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no photo
Wed 01/31/07 10:07 AM
I am doing just fantastic sweetie, hope that you are wonderful as

no photo
Wed 01/31/07 10:16 AM
Devin my bro, where the hell ya been????
And if your thinking about it ,,,the friend thing here,
well, lets just say that it has broken up MORE friendships than
ABOUT!!!!!! :smile: smooched drinker

smokin Need I say MORE?

redmange420's photo
Wed 01/31/07 12:44 PM
If you do decide to talk to her, MAKE SURE you talk to your friend
first, and get his blessing. Just ask him "Hey bro, so and so is tryin
to talk to me, are you cool with that???"

smb8056's photo
Wed 01/31/07 02:08 PM
I would never date my friends ex. There are some lines you just dont
cross. Put yourself in the same position and your friend wanted to date
your ex girl and just so happens you still love her how would that feel.

TxsGal3333's photo
Wed 01/31/07 02:13 PM
Ohhhhhhhh that is a can of worms that most don't want to open. Myself
was put in that stiuation my best friend and her husband split up and
got a divorce he called me and tried to get me to go out with him ohhhhh
it was so tempting he was very nice looking and all but.............. I
turned it down for she was my best friend even tho I never dated him we
still would talk on the phone once in a while just as friends but when
she found out that I was still talking to him once in a while even just
friends she went off and accused me of sleeping with him not once but
twice needless to say the friendship ended and then I wished I had went
out with him if I was gonna be accused of it anyway so your damned if
you do and damned if you don't at times. But.... still would not do it
to a friend.

sweetcountrygirl's photo
Wed 01/31/07 02:19 PM
Definetely NO way...
doesnt mmatter who or why, friends first...It's like sayin would you
date your sisters ex or vice versa...Nope...Off limits..too many people
get hurt in the long run...

Sluggo's photo
Wed 01/31/07 03:00 PM
You Ex GF is your Friends EX as well and if they cross that line they
become Your EX Friend! Knowing THAT that tells you how good a Friend
they were going into the situation....

Basically, How good a friend are you willing to lose for a "Date" or a
"Piece of Ass"?

no photo
Wed 01/31/07 10:34 PM
yup, in fact, we encourage it. But then again, my friends dont date with
intentions to find "the one". we date for fun, and what's good for one
is good for all.

lily38's photo
Wed 01/31/07 11:00 PM
Lunatic, have you ever met secretman or mike68.............

kojack's photo
Fri 02/02/07 10:00 PM
nope . it s an unwritten rule never date a friends Ex.

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