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silverwaya's photo
Thu 05/08/08 09:11 PM

well now that is either very cocky of you to say or very confident. lucky for you.. i like both and she laughs lyrically.

Oh, Boromir, i could help you find a riddle that could make them ponder ... as she grins wickedly

"I am sure you can Re'Anna,"Boromir says laughing. "I am still young but I learn quickly."

I can see that you have young one. I do love a quick learner.

cuppy59's photo
Thu 05/08/08 09:13 PM

"Re'Anna...I see you have found your way back..."

*she sees the the wood elf in the corner of her eye...but does not shift her position...being only 3 feet tall...it is easy to be overlooked...no bother to her...she likes to go noticed by her choice only*

ho there caliope, how fares ye?

hearing this name Caliope the elf got some what of a rush go threw him and rushed over to Caliope and says *you must know me your name sound sounds i think i know that name Caliope*

"you may have heard my name in conversation...I have a time keeping my mouth shut...being nosey and playful at the same time...Im all around...ansy pants I am...The name is Calliope from the hills of Tantor...You have lost your sense of taste and smell...is that right"

*hears of the riddles in the backround...thinking she may have one of her own...*

Muchacho's photo
Thu 05/08/08 09:14 PM

the elf tired and full he gets sleepy turns to say *Boromir how much for the food* after all tomarrow i will see if i can find some one who knows the name Jindemyth

'The food is on the house today. Those where the last two dishes we had. I do hope you come back soon and perhaps I can find someone to help you out dear friend,'Boromir says.

after hearing this the elf walks out wishing that he had the stamina to stay for the drink but wanders out side lookig for a nice tree to sleep under

no photo
Thu 05/08/08 09:14 PM

well now that is either very cocky of you to say or very confident. lucky for you.. i like both and she laughs lyrically.

Oh, Boromir, i could help you find a riddle that could make them ponder ... as she grins wickedly

"I am sure you can Re'Anna,"Boromir says laughing. "I am still young but I learn quickly."

I can see that you have young one. I do love a quick learner.


silverwaya's photo
Thu 05/08/08 09:14 PM

well now that is either very cocky of you to say or very confident. lucky for you.. i like both and she laughs lyrically.

Oh, Boromir, i could help you find a riddle that could make them ponder ... as she grins wickedly

I assure you my dear, I am the epitome of confidnece and you would not be wise to doubt the amount of cockiness I possess

*He says with a great laugh*

tilts her head back and laughs till her sides hurt. laughter still in her eyes, she says.... well now that is definitely good to hear.

silverwaya's photo
Thu 05/08/08 09:16 PM

well now that is either very cocky of you to say or very confident. lucky for you.. i like both and she laughs lyrically.

Oh, Boromir, i could help you find a riddle that could make them ponder ... as she grins wickedly

"I am sure you can Re'Anna,"Boromir says laughing. "I am still young but I learn quickly."

I can see that you have young one. I do love a quick learner.


ahhh boromir, you know that makes you so attractive.

Muchacho's photo
Thu 05/08/08 09:19 PM

"Re'Anna...I see you have found your way back..."

*she sees the the wood elf in the corner of her eye...but does not shift her position...being only 3 feet tall...it is easy to be overlooked...no bother to her...she likes to go noticed by her choice only*

ho there caliope, how fares ye?

hearing this name Caliope the elf got some what of a rush go threw him and rushed over to Caliope and says *you must know me your name sound sounds i think i know that name Caliope*

"you may have heard my name in conversation...I have a time keeping my mouth shut...being nosey and playful at the same time...Im all around...ansy pants I am...The name is Calliope from the hills of Tantor...You have lost your sense of taste and smell...is that right"

*hears of the riddles in the backround...thinking she may have one of her own...*

the elf look back a Caliope and says *yes i wish i could tell boromir that the food looked good but i could not taste it *
and right before he walks out the door he tells Caliope *night maden tomarrow is anew* and walks out to find his place for the night

Abracadabra's photo
Thu 05/08/08 09:20 PM

*Rathil looks around and announces*

For the rest of the night all food, drinks, and rooms are on me. So eat, drink and most of all be merry my friends

*Leu strums a few chords on his citloe and sings out*

Rathil has bought
with gracious thought
so all of us can sleep

May all the spirits follow him
and protect his precious keep

*then he graciously bows toward the generous Elf*

Rathil_Thads's photo
Thu 05/08/08 09:23 PM
Edited by Rathil_Thads on Thu 05/08/08 09:24 PM

*Rathil looks around and announces*

For the rest of the night all food, drinks, and rooms are on me. So eat, drink and most of all be merry my friends

*Leu strums a few chords on his citloe and sings out*

Rathil has bought
with gracious thought
so all of us can sleep

May all the spirits follow him
and protect his precious keep

*then he graciously bows toward the generous Elf*

*Rathil pulls out a tiny flute and plays a few notes keeping with the tune. He stops and adds*

You can only win
With the dragons inn
The best food and drink around
So come on back
and never slack
Tis the best inn we've ever found

Abracadabra's photo
Thu 05/08/08 09:29 PM

*Rathil pulls out a tiny flute and plays a few notes keeping with the tune. He stops and adds*

You can only win
With the dragons inn
The best food and drink around
So come on back
and never slack
Tis the best inn we've ever found

Leu holds his gobet high to toast the Elf's obvious quick wit and lyrical abilities. Then guzzles a large portion of it, in a gesture to show that this is a very worthy toast.

cuppy59's photo
Thu 05/08/08 09:30 PM
*Calliope not comfortable sleeping inside and Inn...moves toward the door....*

"Dear Sirs and Innkeeper, Boromir..I bid farewell...I am seeking my own place to dwell for the evening....I have seen a few interesting spots in the side of the hill outside of town..."

