Topic: what is love
Sun 05/11/08 07:40 PM
Edited by SPOILEDMILK on Sun 05/11/08 07:43 PM
In my opinion..., its a feeling in side that will amaZe will make you feel all brand new.........have you doing things you never thought you would do......see ,real love brings out the best in you.make you wanna be that shoulder to lean on, when times are good and gives you hope wealth you beleave or is ever touch and warm smile that have brighten up a rainy day. TO WHOM EVER is trust,honesty never really heard,people are so is respect,people disrespect and never is hurt, we all got this step down packed.........and sadly love is in this day and age is OVERRATED.....................people play with it as if its a game,some say it just to say it,...................THEY SAY WHEN THE GRASS IS CUT ,YOU SEE WHERE THE SNAKES LAY.......BASICLY IF IT LOOKS LIKE A DUCK , AND IT SOUND LIKE A DUCK, its A DUCK.............................ANYWAY TAKE WHAT EVER FROM THIS THAT WILL HELP AND FIGURE IT OUT FOR YOUR SELF, CAUSE BOTTOM LINE YOU HAVE TO TRUST IN YOUR SELF,TRUST WHAT YOU FEEL,AND DONT BE AFRAID .........

LouLou2's photo
Wed 05/21/08 01:53 AM
Edited by LouLou2 on Wed 05/21/08 01:57 AM

"In my opinion..., its a feeling in side that will amaZe will make you feel all brand new.........have you doing things you never thought you would do......"

Sorry, I must disagree with this. These feelings, imho, are just the beginning of 'potential' love...perhaps the 'seed' that is planted & if nurtured, could become 'real' love. Unfortunately, it can also become just another 'ship' that passes us 'in the night'.

"see ,real love brings out the best in you.make you wanna be that shoulder to lean on, when times are good and gives you hope wealth you beleave or is ever touch and warm smile that have brighten up a rainy day. TO WHOM EVER is trust,honesty
love is respect"

With THIS? I agree, whole-heartedly! I might add that love is the comfort, tenderness & security of knowing that one is loved...totally - even the parts of our hearts, minds & spirits that are less than attractive, admirable or perfect. Love is acceptance of the whole and appreciation for the best.

"love is hurt,"

Sometimes love does hurt...but 'real' love can overcome & heal that pain. Those we love will/may disappoint us (& vice versa) - even bring us great pain, but with love, those disappointments can bring people closer and turn that pain into a bond & help us vow to prevent such from occuring in the future.

"sadly love is in this day and age is OVERRATED..."

Could you mean that love is UNDER-rated? If so, I agree with you. I think, though, it is because so many of us never had the chance or gave ourselves the chance to really experience 'real' love. To experience that kind of love, a person must allow themselves to be vulnerable. One must accept the risk of being hurt & must believe that the risk is worth the possibility of enjoying something true and lasting.


Absolutely! You also have to believe in 'real' love. I refuse to allow those who would minimize love to destroy the hope I have of feeling & of enjoying it's comfort, tenderness and security one day.

Don't close your heart...don't guard it TOO closely. I hope the same (for 'real' love) for you one day, too.

no photo
Sat 05/24/08 06:30 AM
It's been so long, I don't know if I remember.

NomadicAngel's photo
Sun 06/01/08 04:54 PM
Love is like a GHOST --- everybody talks about it -- but only few have ever seen it!!!

Think's photo
Tue 06/03/08 08:18 PM
Love is a friend who listens even when they don't agree.
Love is a beautiful day when your heart is breaking, just to remind you....there's more.
Love is listening to the most boring story because you know it means a lot to someone.

schyeblue's photo
Wed 10/08/08 06:19 PM
Hey All, I just joined maybe a week or so ago, and haven't posted much, so here are my thoughts on the subject at hand.

Some of these are really good. The post by 'Think' is my fave.

I have done a lot of research online and even with my family about what people think this elusive thing called 'Love' is.

Here is just a part of what I came up with. There is a lot more, but for me, it's still something I have yet to achieve. I was married to someone for 27 years and I never, ever felt this kind of love or even true passion. What a shame. Anyway, here goes...


When you are willing to devote your life, your soul, your money, everything that is you to make that one special someone happy.

When that special someone occupies your heart, mind, and every waking moment.

You want them not only to fulfill their dreams & desires but are willing to help them in any way you can.

You are happier with them than without them.

Just being near them or hearing their name brings a smile to your heart and even to your face.

Your “connection” is more than just skin-deep.

When you are sexually intimate, your emotions run deeper than you ever thought was possible. It exemplifies the whole concept of what “making love” is truly all about.

When you have intimate moments, like cuddling, walking hand in hand or wrapping your arms around each other in a lasting embrace, it just feels like this person is an inseparable part of you and you feel a little sad that the touching must come to an end…eventually.

You seek their happiness before you own.

You can’t imagine them NOT being part of your life.

You feel connected to their heart just looking into their eyes, seeing their smile, and knowing that YOU are the one that put that smile there.

When they cry you feel yourself crying for their pain.

You will always fight to keep them in your life, whatever it takes.