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Topic: THE GREEN DRAGON'S INN - part 2
Barbus's photo
Sun 05/11/08 12:05 AM
See ya later Jericho

cuppy59's photo
Sun 05/11/08 12:11 AM

*forced to take flight for a second to keep up with the Hobbits fleet feet*

Yes, here we go

*they hit the top of the stairs, and down the hall, to her room*

This velvet rope inside your room next to the bed is connected to a bell down here, if you should need anything while I am on duty here just yank on that, and I will come up.

*her hand glides across the bed with such amazement...do I dare lay on such a fine cloth...feels the rope that Barbus points too , afraid to touch it so as not to frighten anyone...*

"Thank you so much...I hope I dont stay up all night just looking at this glorious room.." she giggles ecstatically in wonderment..."\*

*Follows Barbus to the door and takes the key...withe this great big grin*

Barbus's photo
Sun 05/11/08 12:16 AM
allright if you aren't needing anything, I shall be downstairs closing up the tavern for the night, I have to make ready for tomorrow, and like every night, be standing guard.

no photo
Sun 05/11/08 05:59 AM
Boromir wakes up to another great day and prepares the tavern by cleaning the counters and tables and organizing the chairs. He then unlocks the front door and runs into the kitchen to skin the deer he bought yesterday for such a great price at Mesa's Trading Company.

RicJL's photo
Sun 05/11/08 06:13 AM
A weary Caratacus appears in the doorway of the Green Dragon.
"Hello the Inn!" He says in a loud voice. "Is there anyone about? Boromir! Barbus! Anyone?"
He shuffles slowly to a table and slumps into a chair, propping his staff against the table. With his elbows on the table, he cradles his head in both hands and then exhales in a long sigh.

Caratacus is more than just weary, he is almost exhausted and he allows his head to slide down onto the table, making a cradle of his arms. He is soon snoring loudly.

no photo
Sun 05/11/08 06:15 AM
Boromir sees the druid at the table snoring. He must off had a long voyage of somesort. Boromir tries to stay quiet as he goes back to the kitchen to continue skinning the deer.

cuppy59's photo
Sun 05/11/08 07:38 AM
*Calliope wakes with a dream of sleeping in a fine room...rubs her eyes with both hands cuffed and when the open she looks around then to realize it was not a dream at all...She rarely dreams*

*she ventures down the stairs into the Inn, where she notices a traveler snoring on the table...thinking how tired he must be. She recalls such loud snorts years ago from her father*

*she tiptoes across the floor first making sure that the new chair Barbus had found for her was still behind the bar* *relieved that its still there, she then wanders into the kitchen, coming up behind Boromir*

she poke him in the side...and he jumps..."Good Morning Boromir, may I help you with packing the meat away from this fine dear you are butchering" she giggles because she knew she startled him...

Abracadabra's photo
Sun 05/11/08 07:44 AM
*Leucippus awakens in his room to the sounds of kettles and iron pots clanging as Boromir works in the kitchen. Leu is still in his room, and his first concern is to check his prize discovery. A very special lock of hair that he believes to be from a particular high priestess of the woods of Silvernarion. Most of the elvin priestesses are from the isles of Silvernarion, but this special priestess that he is thinking of is from the inland woods of Silvernarion. She is a direct decent of those who had been led astray by the dark Lord Pythonian. Although she had never lived under his influence her ancestors had, and they had gained access to very strong magic. There were tales that a single lock of this priestess’ hair contained enough power to defeat great empires. Leucippus had been married an Elvin princess named Leah who knew that these tales were true. She had told him about the green tinge in the hair that was a sign of its magical power*

*Leu took the lock of hair from his pocket and held it up in the room to dangle before him. His eyes were carefully straining to see the green tinge that he was certain he had seen the day before. But much to his dismay it was not there. The hair was mundane auburn. So mundane it almost appeared as a common brown. His heart sank. Had he been fooled by his own eyes the day before? Had he just spent 10 pieces of gold on a worthless common lock of hair that has no magical power? He was certain that this was braided hair to be used on a special Clarash which is a very special harp used by high elvin priests. He was also certain of the colors that had seen the day before. But alas, the lock of hair looks mundane this morning*

*His heart began to throb with anxiety. He rushed over to the window where a beam of sunlight is shining in. He holds the lock up in the golden rays of the sun. Yes! It’s definitely red, very auburn, not mundane at all. As he peers at the lock of hair he also sees the green tinge, almost as a halo that shimmers just off the surface of the hair. His heart is pounding in his chest now, no longer with the anxiety of disappointment, but now with an anxiety to do something about his precious find. If only Leah were alive, she would know precisely what to do. He must befriend an elf that he can trust. But who? It can’t be just any elf. It must be someone who knows the tale and knows that it’s not just a myth. Someone who can unleash the power, wield it, and above all, be trustworthy to use the power for good. If only Leah were alive. A tear falls from Leu’s eye as he thinks of his lost love*

txmomof2's photo
Sun 05/11/08 08:09 AM
*Alatariel enters the room from the stairs*

*she stops and surveys the room*

*she sees the hobbit and wants to apologize for leaving her so quickly last night*

Caliope I am sorry to have been so rude last night

RicJL's photo
Sun 05/11/08 08:18 AM
From the main room of the Inn, Caratacus wakes with a start and a loud snort at the semi-heard sound of metal on metal. Staring about wildly, he realizes that it is not the sound of weapons but rather the rattling of cookware coming from the Inn's kitchen.

