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Topic: Am I nuts?
awolf1010's photo
Fri 05/02/08 06:36 PM

um WHAT??? are you serious? do you need a place to live that bad?

I have a place to live. He is moving in with me. Him and my daughter.
laugh laugh laugh
OK I am truely sorry and apoligize to you......I should have read more closely....that is one way to get around a custody agreement.....

Does anyone know what stock symbols zoloft,prozac,paxil or effexor are traded under.....I'm going to invest now:tongue:

My daughter is NINETEEN ...no need for a custody agreement.

You are boring me yawn
i'm sure with your life on track now you can move up from cashier to head of the deli....
I'm a teacher as well..........how about you give your life to Jesus :wink:
...JC has nothin to do with the choioces you make.......or being nuckin' futs......thats ALL YOU...sweetheart......happy happy happy

briancarr's photo
Fri 05/02/08 06:45 PM

um WHAT??? are you serious? do you need a place to live that bad?

I have a place to live. He is moving in with me. Him and my daughter.
laugh laugh laugh
OK I am truely sorry and apoligize to you......I should have read more closely....that is one way to get around a custody agreement.....

Does anyone know what stock symbols zoloft,prozac,paxil or effexor are traded under.....I'm going to invest now:tongue:

My daughter is NINETEEN ...no need for a custody agreement.

You are boring me yawn
i'm sure with your life on track now you can move up from cashier to head of the deli....
I'm a teacher as well..........how about you give your life to Jesus :wink:
...JC has nothin to do with the choioces you make.......or being nuckin' futs......thats ALL YOU...sweetheart......happy happy happy
We should play niceflowerforyou In the end a Higher Power will make the final decisionhappy Happiness, and Health and the beleif that God will lead the way, is most important. We are just human beings sharing our thoughts, and lives.bigsmile One persons nut, is another persons peanut butterhuh

no photo
Fri 05/02/08 08:51 PM

My ex husband and I are going to lease the house I'm in together next month for a year. We have three children together and get along really well. What do you think? Would you lease a house with your ex? Do you think this will keep me from having a boyfriend laugh ?

There's a saying that comes to mind. First, you could say I'm crazy, and would get agreement from the state of Ohio on that point. The saying is, "it takes one to know one". I'm thinking they haven't discovered you yet.

TheShadow's photo
Fri 05/02/08 08:55 PM
Edited by TheShadow on Fri 05/02/08 08:55 PM

My ex husband and I are going to lease the house I'm in together next month for a year. We have three children together and get along really well. What do you think? Would you lease a house with your ex? Do you think this will keep me from having a boyfriend laugh ?

Good luckdrinker

When you come back. will be herelaugh JK:smile:

YEAH it will slim your chances of having a boyfriendohwell

floh's photo
Fri 05/02/08 09:03 PM

My ex husband and I are going to lease the house I'm in together next month for a year. We have three children together and get along really well. What do you think? Would you lease a house with your ex? Do you think this will keep me from having a boyfriend laugh ?


no photo
Sat 05/03/08 02:38 AM
Allow me to offer my input.

You say that the divorce was over five years ago. If that's the case, I'd trust that you and your ex husband have both matured enough as independent divorced adults to be able to handle living together temporarily. The pair-bond has most likely long been expired on both sides.

Things could get awkward (especially for the children) if either of you are bringing lovers back to the house during the late nights, so I'd advise you two to make an agreement to be sleeping over at other people's houses for those kind of things.

no photo
Sat 05/03/08 05:36 AM
If you have to ask, it might.

Although I have heard of at least one couple that did it and it all worked out fine. Heck, their new partners even moved in with them after a time and all went smoothly, minus some minor glitches.

Emotionally, it did tend to create some unresolved issues, though.

no photo
Sat 05/03/08 05:42 AM

Your profile name speaks volumes about the honest answer to this query. Why do that to yourself?

That's what I was wondering - an emotional masochist? No insult or harm intended, but please do think about it.

And, not that I'm judging anyone that likes a little consensual pain or anything. *giggle*

Be well.

beautyfrompain's photo
Sat 05/03/08 06:12 PM

Allow me to offer my input.

You say that the divorce was over five years ago. If that's the case, I'd trust that you and your ex husband have both matured enough as independent divorced adults to be able to handle living together temporarily. The pair-bond has most likely long been expired on both sides.

Things could get awkward (especially for the children) if either of you are bringing lovers back to the house during the late nights, so I'd advise you two to make an agreement to be sleeping over at other people's houses for those kind of things.

Thanks for your input chief. When I start dating I do not plan on inviting men over to my house. Just not the type of person I am.

Thank you all for responding...even the rude ones....God be with you :heart:

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