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Topic: THE GREEN DRAGON'S INN - part 4
txmomof2's photo
Mon 05/19/08 07:24 AM
*Alatariel runs over to Jericho*

*checks to see if he is alive*

*then takes the note off of his chest*

*as she reads the note she becomes very pale*

Rathil_Thads's photo
Mon 05/19/08 07:26 AM

*Alatariel runs over to Jericho*

*checks to see if he is alive*

*then takes the note off of his chest*

*as she reads the note she becomes very pale*

*Jericho is still alive but barely, He keeps trying to get up, like he is trying to get back outside. In very labored breathing he is growling out the name Esane. If he has noticed Alatariel yet he has given no indication. He manages to pull himself up to a sitting position before he collapses back to the ground.*

txmomof2's photo
Mon 05/19/08 07:31 AM
*Alatariel sees Jericho struggling and here's him saying something as she drops to the floor with the letter in her hand*

*she just sits there very pale and scared*

What I.....I don't understand. Jericho, what happened? Who did this? What is going on? What does this mean?

Rathil_Thads's photo
Mon 05/19/08 07:36 AM

*Alatariel sees Jericho struggling and here's him saying something as she drops to the floor with the letter in her hand*

*she just sits there very pale and scared*

What I.....I don't understand. Jericho, what happened? Who did this? What is going on? What does this mean?

*Jericho finally seems to notice her and he lets himself calm down a bit as he looks her in the eyes. He is coughing a bit and bleeding a lot but he doesn't seem to notice.*

I-I'm sorry... He manages to rasp out.

Esane... she t-tried to g-g-get me to turn on y-you.

*Coughs a bit more*

S-she wants y-y-ou to suffer. I t-tried to send her back t-to hell. I wasn't s-strong enough..

*Looks her directly in the eyes*

I-I let you d-d-down...

txmomof2's photo
Mon 05/19/08 07:40 AM

*Alatariel sees Jericho struggling and here's him saying something as she drops to the floor with the letter in her hand*

*she just sits there very pale and scared*

What I.....I don't understand. Jericho, what happened? Who did this? What is going on? What does this mean?

*Jericho finally seems to notice her and he lets himself calm down a bit as he looks her in the eyes. He is coughing a bit and bleeding a lot but he doesn't seem to notice.*

I-I'm sorry... He manages to rasp out.

Esane... she t-tried to g-g-get me to turn on y-you.

*Coughs a bit more*

S-she wants y-y-ou to suffer. I t-tried to send her back t-to hell. I wasn't s-strong enough..

*Looks her directly in the eyes*

I-I let you d-d-down...

No no you did not let me down. You have helped more then I could have ever imagined. Now we got to get you up off this floor. You are injured badly.

*looks around for someone strong enough to pick Jericho up*

Rathil_Thads's photo
Mon 05/19/08 07:47 AM
Edited by Rathil_Thads on Mon 05/19/08 07:48 AM
*Jericho gives a weak smile as she tries to comfort him. He reaches into his pocket and pulls something out. He grabs Alatariels hand and puts something into it.*

I-It belonged t-to your f-f-father...

I took i-it off E-esane during the fight. H-He would w-want you to h-have it.

*He looks at her again one last time and smiles as he says, "I-I would do it a-all over again my f-f-friend."

*Jericho lays his head back and closes his eyes. After a moment he stops breathing.*

txmomof2's photo
Mon 05/19/08 07:50 AM
*looks at her hand as she begins to cry*

No you you can't die right now.....NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!

*lays head on his chest as shy cries for her loss of another person dear to her*

Rathil_Thads's photo
Mon 05/19/08 07:56 AM
Don't cry for him young one. He would not have wanted you to shed such tears for him.

*Alatariel hears from a table in the corner. As she looks up she sees Rathil sitting there. She is not sure how long he has been there but it is the first time she has seen any real emotion on his face and it almost resembles sadness*

txmomof2's photo
Mon 05/19/08 08:00 AM
I have brought this madness on everyone here. It is my fault that he is dead now. Yeah I know he was dying anyway. But it is my fault he is dead now. Here read this.

*thrusts the note at Rathil*

*she opens her hand and looks at what Jericho gave her as tears roll down face*

Rathil_Thads's photo
Mon 05/19/08 08:05 AM
Edited by Rathil_Thads on Mon 05/19/08 08:06 AM

I have brought this madness on everyone here. It is my fault that he is dead now. Yeah I know he was dying anyway. But it is my fault he is dead now. Here read this.

*thrusts the note at Rathil*

*she opens her hand and looks at what Jericho gave her as tears roll down face*

I already know what it says my dear and it is not your fault. It was fate, he has known since even before he met you that is how he was going to die. He just didn't understand what it meant until he meant you. Jericho was a rare man indeed and part of his rarity was he had a horrible curse.

