Topic: Sergeant in Afghanistan - Stop the BS and "Let's Get It Done | |
Erin-That's the whole point: Killing all the people in the twin towers
didn't solve their problems, it just helped them get started! (another few hundred million and they'd be done) ...You can't fight war with Peace & Tollerance.... |
Ok;as voltaire-a french philosopher said:I may disagree with what you
say;i will defend to the death your right to say it. NO weapons of mass destruction found;Osama nt found;Iraq sitting on top of the 2nd or 3rd largest known oil reserves in the world;Bush own commission that he asked for concluded tht there wasnt no weapons of mass destruction found;lets look at this viewpoint:if i was a junkie,i wouldnt want my enemy sitting on top of the 2nd or 3rd largest reserve of dope in the world;and by the way,70% of the the worlds heroin comes from guess where:Afghanastian.How you like tht needle |
well if we sit around and do nothing you actually believe the terrorists
are gonna quit? nope sorry, we have stopped alot of planned attacks with our actions overseas and here at home, it,s a tough price I know. |
A-men Fedman.
Fedman and BigGlenn are correct, in my view. If it was possible to win
with "peace activity" all wars or military actions since time began would be fought with words. NOT POSSIBLE. Kick a$$ and take names, it's the only thing "terrorists" understand. ONLY, do not publish their names, it gives them glory unto Allah. Just get rid of them. Verb |
& whats really depressing is how some people mention the iraqis and
afghans, etc as "those people" or say they want to get rid of that "muslim scum" Which (to me) sounds like trying to get rid of a whole race of people, just because they happen to be in the same statistic as the people who flew planes into the towers. No wonder America has a bad reputation (for some obvious things) in some (most) areas of the world. |
I can relate to this. Hey Seargent, don't give up the good fight. I know
how it feels to be where you are, only difference was the place. I was in Somalia in 93, 75th & 3rd Ranger Rgt. I came home to protesters and things being thrown at me. I was in a wheelchair for God sakes. I was defending other's freedoms and that was the respect that I was shown from my fellow Americans. I am a Democrat however and I don't like Bush! I am going to always support our troops and if I could go and help I would! In a Heartbeat! I am no longer in service to this country but if I was, I would be right there with you! Strive on to the objective! Don't give up! And as for CNN, go screw yourself you bunch of coward ass sissies! Put down your camera and pick up a weapon! Report the TRUTH!!!! Stop lying to the American people and showing what you want to show to make us look bad! |
right now in america u have to partys one party is for rich never serve
a day but they dont mind sending common people to die for there screw up when it was there time to serve they hid behide there daddy then we have dem who our so chicken **** to do anything so in closing but party suck |
Glenn, I admire a man of few words.
![]() I wish I had said that one word... Verb ![]() |
lol verb Gina there is NO draft in effect now so how is the rich
dodging anything, other than not signing up to go over there? If I was young enough I'd go kick some terrorist ass and if the bastards wanna come over here and I see them try their **** I will be the first one out my door to go kick some ass here. |
GO get 'em FedMan! I am a pretty good shot too...
LOL ![]() Verb |