Topic: FRIENDS | |
good luck lamom tell terry i said howdy and all that happy
stuff |
Lion,, I will, he should be on late tonight,
don't worry..i'll keep the game going
be safe in your travel
Josehon,,, Thank you,,
no problem at all you're very welcome
I just want to Thank all of you for your kindness that you have always
shown me,,, I hope and pray that all of you will find what I have found, a Love and Friendship so Unconditional. To my JSH Family, you all Rawkkkkkkkkkk, and have made me laugh and cry and have given me the ability to open up my heart.. For that I am truly Grateful,,, I am Honored to say you are my friends and Family,,,, Denise |
you rawwwkkk as well..i'm honored to be your friend as well
thank you too for everything --jose |
Ok, I have to admit, I didn't read this whole thread. Because if I did I
would be crying ALL DAy LONG!!!!! LA, Every since you came on here, you have been so very nice and sweet to everyone here, including me. I just hope that I can be half the lady you are. The both of you deserve each other, and all of the love that you can handle, and when you can't handle anymore, I will give you more because when it comes to love, happiness and long life, there can never be enough. I love you both, sweetie, have fun, take care, and safe journey to you. |
ok, now I did read it, and yes, I am going to be crying all day!!!
We want details when you get back on line.... ok ok not THOSE kind....
but we want to hear something.... some of use live through others ya know *S* |
Ms Fine,
I Love you, and have admired you for such a long time you a Women with passion and your love for life, family and friends just takes my breathe away,,, I am so humbled to have you in my life,,, Dammit,,, Now i am crying... Love you Denise Tneal,,, Give you all the details when i get back,,, Ladies night out in Cyber Space,,,,, Love you all so much !!!!! |
la.. have a safe and wonderful trip out to indiana.. it is a pretty nice
state. i have driven through there several times. enjoy the time that you have with Terry and hope that you two grow closer and closer together. see you when you get back. take care |
Wego, thank you so much for your kind words !