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Topic: Hey oregon men hit me up...
Tom John's photo
Thu 02/22/18 06:56 PM
I'm in Oregon have car will travel

Nicebulgehun's photo
Sat 03/24/18 12:41 AM

no photo
Sat 03/24/18 11:55 PM

Bjohnson69's photo
Tue 04/17/18 10:36 PM
hey...im in salem

no photo
Tue 04/17/18 11:11 PM
I don't know why users give up so fast. She only posted this 10 years ago and she is deactivated...

Just a little more patience and she would have found so many men.

laugh laugh laugh laugh

Ambitiousbutshy55's photo
Tue 04/24/18 11:43 PM

Hey, I'm with mini-Where are the Oregon men? Seems all the ones that email me are clear across the country!

I'm here in the high desert!!

no photo
Fri 05/04/18 11:53 PM
Hi how are you

no photo
Fri 05/04/18 11:53 PM
Hi how are you

Danklover1's photo
Fri 05/25/18 11:53 PM
Hi beautiful

Randy503's photo
Sat 06/02/18 07:04 AM
I'm here in the rogue valley. Where are the women?

quiettdragon's photo
Mon 06/04/18 07:06 AM
Yes I just recently moved to Roseburg and have yet to find any good women here.

1rugedyhansomeman's photo
Thu 06/21/18 01:50 PM

shlongx's photo
Thu 07/19/18 11:10 PM
ontario, oregon here ladies. still love to party. give me a chance. you won't regret it. later peaceout

AdamBombD's photo
Sat 07/21/18 06:39 AM
I'm in roseburg

AdamBombD's photo
Thu 07/26/18 08:34 PM

AdamBombD's photo
Thu 07/26/18 08:34 PM

brubilt's photo
Sat 08/04/18 01:39 AM
Eugene man, single, str8, and looking

Majicfingers18's photo
Fri 08/10/18 03:20 PM
sorry I dont hit women but if you want to find out how wonderful I am you will have to talk to me get a feel about who and what I am .Oh my name is Larry my first reply .Dont be afraid to ask me just about any thing you may want to know.

Majicfingers18's photo
Sat 08/11/18 06:34 AM
I am one of those Oregon guys What can I do to make you smile when you see me again?

daniel_zuma's photo
Sat 08/11/18 11:02 PM
Hi,can we chat? i don't often come here

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