Topic: this site
jencamera77's photo
Tue 02/06/07 02:56 PM
is kool nice people

spay's photo
Tue 02/06/07 03:14 PM
Hmmmmmm I wonder why ?

chismah's photo
Tue 02/06/07 03:19 PM
some bad...some nice...some strange...some weird...some silent...some
loud...some cool...some sweet...take ur pick!

spay's photo
Tue 02/06/07 03:38 PM

chismah's photo
Tue 02/06/07 03:45 PM
by how many degrees???? I'm still cold lol tis winter outside!

josehon's photo
Tue 02/06/07 04:47 PM
chismah, i can't disagree on you on that one, about the weather, in fact
about your first post as well

ladyliz1417's photo
Tue 02/06/07 04:49 PM
Why are so many guys on this site such players?

izzynavi's photo
Tue 02/06/07 05:01 PM
Now, Ladyliz, I wonder what makes you say such a thing?
We are here on a forum and, as chismah said, some folks on here are
bad...some nice...some strange...some weird...some silent...some
loud...some cool...some sweet...take ur pick!
See Spay, you won another enemy......Too strong!

spay's photo
Tue 02/06/07 05:05 PM

no photo
Wed 02/07/07 02:22 PM
yeh players and jerks i have to say.

josehon's photo
Thu 02/15/07 10:55 PM
this is not the first dating site i've joined. i got nothing out of
those previous sites. i haven't found that special someone on jsh. even
if i don't find that someone here on jsh(not to be pessimistic or
anything)this is the best dating site i've joined. i'm honored to
consider the people i've connected here my friends. thanks everyone.

Angels's photo
Fri 02/16/07 08:43 PM
I think this site is cool. I haven't been in here very much because of
the way I work and haven't had the time to chat with anyone....but when
I get the time I will be back to post and chat. I hope to meet and make
some new friends in here.

NYCgirl's photo
Fri 02/16/07 08:44 PM
laugh laugh laugh
yes this site if kool :wink:

Morena350's photo
Fri 02/16/07 08:47 PM
nice pic, josehon

josehon's photo
Fri 02/16/07 09:14 PM
thanks morena happy