He had visions and dreams of his own death and has been having them for months. He simply kept them from you so as to not worry you more. He walked into that fight with Esane knowing full well the outcome even though he desperately wanted to change it for you. Although you can't change fate my dear. This was set in motion long before you arrived.

You can't blame yourself for this tragedy, You must blame Esane and direct your emotions towards her accordingly.

That gnome prophet was right on the money when she told you that you two were supposed to cross paths. It was that day that Jericho realized what his path was in this world.

txmomof2's photo
Mon 05/19/08 08:11 AM
*as the tears fall faster down her face*
Oh Rathil what am I to do? I fear I am in way over my head. And now I have no one. She will kill me and I am scared. I cannot defeat her. She is to strong for me.

*becomes angrier as she speaks*

No I must find a way to kill her. She has taken everything that I have ever held dear in my life. No it is her turn. Please I know I can not pay you but you are my last hope. Will you help me?

Rathil_Thads's photo
Mon 05/19/08 08:17 AM
*Rathil is silent for a moment as he seems to be weighing the pros and cons of helping her.*

Well, I am down a very skilled agent right now. and he has already brought you into my home and given you access to our guild...

So, I will make you an offer, and keep in mind I don't do this often or lightly. I will help you, at no cost to you but in return you work for me. I need someone to replace Jericho, this could work out for both of us.

txmomof2's photo
Mon 05/19/08 08:19 AM
*sits up straighter*

Alright what must I do?

Rathil_Thads's photo
Mon 05/19/08 08:26 AM
Edited by Rathil_Thads on Mon 05/19/08 08:27 AM

*sits up straighter*

Alright what must I do?

Don't worry about that now my dear, you will find I am a very flexible boss and you will have as much free time as you normally do. However there may be times I need to send you on a little errand. You just must have trust in me that what I do always has a purpose. Whether or not you can see it in the beginning or not. It is there, so as long as you trust me you will come upon the answers you need.

*Pulls out a platinum piece and throws it to her*

Your first days payment. There is many more where that comes from.

((Please put under your sheet under Inventory make a new line called Work: and put, Works for Rathil Thads, Mercenary guild (+10 gold per day) You can add 10 gold a day to your character sheet for being employed by Rathil. ))

txmomof2's photo
Mon 05/19/08 08:35 AM
*eyes still glistening from her tears*

Oh one more thing. *opens her hand*
Jericho said this belonged to my father. umm what exactly is it?

Rathil_Thads's photo
Mon 05/19/08 08:43 AM
Edited by Rathil_Thads on Mon 05/19/08 08:44 AM
*Rathil walks over and stands in front of Jericho so he can get a better look*

Hmmm that looks like the pendant that Esane has been wearing for years. Perhaps she took it off your father as a keepsake and Jericho had the presense of mind to take it back from her. It is a symbol that is given to great warriors. Very few in the lands have earned the right to wear that. It means your father was a great man indeed.

*Looks over to Jericho and sighs as he bends down to pick him up.*

You know, Rathil says as he looks back to Alatariel, For all the rough exterior and the emotional walls this man constructed around himself. He was quite possibly the greatest man I have known in my long life. You are lucky to have him as a friend.

*Rathil offers her a smile and carries Jericho out of the broken tavern door.*

txmomof2's photo
Mon 05/19/08 08:47 AM
*looks at the pendant then at Rathil*

I only wish he knew that, she says in a soft voice.

txmomof2's photo
Mon 05/19/08 08:56 AM
*sits there staring out the door from which Rathil has just left*

*thinks to herself how much she will miss Jericho*

*gets up and walks over to the bar*

*writes a note*

I will send someone to fix the door. Sorry for it is my fault that it is broken.

Alatariel Mithrandir

*gathers her things from the table. puts on her fathers pendant. and heads out the door*

unicorngal's photo
Mon 05/19/08 02:19 PM
As I get to the Green Dragons Inn I see the door in shambles.
Wondering what in the world has happened.Slowly entering This time I sit at the bar,seeing a lot of blood on the floor not sure where or from whom it came.Surely someone is in need of healing but where is everyone.I shall go look for my friends
to see if any know what has happened here.I leave the inn.

1956CLEO's photo
Mon 05/19/08 04:29 PM
Edited by 1956CLEO on Mon 05/19/08 04:33 PM
*Phara steps into the inn, the door still in disrepair. Boromir is cleaning up the blood, he relays the news of Jericho's valiant battle with E-Sane. Jericho has passed on as a result of the battle wounds, may he rest in peace. Phara leaves the inn with tears in her throat.*

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