Catching his quicken breathing, he calms himself, smooths his hair and rises to his feet. Straightening his rumpled clothing, Caratacus picks up his staff and leaning heavily on it, walks slowly towards the sounds emanating from the kitchen. He suddenly realizes that after his long overnight journey and flight from the creatures that had picked up his trail during the night, that he is weak from hunger and in dire need of sustenance to replenish his energies.

"Boromir! Boromir!" He cried, "I need food and ale! Whatever you have will do, for I am a famished man!"
Pushing open the kitchen door, he sees Boromir and a small female hobbit, surrounded by the remains of some animal. The hobbit's eyes grow large and round at the sight of the bedraggled Druid.
"Do not fear me little one, for I mean you no harm. I do not believe we have met but I think that I have seen you about."
Staggering to a nearby kitchen stool, he lowers himself into it and accepts a jug of water that Boromir hastily provides. Gulping down the water, incidentally giving his beard an impromptu wash, he finishes the jug and wipes his now soggy facial hair with the back of his sleeve.

"Ahh! My gratitude, my good man! I was more than parched! Is there any bread and salt?" Caratacus leans on his staff and looks around the kitchen imploringly.

no photo
Sun 05/11/08 08:24 AM
Boromir is delighted to serve the druid as he hurries to scoop a bowl of Boar's goulasch for him. "It is a bit spicy, but it surely tastes good,"he replies before turning back and cutting out chunks of meat from the deer. "Later on I will have some delicious deer for everyone to try. I have a old recipe my great grandfather passed over to our family."

Calliope smiles as she looks up at the druid pleased he takes the bowl of goulasch and enjoys it with much anticipation.

txmomof2's photo
Sun 05/11/08 08:24 AM
*Alatariel surveys the room from her table*

*she does not see the familiar face of Jericho*

*to herself*

I was hoping to see how he was this morning before i left.
Hmmmmmmmmmm oh well

*sits for a few moments more*

no photo
Sun 05/11/08 08:28 AM
Edited by smiless on Sun 05/11/08 08:28 AM

*Alatariel surveys the room from her table*

*she does not see the familiar face of Jericho*

*to herself*

I was hoping to see how he was this morning before i left.
Hmmmmmmmmmm oh well

*sits for a few moments more*

Boromir peeks out of the kitchen. "Fair lady join us in the kitchen and try some of this spicy boar's goulasch if you may,"Boromir offers.

txmomof2's photo
Sun 05/11/08 08:32 AM
OK but only for a few moments,

*enters the kitchen sees the hobbit and the druuid*

*nods to both*

no photo
Sun 05/11/08 08:33 AM

OK but only for a few moments,

*enters the kitchen sees the hobbit and the druuid*

*nods to both*

Boromir serves a bowl of spicy boar's goulasch and a mug of cold water with it.

txmomof2's photo
Sun 05/11/08 08:35 AM
MMMMMM thank you

*sniffs the food*

Smells wonderful

txmomof2's photo
Sun 05/11/08 08:41 AM
*finish the fair then puts the fair and mug in the wash buckets*

Thank you Boromir

*pays the man for the food*

*then leaves the Inn*

cuppy59's photo
Sun 05/11/08 08:46 AM
Edited by cuppy59 on Sun 05/11/08 08:50 AM
*the hobbit looks up at the weary stranger with a smile*

"Hello,,,I am Calliope from the Hills of Tantor and you are?

*She tosses him a rag to use on his weary face*

"I would be happy to find you something...but as you can see my hands are quite drenched in animal blood..."

*she raises her arm to rub her face and now she looks like the butchered animal**at that same moment Alatariel appears in the kitchen, Calliope draws a big smile and watches her eat the food Boromir has prepared for the day*

RicJL's photo
Sun 05/11/08 08:48 AM
Edited by RicJL on Sun 05/11/08 08:50 AM
Caratacus hungrily dives into the goulash, getting bits on gravy and food sprinkled into what was a few seconds ago a fairly clean beard.

Finishing the bowl in two shakes of a lambs tail. Leaning back, he hands the bowl back to Boromir and releases a gigantic belch. He sighs as he begins to feel the food's warmth spreading through him and the strength in his limbs returning.
Wiping the remains of the food from the front of his robes, he turns to face Boromir once again.

"Boromir, I need to scrape the road dust from my limbs and clean up these robes. Be a good boy and put a kettle on for some hot water, would you? Oh and do not be deceived by the wolfish manner with which I devoured the food, I assure you that it was not too spicy and eminently palatable."

Standing and spying a loaf of fresh baked bread, the Druid snags in from the rack and finding it still hot, blows on his fingers as he juggles it from hand to hand for a few seconds, then satisfied the loaf is cool enough to attempt a bite, tears off a chunk and begins to chew with evident relish.

Gathering his staff and with a slight groan, he nods to Alatariel and winks at Calliope as he makes his way out of the kitchen slowly and towards the baths, munching contentedly.

Rathil_Thads's photo
Sun 05/11/08 08:49 AM
*Jericho enters the inn and takes a seat at the bar. He doesn't have his familiar scowl on his face. Perhaps it is because the coughing has subdued for now or perhaps it is simply because his annoying companion is not currently with him.*

Boromir, if I could get some food that would be great.

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