Topic: Why were we purchased by the blood?
Drew07_2's photo
Wed 04/30/08 09:15 PM

'God' bought us back from Satan?

Whattaya figure Satan paid for us to begin with?

Do you believe we depreciated or appreciated in value?

That whole thing makes no sense to me...ohwell

I don't get it either, CS. I really don't. I have always resented the fableistic nature of dogma. And my resentment comes from having spent more than a fair amount of time fully baptized in their teachings. I don't know--to me it always has come down to a father and sending a son to eternal hell. That is beyond common sense and nature. To make that work you have to embrace myth incarnate.


creativesoul's photo
Wed 04/30/08 09:20 PM

I absolutely love my children, and I would never intentionally harm them... NEVER!

In a relative sense regarding parenthood, it makes no sense to me either? ohwell

As my father used to tell me... "The winners wrote the history books!"

yashafox_F4X1's photo
Wed 04/30/08 09:22 PM
Creativesoul, I liked your explanation of the whole thing a few posts back. Not quite like the Bible or the church might phrase it, but basically, you got the picture.

And it wasn't so much buying us back from Satan but paying the price of our own actions and disobedience so we wouldn't have to pay the price of spiritual death and separation from God.

creativesoul's photo
Wed 04/30/08 09:29 PM

Yasha, I just feel like the forest has somehow gotten lost in the trees...

Drew07_2's photo
Wed 04/30/08 09:31 PM

Creativesoul, I liked your explanation of the whole thing a few posts back. Not quite like the Bible or the church might phrase it, but basically, you got the picture.

And it wasn't so much buying us back from Satan but paying the price of our own actions and disobedience so we wouldn't have to pay the price of spiritual death and separation from God.

What actions? I was guilty before I was born for a crime I was not alive to commit. In any other realm of life you would reject such logic. (Imagine the bank you go to for a car loan saying to you something like: "Gee, your credit is great, you have a great relationship with us, but because Jon "sinned" and defaulted, we are not going to extend to you a loan.") Unless perfection is the goal and then I guess we can cast banks our with Saviors. I'm not being a jerk, I am really trying to understand. Born guilty?? Really??


no photo
Wed 04/30/08 09:34 PM
Hebrews 9 and Hebrews 10 KJV

yashafox_F4X1's photo
Wed 04/30/08 09:35 PM
I didn't think anyone was born guilty, however, I think we all screw up (me rather royally) during the course of our life. Thus, the redemption follows. It's there if you want it and if you don't. To me, it's a done deal, whether we believe it or not. But I believe that to take advantage of it, we need to believe in it and act on it.

Drew07_2's photo
Wed 04/30/08 09:36 PM

Hebrews 9 and Hebrews 10 KJV

No, I get that the Bible tells us that. But does that make sense--common sense (which was supposedly given by our creator) that we were born guilty. I was born crying and hungry but guilty for hanging a Savior on a cross.....please!!!


yashafox_F4X1's photo
Wed 04/30/08 09:45 PM
Doesn't matter if we believe we were born guilty or not. How many angels can dance on the head of a pin, after all? What matters is what we believe, and do, after that. The question is what we will do, not if we're born guilty or not.
I just want God to know me when I stand up before him some day. What is he gonna say, you know?

If you read the manual, and get a litle help, you kind of can figure out how things go.

Drew07_2's photo
Wed 04/30/08 09:59 PM

Doesn't matter if we believe we were born guilty or not. How many angels can dance on the head of a pin, after all? What matters is what we believe, and do, after that. The question is what we will do, not if we're born guilty or not.
I just want God to know me when I stand up before him some day. What is he gonna say, you know?

If you read the manual, and get a litle help, you kind of can figure out how things go.

But being "born in sin" is the entire premise of your faith. It is not how many angels can dance on pinheads, it is central to your faith.


MirrorMirror's photo
Wed 04/30/08 11:04 PM
flowerforyou JeannieBean-- Do you think that Jesus was purchasing humanities freedom from the Draco?flowerforyou

Milesoftheusa's photo
Wed 04/30/08 11:33 PM
Shalom Jeanniebean

Thier were several things that took place at Yahshua's death. I will just hit on some of it to give you a sence of the Blood.

In the OT thier is more to these scriptures before them if you wish to read them.

Ex 24:7-8
Then he took the Book of the Covenant and read in the hearing of the people. And they said, "All that Yahweh has said we will do, and be obedient." 8 And Moses took the blood, sprinkled it on the people, and said, "This is the blood of the covenant which Yahweh has made with you according to all these words."
This was a contract between Yahweh and the people. He read the contract and sealed the deal with the sprinkling of this blood on them. this Blood was from Oxen.The Oxen is also at the Temple.

Now Yahweh in this covanent that was sealed in blood was also the sybolism of the marriage covenant of a man and wife. The contract of a man and women is thier 1st sexual encounter.This is thier covenant between them ( To bad that was not the case today) So Yahweh married Israel.Promicing to protect them and love them but he also had ways/rules for them.

Now the breaking of the Law was Death. Did not have to be but very well could be. Ecpesially when Yahweh commanded it.

Yahshua was perfect. him being perfect allowed him to release Israel from marraige by him dying. After his death it allowed him to choose his wife from Israel since she was no longer under bondage to her Husband.

His death did the purchasing if you want to call it that even though I am not familiar with that phrase in the scriptures.

That is basically it. Their is more if you wish to know but to understand this is a beginning. Blessings..Miles

no photo
Thu 05/01/08 12:19 AM

flowerforyou JeannieBean-- Do you think that Jesus was purchasing humanities freedom from the Draco?flowerforyou

I'm not sure about that, or how to draw a line between the Galaxy aliens, the story of the Lucifer rebellion, and the fallen angels so often spoken of. One can only consider this information for eternity until the truth can be known. smokin flowerforyou

MirrorMirror's photo
Thu 05/01/08 12:36 AM
flowerforyou JeannieBeanflowerforyou --Around 225,000 B.C., the Pleiadians discovered a small sun system with a planet called Earth on one of their scouting missions away from the Pleiades.

