Topic: Do you really care?
johncarl's photo
Mon 05/12/08 08:50 PM

Do you think of the people you've met here, in your day-to-day life and wonder if they are doing ok?

I think DAILY of Hiker, CleanBathroom, BeachFarmer, Lilith, Lily, Princess...there are many others I think of frequently and just wonder if their day is good, bad or ugly. Do you? Or do you just take it and leave it?


I think of all the ppl u do..including u..and a few others..

and wish them a wonderful day and happiness...

Hi Montana...:heart: flowerforyou

Hi, ((((Zanne))))...These are just the ones I talk to daily, so I think of daily. I always wonder about the ones with whom I've had contact, including you. flowerforyou
she is one of the best friends to haveflowerforyou

Derekkye's photo
Mon 05/12/08 08:52 PM

:cry: How can I make the list?

I'm an old softie...even though I don't know you, you are now burned into my memory of one to think of daily!laugh laugh

I'm a softie too - perhaps that's my problem. laugh

Lily0923's photo
Mon 05/12/08 09:01 PM
:heart: :heart: :heart: Talking to a friend on the phone..... Life is good here.

Yes, I think of my friends all the time....

jonny63's photo
Mon 05/12/08 09:04 PM
I think about friends here more than I do the friends in my home, It seems so strange to be like that. Many of you make me feel sad when I see a bad day post, then other times I feel your happiness when something good happens. Its almost like I don't need to go anywhere for visits, and I pretty much don't.
I had many "Friends" here at home turn on me because I didn't want to be a part of there BS anymore.
I say FINE, I don't need them anymore.
flowerforyou drinker flowerforyou drinker flowerforyou

no photo
Mon 05/12/08 09:04 PM
it's good to talk with people who are positive life has so many people that want to see you fail or in a worst situation then themselves. this place jsh gives me hope and brings happiness into my world.

izzie's photo
Mon 05/12/08 09:06 PM
not only do i think of my frieds from here on a daily basis.. i talk to, text with, email exchange.. a lot of them on a day to day basis...
and if ever i am wondering how they are.. i usualy do just like i do to my "real" friends....
i call them, email them, txt them... and ask them how they are...

i love my friends here just as dearly as i love my friends in my day to day processes..

lgo's photo
Mon 05/12/08 09:07 PM
Yes, I think a lot of the people on here are very cool:wink:

dungonmasterRJ's photo
Mon 05/12/08 09:10 PM

not only do i think of my frieds from here on a daily basis.. i talk to, text with, email exchange.. a lot of them on a day to day basis...
and if ever i am wondering how they are.. i usualy do just like i do to my "real" friends....
i call them, email them, txt them... and ask them how they are...

i love my friends here just as dearly as i love my friends in my day to day processes..

this is one i thnk about a lot

hikerchick's photo
Mon 05/12/08 09:11 PM
Hiker thinks of you every day, too, sweetheart.:heart: Sometimes I don't think I would make it through without you.

lily38's photo
Mon 05/12/08 09:13 PM
I have met some really good friends here and I do care very much for them! flowerforyou

TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 05/12/08 09:14 PM
Awww there are too many to count of whom I think about daily from here. They will remain in my heart and my thoughts even if I was to ever leave here.bigsmile

izzie's photo
Mon 05/12/08 09:15 PM

not only do i think of my frieds from here on a daily basis.. i talk to, text with, email exchange.. a lot of them on a day to day basis...
and if ever i am wondering how they are.. i usualy do just like i do to my "real" friends....
i call them, email them, txt them... and ask them how they are...

i love my friends here just as dearly as i love my friends in my day to day processes..

this is one i thnk about a lot

catchme_ifucan's photo
Mon 05/12/08 09:22 PM
This is a given to me. flowerforyou

Even ones I haven't spoken to lately I still feel them
I can look through my friends list & get that feeling

like hmmmm I haven't heard anything I wonder if all is well
& not long after we connect..

My friends know that even thou we don't speak daily at any time they need me I'm there & I the same of them..

{{{{{{{{{{{:heart: FAMILIA:heart: }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

no photo
Mon 05/12/08 09:23 PM
heavy ****

nvrsaynvr's photo
Mon 05/12/08 09:29 PM
I think about my friends on here everyday, just like all the other friends I have made in my life. flowerforyou

Don't talk to them all everyday, but touch base often.drinker

no photo
Tue 05/13/08 07:51 AM
yes i do, especially one man happy

jtip1977's photo
Tue 05/13/08 08:03 AM
Most of the people on here seem so genuine. I would definitely love to meet some of them face to face one day. And I definitely think about them and hope they are doing ok.

kkKen's photo
Tue 05/13/08 08:48 AM
Every so often someone will just pop into my head out of the blue,usually for something the've said on heredrinker drinker drinker

madamx7316's photo
Tue 05/13/08 08:51 AM
i think of my friends constantly...i would be lost without my friendships i have made on here...

several have helped me through tough times and hopefully i have been there for them when they needed me

i keep them all in my prayers daily and often wonder how they are doing and hope they are having a great day!

62easygoing's photo
Tue 05/13/08 09:03 AM
YES, i do care about others on JSH.....(Thats why i started my THREAD: "without words - how are you today JSH ??) i honestly want to know how each and everyone is doing --day by day.flowerforyou flowerforyou :smile: