Topic: Yeeeeuck!
smilingeyes_976's photo
Thu 05/15/08 01:01 PM
So, today I had a cleaning job. It's a two part job. Anyhow. The first part was the persons Appliance shop. It took me 2 hours to sweep and just get the dusting done. I dont think the floors been swept since the last time I did it six months ago. And the house?!?! I'm just not even going to start on that because then ya all would be in for an all out rant...
But there was so much dust that when I came home I was sneezing dust clouds.... Yeeuck..

lol. Sorry.. gripe over

brokenwing22's photo
Thu 05/15/08 01:05 PM
i know how you feel i started a job watching a 99 year old grandmother of this lady and it was a wonder that woman didnt die of black lung i went home everyday for a month coughing and sneezing

wildsideof35's photo
Thu 05/15/08 01:05 PM
Sounds like they are a good housekeeper..laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Thu 05/15/08 01:08 PM

So, today I had a cleaning job. It's a two part job. Anyhow. The first part was the persons Appliance shop. It took me 2 hours to sweep and just get the dusting done. I dont think the floors been swept since the last time I did it six months ago. And the house?!?! I'm just not even going to start on that because then ya all would be in for an all out rant...
But there was so much dust that when I came home I was sneezing dust clouds.... Yeeuck..

lol. Sorry.. gripe over

It's probably worse in my shop. laugh laugh laugh When I get going on a project, an outsider would probably look at it and call it chaos, but at least I know where all my chaos is.

smilingeyes_976's photo
Thu 05/15/08 01:09 PM
i wish i could have worn a mask... but having anything cover my face freaks me out.

lilangel2's photo
Thu 05/15/08 01:11 PM
wear a mask! It is reaLLY important for your health!

I work with fiberglass and other fine materials that can easily be inhaled...I always wear a mask