*She quickly vanishes without notice to her special place*

Rathil_Thads's photo
Thu 05/08/08 09:31 PM

*Rathil pulls out a tiny flute and plays a few notes keeping with the tune. He stops and adds*

You can only win
With the dragons inn
The best food and drink around
So come on back
and never slack
Tis the best inn we've ever found

Leu holds his gobet high to toast the Elf's obvious quick wit and lyrical abilities. Then guzzles a large portion of it, in a gesture to show that this is a very worthy toast.

*Rathil laughs and follows suit with his own drink*

silverwaya's photo
Thu 05/08/08 09:32 PM

*Rathil pulls out a tiny flute and plays a few notes keeping with the tune. He stops and adds*

You can only win
With the dragons inn
The best food and drink around
So come on back
and never slack
Tis the best inn we've ever found

Leu holds his gobet high to toast the Elf's obvious quick wit and lyrical abilities. Then guzzles a large portion of it, in a gesture to show that this is a very worthy toast.

*Rathil laughs and follows suit with his own drink*

sits back to enjoy the banter while taking a sip of the fine wine

no photo
Thu 05/08/08 09:33 PM
Boromir stretches then yawns. He then nods at Rathil Thads.

"It is nice seeing you here in the Green Dragon's Inn Leu. I do hope you will stay awhile in Sinatorium. I am retiring for the night. I bid everyone a good nights sleep,"Boromir says.

He then walks lazily up the stairs. He laughs and mumbles to himself, What goes up and down but doesn't move. He continues to walk up the stairs and to his room to fall in his bed to fall asleep.

Rathil_Thads's photo
Thu 05/08/08 09:33 PM

Boromir stretches then yawns. He then nods at Rathil Thads.

"It is nice seeing you here in the Green Dragon's Inn Leu. I do hope you will stay awhile in Sinatorium. I am retiring for the night. I bid everyone a good nights sleep,"Boromir says.

He then walks lazily up the stairs. He laughs and mumbles to himself, What goes up and down but doesn't move. He continues to walk up the stairs and to his room to fall in his bed to fall asleep.

*Rathil smiles and tips his hat in Boromir's direction*

Sleep well friend

Abracadabra's photo
Thu 05/08/08 09:34 PM

*Calliope not comfortable sleeping inside and Inn...moves toward the door....*

"Dear Sirs and Innkeeper, Boromir..I bid farewell...I am seeking my own place to dwell for the evening....I have seen a few interesting spots in the side of the hill outside of town..."

*She quickly vanishes without notice to her special place*

That’s one cute hobbit, Leu comments to Boromir as he lifts his empty goblet for a refill

*then he turns to catch one last look at the small beauty as she makes her way out of the Inn*

Rathil_Thads's photo
Thu 05/08/08 09:37 PM

*Calliope not comfortable sleeping inside and Inn...moves toward the door....*

"Dear Sirs and Innkeeper, Boromir..I bid farewell...I am seeking my own place to dwell for the evening....I have seen a few interesting spots in the side of the hill outside of town..."

*She quickly vanishes without notice to her special place*

That’s one cute hobbit, Leu comments to Boromir as he lifts his empty goblet for a refill

*then he turns to catch one last look at the small beauty as she makes her way out of the Inn*

A cute one she is indeed

*Rathil muses towards Leu,

let me get that drink for you since Boromir has gone off to bed.

*Rathil turns back toward the bar and motions at the bottle of wine. He beckons it with his finger and it flies across the room to him. He deftly catches it and he pours it in Leu's glass. He corks the bottle and he throws it back toward the bar. It looks like it is going to shatter but before it hits the wall Rathil flicks his wrist and the bottle balances out and lands in the exact spot it was in.*

no photo
Thu 05/08/08 09:48 PM
Morgan enters, a bit ruffled. She has had a good dose of this strange land having had a run in with a giant spider.

She sits at the bar.

"May I have water please?"

Abracadabra's photo
Thu 05/08/08 09:50 PM
let me get that drink for you since Boromir has gone off to bed.

*Leucippus watches the elf performs his magic. Leu has had some experience with magic himself. In fact he was pretty good at when he was younger and his heart was whole. Nothing profound, just little bits of magic mostly to help heal animals with, or impress a few hobbits. He has also marveled at the magical ability of elves and could clearly see Rathil has a great mastery of it*

Thank you Rathil!, Leu says heartily as he looks down into the goblet with an air of hesitation.

*thinking to himself – Hmmm? Wine?*
*Leu is used to drinking beer-type brews and isn’t sure if it’s wise to mix the different drinks as he doesn’t have the strongest stomach of men*

Abracadabra's photo
Thu 05/08/08 09:54 PM
Boromir went to bed early to amuse himself with his up/down riddle.

I can get that water for you.

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