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Topic: Is it a najor turn off....
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Tue 05/06/08 12:22 AM
if someone you were interested in disliked your taste in music?

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Tue 05/06/08 12:23 AM
yeah ok that should say major...not najor.

codelockbox's photo
Tue 05/06/08 12:23 AM
I wouldnt care really.

Chad312's photo
Tue 05/06/08 12:24 AM
I think all people will have different tastes in things. But I am cool with what ever.

lgo's photo
Tue 05/06/08 12:24 AM
my ex was like that. But anymore I don't care

itsmetina's photo
Tue 05/06/08 12:25 AM
wouldn't matter to me

no photo
Tue 05/06/08 12:25 AM
hmm i need for them to at least be able to tolerate my music. i go to lots of concerts...need someone to go with me. =]
of course its always more fun when you both enjoy the music.

itsmetina's photo
Tue 05/06/08 12:27 AM
compromise is the key factor

OkieTech1974's photo
Tue 05/06/08 12:28 AM
i dont think so...unless they wanted to make love to a polkalaugh laugh laugh

EtherealEmbers's photo
Tue 05/06/08 12:30 AM
I don't care as long as it doesn't irritate them cuz that would suck... I'd be willing to listen to theirs

SunnyMcleod's photo
Tue 05/06/08 12:30 AM
Ugh my ex loved techno and death metal..... yea we had rules. When I stayed over, there was no techno. Makes my brain hurt. But for the most part I don't care. In fact it's nice dating someone who knows music you don't. Gives you a chance to broaden your scope right.smokin

soundedmind's photo
Tue 05/06/08 12:32 AM
As long as he'd be respectful as I'd be to his taste in music.

But I love all kinds of music... so... it's hard. LOL.

MsTeddyBear2u's photo
Tue 05/06/08 12:33 AM
Music is pretty compatible with me on many levels,
Would'nt be a problem.
Unless its rap- well then we would have a problem.
I dislike that way too much to ever be able to
put up with it.

DestinysDream's photo
Tue 05/06/08 12:36 AM
I would be outraged.
"What do you mean you don't like this song? You don't have any taste in music! That's it we are through!"

Ok not really, I could care less.laugh

itsmetina's photo
Tue 05/06/08 12:36 AM
if music was the only problem hell i'll listen to whatever he wants

EtherealEmbers's photo
Tue 05/06/08 12:36 AM
What turns me off is when a guy I'm dating ONLY listens to his kind of music when I'm around... that's when you know you're dating a selfish jerk. :tongue:

no photo
Tue 05/06/08 12:37 AM

if someone you were interested in disliked your taste in music?

Vinyl and plastic doesn't taste good.

no photo
Tue 05/06/08 12:39 AM
haha well alot of the guys i talk to say they 'cant stand' most of the music i listen to. so when that happens, im basically done with them.
it sounds kind of crazy but it is what it is lol

SunnyMcleod's photo
Tue 05/06/08 12:39 AM

What turns me off is when a guy I'm dating ONLY listens to his kind of music when I'm around... that's when you know you're dating a selfish jerk. :tongue:

You are so right! If a guy is willing to listen stuff that he doesn't care for but you kinda like it's a GOOD signbigsmile

no photo
Tue 05/06/08 12:41 AM

What turns me off is when a guy I'm dating ONLY listens to his kind of music when I'm around... that's when you know you're dating a selfish jerk. :tongue:

Normally it's not a problem here, but no one messes with kim kommando and coast2coastam. Only there is there a certainty that I'll hear from 12 oclock flashers, freaks and geeks, much crazier than me!


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