Topic: Teachers doing young students.... | |
It is a disgusting betrayal of the teacher's role. Male or female. I wonder why people feel that it is less damaging to the child if the offense was between a female teacher and a male student. People believe that because they are fools. Generally it is men who believe that because it sparks their fantacies when they were young high school boys. It's sick either way if you ask me! I agree. It is in everyway wrong. |
Edited by
Wed 05/14/08 02:50 PM
Alright, let's try another counter-argument. I'm the only one willing to do it, so I'll keep it up as long as I can.
You know for years, I've heard the bleeding hearts talk about how we need more sex education for our children, and that it needs to be taught in school. Well, I didn't have sex-ed in high school, outside of the boys lockerroom anyway, and guess what, no teacher in my school was having relations with children. Now we teach our children about sex in our schools, at the cost to the taxpayer, and we have the nerve to complain when our kids start having sex at earlier ages? I mean if I would have had a choice at 16 between a high school girl and a full grown woman (with experience probably) I'd of gone for the woman every time. Okay, that's inaccurate, if I was 16 I'd of done both, but that's irrelevant. This is the price we are paying for not teaching our children about sex the way they should learn, from their parents. If you don't have time, drop soccer or t-ball or ice skating, whatever activity is taking up that time, lose it. I'm not saying that the female teachers shouldn't be punished in the same manner as the males. I'm not saying that these people shouldn't lose their jobs and do some jail time (and real jail time, not time served and community service. Let them be in a cell with a real pedophile). What I am saying is that children do listen to there parents on important issues. Oh, it might take a little longer for a teenager to come to see eye to eye with a parent, but they do listen. So if you don't want your kid on FOX news, better get to chatting. |