The Galactic Federation allowed the Pleiadians to enter into a incarnational cycle with humans on Earth. The places designated for them to do this was Bali, Hawaii, Samoa and India. Civilizations came and went on Earth with many wars, peaceful cycles and natural disasters, between 196,000 B.C. and 10 A.D. The Pleiadians stayed with humans on Earth until 10 A.D. trying to help develop various civilizations such as Lemuria, Maya, Inca and a civilzation at Machu Picchu. They also were trying to guide humans toward a more spiritual path.

At about 10 A.D.; the last Pleiadian leader called Plejas left Earth for good, because Pleiadians finally achieved peace back home in the Pleiades. They felt it was time for humans to evolve on their own. Before leaving Earth, the Pleiadians left a spiritual leader called Jmmanuel, who later was known as Jesus. Jmmanuel was a very evolved soul, whose father was Gabriel of the Pleiades system and Mary who was of Lyran descent.

no photo
Thu 05/01/08 12:42 AM
Yahshua was perfect. him being perfect allowed him to release Israel from marraige by him dying. After his death it allowed him to choose his wife from Israel since she was no longer under bondage to her Husband.

I guess I don't understand how Yahweh could marry Israel. Who or what is Israel? Or is it a group of decedents?

How does this resemble a marriage between a man and a woman? Is it about certain bloodlines?

Why would he want to release Israel from marriage?

Yahshua was perfect. him being perfect allowed him to release Israel from marraige by him dying. After his death it allowed him to choose his wife from Israel since she was no longer under bondage to her Husband.

I don't understand this at all.


no photo
Thu 05/01/08 12:49 AM

flowerforyou JeannieBeanflowerforyou --Around 225,000 B.C., the Pleiadians discovered a small sun system with a planet called Earth on one of their scouting missions away from the Pleiades.

The Galactic Federation allowed the Pleiadians to enter into a incarnational cycle with humans on Earth. The places designated for them to do this was Bali, Hawaii, Samoa and India. Civilizations came and went on Earth with many wars, peaceful cycles and natural disasters, between 196,000 B.C. and 10 A.D. The Pleiadians stayed with humans on Earth until 10 A.D. trying to help develop various civilizations such as Lemuria, Maya, Inca and a civilzation at Machu Picchu. They also were trying to guide humans toward a more spiritual path.

At about 10 A.D.; the last Pleiadian leader called Plejas left Earth for good, because Pleiadians finally achieved peace back home in the Pleiades. They felt it was time for humans to evolve on their own. Before leaving Earth, the Pleiadians left a spiritual leader called Jmmanuel, who later was known as Jesus. Jmmanuel was a very evolved soul, whose father was Gabriel of the Pleiades system and Mary who was of Lyran descent.

This is what I mean about the confusion between creator beings and galaxy inhabitants or aliens. There are many levels of inhabited worlds and some of these galaxy beings in third density are happy to make up stories like that to fool humans into worshiping them. I don't really trust them.


MirrorMirror's photo
Thu 05/01/08 06:54 AM
Edited by MirrorMirror on Thu 05/01/08 06:54 AM

flowerforyou JeannieBeanflowerforyou --Around 225,000 B.C., the Pleiadians discovered a small sun system with a planet called Earth on one of their scouting missions away from the Pleiades.

The Galactic Federation allowed the Pleiadians to enter into a incarnational cycle with humans on Earth. The places designated for them to do this was Bali, Hawaii, Samoa and India. Civilizations came and went on Earth with many wars, peaceful cycles and natural disasters, between 196,000 B.C. and 10 A.D. The Pleiadians stayed with humans on Earth until 10 A.D. trying to help develop various civilizations such as Lemuria, Maya, Inca and a civilzation at Machu Picchu. They also were trying to guide humans toward a more spiritual path.

At about 10 A.D.; the last Pleiadian leader called Plejas left Earth for good, because Pleiadians finally achieved peace back home in the Pleiades. They felt it was time for humans to evolve on their own. Before leaving Earth, the Pleiadians left a spiritual leader called Jmmanuel, who later was known as Jesus. Jmmanuel was a very evolved soul, whose father was Gabriel of the Pleiades system and Mary who was of Lyran descent.

This is what I mean about the confusion between creator beings and galaxy inhabitants or aliens. There are many levels of inhabited worlds and some of these galaxy beings in third density are happy to make up stories like that to fool humans into worshiping them. I don't really trust them.

flowerforyou Have you noticed the similarities between this account and the story of Galactic Lord Xenu in Scientology?flowerforyou

no photo
Thu 05/01/08 10:20 AM
Have you noticed the similarities between this account and the story of Galactic Lord Xenu in Scientology?

I have only briefly read about Lord Xenu of Scientology, so not really.


MirrorMirror's photo
Thu 05/01/08 10:23 AM

Have you noticed the similarities between this account and the story of Galactic Lord Xenu in Scientology?

I have only briefly read about Lord Xenu of Scientology, so not really.


flowerforyou Xenu sounds a lot like a Dracoflowerforyou

no photo
Thu 05/01/08 01:13 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Thu 05/01/08 01:14 PM

Have you noticed the similarities between this account and the story of Galactic Lord Xenu in Scientology?

I have only briefly read about Lord Xenu of Scientology, so not really.


flowerforyou Xenu sounds a lot like a Dracoflowerforyou

From what I understand about the Draco's they were once ruled by a dominate male (A Kingship) until the females of the species took power and now they are ruled by a queen and have been for a long time.