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Topic: When did I realize I was God?
goatmeal202's photo
Mon 04/28/08 02:55 PM
ummmmmm? Well, I was praying and I suddenly realized I was talking to myself.

DebbieJT's photo
Mon 04/28/08 02:55 PM
what was it you said to me the other dayhuh :tongue:

goatmeal202's photo
Mon 04/28/08 02:56 PM

It may be that our role on this planet is not to worship God, but to create him.

Jill298's photo
Mon 04/28/08 02:57 PM
I don't speak goat... sorry

LadyOfMagic's photo
Mon 04/28/08 02:58 PM
Why is he still allowed to create posts?laugh

No1sLove's photo
Mon 04/28/08 02:59 PM

ummmmmm? Well, I was praying and I suddenly realized I was talking to myself.

You'll have some competition here for that title me thinks. laugh

DebbieJT's photo
Mon 04/28/08 03:00 PM

Why is he still allowed to create posts?laugh
i dont know but he said something pathetic to me the other week..and then i read this duh

no photo
Mon 04/28/08 03:00 PM
what did you pray about... more Goatmeal ?

Robm248's photo
Mon 04/28/08 03:02 PM
Edited by Robm248 on Mon 04/28/08 03:02 PM
When did you realize? Don't know... aren't you god. Oh, wait...You are asking us?

If you have to ask... then you aren't god... duh.

goatmeal202's photo
Mon 04/28/08 03:02 PM

Why is he still allowed to create posts?laugh
i dont know but he said something pathetic to me the other week..and then i read this duh
freedom of speech thats why i can still posts i havent said anythng against the rules

goatmeal202's photo
Mon 04/28/08 03:03 PM
who says i cant post my own opinion

no photo
Mon 04/28/08 03:03 PM

Why is he still allowed to create posts?laugh

I'm wondering the same thing.The really old already & offensive.grumble

Robm248's photo
Mon 04/28/08 03:04 PM

who says i cant post my own opinion

Nobody, but who says they can't say that your post is lame?

Tommo's photo
Mon 04/28/08 03:05 PM

It may be that our role on this planet is not to worship God, but to create him.

People create him all the time. Their perception is in effect their version of him... Funny how everybody has a different perception of God... So in effect he/she/it must be not one but many entities...

DebbieJT's photo
Mon 04/28/08 03:05 PM

who says i cant post my own opinion

Nobody, but who says they can't say that your post is lame?

no photo
Mon 04/28/08 03:14 PM
I think here is the answer to "are you a god" question. You may recognize the text: drinker

As a duly-constituted representative of the
City of New York, and on behalf of the
County and State of New York, the United
States of America, the Planet Earth and all
its inhabitants, I hereby order you to cease
and desist any and all supernatural activity
and return at once to your place of origin
or next parallel dimension.

(to Stantz)
Well, that ought to do it.


He stands up to his full height and regards Stantz curiously.

Are you a god?

(compulsively honest)

Then die!

He raises his arms and blows away the Ghostbusters with searing bolts of


Momentarily stunned, they tumble all the way down the stairs and almost
fall off the edge of the roof.

(to Stantz)
You should've said "yes!" He might have
been willing to negotiate.

Venkman gets to his feet first, really mad now.

(setting his wands)
Okay. That's it! I'm gonna turn this guy
into toast.

no photo
Mon 04/28/08 03:15 PM
can god create a thread that is even too stupid for him to post in?:tongue:

MirrorMirror's photo
Mon 04/28/08 03:23 PM

hikerchick's photo
Mon 04/28/08 03:58 PM
He's not half the goat I am.

Robm248's photo
Mon 04/28/08 04:04 PM

He's not half the goat I am.

No, but apparently he's some goat's next meal. Whichever goat didn't eat meal 202, please come back and finish your food!

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