Topic: waiting for spring to come
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Wed 01/31/07 03:49 PM
waiting and watching for soring to come
oh how i cant wait for all the fun
the flowers, tree's and the honey bees
oh how beautiful it will be
the birds flying high uo in the air
fluttering around without a care
the cherry bossoms in the tree's
oh what a spring it will be
people coming out to enjoy the air
children playing everywhere
its coming soon its not out of reach
i cant wait to walk on the beach
the humming birds fluttering all around
the squirrels playing on the ground
isnt it wounderful cant you see
in spring everything is free


no photo
Wed 01/31/07 03:51 PM
sorry for the mess up on spring in the first line typing to fast

kojack's photo
Wed 01/31/07 03:52 PM
awesome poem again....

Don t you like to cuddle in the winter though ?

no photo
Wed 01/31/07 04:07 PM
yes i like to cuddle in the winter but i love spring im a flowers and
going out in the nice weather kind of girl

michael1313's photo
Wed 01/31/07 10:23 PM
spring is one of my favorite times of the year,
all the birds and young new life everywhere!!!
getting out of being cooped up in th house all winter,
watching flowers bloom!!!

good poem,but as your coach...
slow it down,proof read before you post!

Glad to see you witing!!!
keep it flowingflowerforyou

karmafury's photo
Wed 01/31/07 10:25 PM
Now I can't wait either DGF. Very well written.

Cybear's photo
Thu 02/01/07 03:34 AM
Beautiful DGF.One of my two fav.seasons.This one of course for all of
the reasons you stated above in your Poem.Of course there are several
more reasons also.It is as if Mother Earth awakens for yet another
glorious year and embraces us all with open arms.Leaving herself
completely exposed for our eyes and our senses to enjoy her fruits she
has bear-ed.I love this season very dearly.I will close however by
stating that New England in the fall is simply Majestic.I luv it,keep up
the good work hon.Godspeed!Cybear.:smile: flowerforyou

no photo
Thu 02/01/07 11:53 AM
thankyou to michael yes u have been a wouderful couch i will slow down
and proof read
karma its good that you cant wait its a beautiful time of year
thanks for the compliment
cybear you have just added to thankyou

kojack's photo
Thu 02/01/07 12:00 PM
nothing like walking in the rain daddysgirl

TxsGal3333's photo
Thu 02/01/07 12:15 PM
Very nice one spring is a very nice time.

no photo
Thu 02/01/07 12:15 PM
hey i like the rain too as long as it isnt extremely cold rain

kojack's photo
Thu 02/01/07 12:21 PM
I love walking in the rain, like when we were kids, alot of fun

no photo
Thu 02/01/07 01:22 PM
GREAT POEM, AND I love SPRING because it means that WINTER is over!!!!
Yeahhhhh,,,keep on writing!!!!:wink:

slowtogetit's photo
Thu 02/01/07 01:36 PM
now you got us all waiting and watching the calendar dgf. as cybear said
there is nothing better than fall in new england. as i know that for
sure because i live in the mountains and the colors of the leaves are

catchme_ifucan's photo
Thu 02/01/07 03:25 PM
Very nice DGF, I love the Spring Time! & the Fall Colors! I'm just a out
doors personflowerforyou

no photo
Thu 02/01/07 04:28 PM
thanks everybody i love the fall leaves too i lived in the mountains
also and the leaves changing was extemely beautiful
so i know where your coming from slowtogetit

slowtogetit's photo
Thu 02/01/07 04:37 PM
nothing more spectacular than looking around and seeing all the
different colors.