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no photo
Wed 05/07/08 12:22 PM

*Looks outside, raises his eyebrows at the unusual site,then calmly says*
"Goblin ale, then."
Places some gold on the table.

"A good selection sir," Boromir says as he takes the gold and serves the brew.

Barbus's photo
Wed 05/07/08 12:24 PM
(a tremor is felt in the ground coming from the direction of the Barbus Academy, very faint, may have been nothing. But the screaming continues)

silverwaya's photo
Wed 05/07/08 12:27 PM
She opens the door to the Inn with a flourish. The breeze still lingering in her hair. She looks around to see what lies before her in this establishment. Still chuckling at the odd sight in the sky, she finds a seat to sit down and places her sword to a more comfortable position.
Tossing her locks about her shoulders, "Barkeep, I need a drink Please. My journey has been long and thirsty"

no photo
Wed 05/07/08 12:28 PM

She opens the door to the Inn with a flourish. The breeze still lingering in her hair. She looks around to see what lies before her in this establishment. Still chuckling at the odd sight in the sky, she finds a seat to sit down and places her sword to a more comfortable position.
Tossing her locks about her shoulders, "Barkeep, I need a drink Please. My journey has been long and thirsty"

"Why of course my fair lady. What shall it be? Perhaps some elvin wine, hobbits grapan liquor, or a goblin's brew?" Boromir asks.

silverwaya's photo
Wed 05/07/08 12:32 PM

She opens the door to the Inn with a flourish. The breeze still lingering in her hair. She looks around to see what lies before her in this establishment. Still chuckling at the odd sight in the sky, she finds a seat to sit down and places her sword to a more comfortable position.
Tossing her locks about her shoulders, "Barkeep, I need a drink Please. My journey has been long and thirsty"

"Why of course my fair lady. What shall it be? Perhaps some elvin wine, hobbits grapan liquor, or a goblin's brew?" Boromir asks.

why grapan liquor will do just fine thank you. and what am i supposed to call you besides handsome?

no photo
Wed 05/07/08 12:36 PM

She opens the door to the Inn with a flourish. The breeze still lingering in her hair. She looks around to see what lies before her in this establishment. Still chuckling at the odd sight in the sky, she finds a seat to sit down and places her sword to a more comfortable position.
Tossing her locks about her shoulders, "Barkeep, I need a drink Please. My journey has been long and thirsty"

"Why of course my fair lady. What shall it be? Perhaps some elvin wine, hobbits grapan liquor, or a goblin's brew?" Boromir asks.

why grapan liquor will do just fine thank you. and what am i supposed to call you besides handsome?

Boromir blushes as he is very young. "Why they ..they... well I am.. called Boromir fair lady," as he serves the drink.

silverwaya's photo
Wed 05/07/08 12:39 PM
Smiles seductively as she takes a drink. Nice to meet you Boromir.
My name is Re'Anna. You wouldn't know about the strange flying fellow would you?

RicJL's photo
Wed 05/07/08 12:42 PM
*Caratacus, feeling the slight tremor beneath his feet, reaches down and places his palm on the floor. After a few seconds, he feels no repeat and so he straightens up. Glancing around the room and seeing no outward reaction from the other guests, he is about to return to his meal when he catches site of the swordswoman. There is a scent wafting through the air, coming from her direction. Caratacus' nostrils flair slightly as he drinks in the aroma. "Interesting woman", he thinks to himself, as he takes a sip from his goblet.

Barbus's photo
Wed 05/07/08 12:42 PM
(a red glow lights up the sky for a moment coming from behind the Barbus Academy, and the shrieking stopps, as well as the tremors) *Moments pass, and a dark figure is seen in the doorway of the Green Dragon's Inn before he takes a seat in the far corner*

Borimor, a drink NOW!

Rathil_Thads's photo
Wed 05/07/08 12:43 PM
*Rathil continues to patiently wait as he sits there. He takes in everything around him and smiles a bit to himself that so far out of the two ladies that have come through the door both of them have taken an interest in Boromir. Perhaps he should look into buying his own tavern he silently muses to himself*

silverwaya's photo
Wed 05/07/08 12:45 PM
My such pleasant people grace your door Boromir.
She noticed the Druid and nods in his direction. Looks admiringly at the new fellow with the magnificent wings. she looks him up and down as she takes another drink.

Rathil_Thads's photo
Wed 05/07/08 12:45 PM
*Rathil chuckles a bit as Barbus bursts through*

There you are, I was wondering when you were going to get here. I already ordered for you.

*Nods toward the food*

The drink you will have to get on your own though. Couldn't remember what you liked. It's been too long.

no photo
Wed 05/07/08 12:46 PM

Smiles seductively as she takes a drink. Nice to meet you Boromir.
My name is Re'Anna. You wouldn't know about the strange flying fellow would you?

"Oh Barbus. That is the town's elder, but he also runs a academy. He is a great drow!," Boromir replies.

no photo
Wed 05/07/08 12:48 PM

(a red glow lights up the sky for a moment coming from behind the Barbus Academy, and the shrieking stopps, as well as the tremors) *Moments pass, and a dark figure is seen in the doorway of the Green Dragon's Inn before he takes a seat in the far corner*

Borimor, a drink NOW!

Boromir serves the goblin's brew to the dark elf.

Barbus's photo
Wed 05/07/08 12:48 PM

*Rathil chuckles a bit as Barbus bursts through*

There you are, I was wondering when you were going to get here. I already ordered for you.

*Nods toward the food*

The drink you will have to get on your own though. Couldn't remember what you liked. It's been too long.

Thank you old friend, Borimor, give me the strongest stuff you got, just leave the bottle!

silverwaya's photo
Wed 05/07/08 12:49 PM

Smiles seductively as she takes a drink. Nice to meet you Boromir.
My name is Re'Anna. You wouldn't know about the strange flying fellow would you?

"Oh Barbus. That is the town's elder, but he also runs a academy. He is a great drow!," Boromir replies.

She nods her head in thanks to Boromir's reply. Hmmmmm interesting. I might could glean some information from that one she musses.
She notices the smirk on the elf's face, wondering how he came by such strange looking clothing.

Barbus's photo
Wed 05/07/08 12:50 PM

(a red glow lights up the sky for a moment coming from behind the Barbus Academy, and the shrieking stopps, as well as the tremors) *Moments pass, and a dark figure is seen in the doorway of the Green Dragon's Inn before he takes a seat in the far corner*

Borimor, a drink NOW!

Boromir serves the goblin's brew to the dark elf.
*nods and slapps a ruby dragon scale on the table* keep the change

silverwaya's photo
Wed 05/07/08 12:51 PM
Notices the ruby dragon scale and raises her brow with interest. Not just anyone has those, she thinks to herself

no photo
Wed 05/07/08 12:52 PM

*Looks outside, raises his eyebrows at the unusual site,then calmly says*
"Goblin ale, then."
Places some gold on the table.

Boromir takes the gold.

Rathil_Thads's photo
Wed 05/07/08 12:52 PM

*Rathil chuckles a bit as Barbus bursts through*

There you are, I was wondering when you were going to get here. I already ordered for you.

*Nods toward the food*

The drink you will have to get on your own though. Couldn't remember what you liked. It's been too long.

Thank you old friend, Borimor, give me the strongest stuff you got, just leave the bottle!

It's been a long time, I was told you would be stopping into the Inn today so I just had to come by.

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