Topic: THE GREEN DRAGON'S INN - part 2
Barbus's photo
Sun 05/11/08 09:54 PM
Ladies, Gentlemen, Jericho.

Tonight, dinner, drinks and if you need a room, everything is on me. I want my last night in Sinatorium to be remembered for a long time.

I don't know if any of you have heard, or have noticed there have been some strange happenings lately, some suspect Vampires, others Goblins and Minor Demons, but I was just handed a handsome amount of money by Lord Denonimas, to lead a brigade of hired scouts and assassins to investigate a mysterious cave in the Dwanen Mountains.

no photo
Sun 05/11/08 09:57 PM
"That is something. Sounds serious if you are talking about demons,"Boromir says.

silverwaya's photo
Sun 05/11/08 10:03 PM
Demon Hunting?? Sounds interesting to say the least. I would offer my sword but I think that it will take more than that to kill a demon. I have yet to learn any real magick, other than what my mother's clan taught me.
I bid you much luck and safety my friend.

Barbus's photo
Sun 05/11/08 10:07 PM
I must decline that sword, I have a feeling that it would do you better to keep that. But thanks for the generous offer.

Rathil_Thads's photo
Sun 05/11/08 10:15 PM
*Jericho gets himself another drink as he watches the commotion*

silverwaya's photo
Sun 05/11/08 10:20 PM

I must decline that sword, I have a feeling that it would do you better to keep that. But thanks for the generous offer.

Just know that you will be sorely missed here my friend.
May the winds of fate blow in your favor.
She raises her glass towards Barbus in honor.

silverwaya's photo
Sun 05/11/08 10:29 PM
She finishes her drink, Winks at Jericho and starts to walk to her room.
Oh Boromir, don't forget where my room is , as she laughs going up the stairs.

Barbus's photo
Sun 05/11/08 10:34 PM
May the winds blow from in front of me, I do not want any scent to blow our cover, I want to be in and out quick, so I can get back here, I do not like not being here to defend the inn. I am leaving Borimor access to my weapons stash for if things get bad here while I am gone. I gave him specific instructions, should anything happen in my absense.

Barbus's photo
Sun 05/11/08 11:41 PM
Barbus starts cleaning up the mess in the tavern, and washes everything one last time, then sits in his chair, preparing for his trip, you see weapons laid accross the table, and Barbus starts sharpening each and every one. Except for this set of red glowing items, that Barbus immediately puts on, two daggers, full leather armor, and boots, all black with a slight red glow, which is not enough to light up the darkend corner of the tavern. All of his other weapons, he neatly places into his "endless bag of holding" so he may reach them in a hurry.

~Sigh~ *writing a note on the bullitain board* Guys, I am off to figure out what is causing this rash of evil, if Lord Denonimas couldn't handle it, I know it is no small task, if I were you, I would start thinking about staying in town for a while, until this all blows over, I will be sending carrier pidgeons to the tavern with updates on what is happening. If things get thick, remember, no evil may pass through the Green Dragon's Inn, you will be safe there, as well as at the Barbus Academy. Borimor has specific instructions from me just in case things get tough. Also, I have taken the liberty to have my friend the Shamen place a protection spell over the tavern, any acts of violence will result in immediate "Stone" Spell. If you do not want to end up a statue, you may want to respect the inn and its inhabitants while I am gone.

Guys, you were all like a family I never had, if I do not return, there is a will left in spot in the museaum that you will never think of looking. Access to it will not be granted until my remains are brought back here, the spell to lift the lock off of the will is on a scroll in my bag of holding.

Good Bye for now..

no photo
Mon 05/12/08 06:30 AM
XI (day 91) of the time of the sun era:

WARNING: The neighboring Red Lamp's Tavern has been robbed in the early mornings when it was closed. Investigation is still underway. Guard your gold for there are some clever rogues in town. Lord Elkinsinan ordered his Marshall to put use his soldiers to keep a watch out. If you know anything about this incident then visits Captain Bengalsen's quarters.

Phoenix0311's photo
Mon 05/12/08 06:43 AM
devil :wink:

txmomof2's photo
Mon 05/12/08 07:06 AM
*Alatariel enters from upstairs and looks around the room*

*heads to her usual table in the back of the room*

txmomof2's photo
Mon 05/12/08 07:13 AM
*pulls out her parchment and reads it one more time"

*wonders to herself if Jericho found anything out or not*

joshyfox's photo
Mon 05/12/08 07:14 AM

XI (day 91) of the time of the sun era:

WARNING: The neighboring Red Lamp's Tavern has been robbed in the early mornings when it was closed. Investigation is still underway. Guard your gold for there are some clever rogues in town. Lord Elkinsinan ordered his Marshall to put use his soldiers to keep a watch out. If you know anything about this incident then visits Captain Bengalsen's quarters.

*He walks into the building. The Short Thin human noticed the Tavern now had some kind of News "thing-ame" and he read it. A step up on rogues in this town huh? Good thing he's living the "honest" life of a merchant now. He sits down and unloads his scroll, it's time for more inventory.*

txmomof2's photo
Mon 05/12/08 07:19 AM
*notices the little man come in and stop to read something*

*wonders what it is that is so interesting*

*nods to little man*

Phoenix0311's photo
Mon 05/12/08 07:19 AM
*Wind blows the door open, Nalelerl walks in. Looks around to see what kind of crowd is present in the Green Dragon's Inn and settle's at the corner table in the shadows, with his ears and eyes open he observes everyone.*

txmomof2's photo
Mon 05/12/08 07:22 AM
*feels the chill in the air as the stranger walks in*

*looks up to see who it is*

*watches him intensely then quickly diverts her eyes back to her parchment*

joshyfox's photo
Mon 05/12/08 07:26 AM

*notices the little man come in and stop to read something*

*wonders what it is that is so interesting*

*nods to little man*

*He barely can be bothered to reply, after all wasn't this the woman who was whispering the other day, probably about him? He Unrolls his scroll, sets up his Quill Pen and Inkwell then starts to check off items he sold off of his list.*

txmomof2's photo
Mon 05/12/08 07:30 AM
*can keep her eyes from the mysterious man in the corner*

*hopes he does not notice her looking for she is intrigued yet a little frightened of him*

Phoenix0311's photo
Mon 05/12/08 07:35 AM
*A female half-elf catches his attention as she looks at him when he walked in. He takes notice that she had something she was reading. In the corner of his eye he also notices a human reading a scroll but pays no attention to him.*

*Nalelerl turns away and stares out the window blankly.... thinking.*