The Coming of The Lord :heart:

feralcatlady's photo
Tue 07/01/08 06:21 PM

:heart: So I'm happy tonight :heart:

:heart: Im not worried about anything :heart:

:heart: Im not fearing any man :heart:

:heart: Mine eyes have seen :heart:

:heart: The Glory of The Coming of The Lord :heart:

awwww Hi sweet Lee

MirrorMirror's photo
Tue 07/01/08 06:47 PM

:heart: So I'm happy tonight :heart:

:heart: Im not worried about anything :heart:

:heart: Im not fearing any man :heart:

:heart: Mine eyes have seen :heart:

:heart: The Glory of The Coming of The Lord :heart:

awwww Hi sweet Lee

bigsmile Hello Debbigsmile

dooby's photo
Tue 07/01/08 09:24 PM
i'm good and waiting for my long awaited test results, knowing whatever it is God can take care of it or at least help me learn from what I did. :smile:

TiffaIrishGirl's photo
Tue 07/01/08 11:17 PM
I hate...HATE. tears tears Why do people have to Hate? My heart yearns for peace among men, race, religion and cultures. I love learning about everything and everybody. Why can't we all respect each other? Recently I've had my own respect of that questioned and it hurt. I didn't realize until recently how much it hurt me to have that questioned. I did a lot of crying today even while praying. The crying came because a mix of things but I thought it would be appropriate to ask for prayers for the people who are hating in this world. To have such a feeling in ones soul must hurt so much and I pray for them to have it realized and for them to feel whole again.

tears tears sad2 sad2

TiffaIrishGirl's photo
Tue 07/01/08 11:18 PM

i'm good and waiting for my long awaited test results, knowing whatever it is God can take care of it or at least help me learn from what I did. :smile:
prayers flowerforyou

Kleisto's photo
Tue 07/01/08 11:24 PM

I hate...HATE. tears tears Why do people have to Hate? My heart yearns for peace among men, race, religion and cultures. I love learning about everything and everybody. Why can't we all respect each other? Recently I've had my own respect of that questioned and it hurt. I didn't realize until recently how much it hurt me to have that questioned. I did a lot of crying today even while praying. The crying came because a mix of things but I thought it would be appropriate to ask for prayers for the people who are hating in this world. To have such a feeling in ones soul must hurt so much and I pray for them to have it realized and for them to feel whole again.

tears tears sad2 sad2

I'm totally with you on this one! There are people in my family (mom's side) who hate in the ways you mention at times too, particularly with regards to african americans. It drives me nuts, it's like, are we not all human? Does that not mean anything, regardless of color? If you're a good person, you're a good person no matter what color or creed you are you know?

MirrorMirror's photo
Tue 07/01/08 11:24 PM
:heart: All of my life I have searched for "GOD" as a thirsty man in the desert seeks water:heart:

TiffaIrishGirl's photo
Tue 07/01/08 11:39 PM

I hate...HATE. tears tears Why do people have to Hate? My heart yearns for peace among men, race, religion and cultures. I love learning about everything and everybody. Why can't we all respect each other? Recently I've had my own respect of that questioned and it hurt. I didn't realize until recently how much it hurt me to have that questioned. I did a lot of crying today even while praying. The crying came because a mix of things but I thought it would be appropriate to ask for prayers for the people who are hating in this world. To have such a feeling in ones soul must hurt so much and I pray for them to have it realized and for them to feel whole again.

tears tears sad2 sad2

I'm totally with you on this one! There are people in my family (mom's side) who hate in the ways you mention at times too, particularly with regards to african americans. It drives me nuts, it's like, are we not all human? Does that not mean anything, regardless of color? If you're a good person, you're a good person no matter what color or creed you are you know?
Well said Adam...thank you again for being here tonight to talk...flowers

Kleisto's photo
Tue 07/01/08 11:52 PM
Anytime Tiffany, what's a friend for? flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou :smile:

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