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Topic: I may go to jail today...
Lily0923's photo
Sun 04/27/08 10:47 AM
My neighbors have a little boy who is about 1 year old.

They do nothing but yell at him. Tell him to shut up. I don't believe they hit him, I listen when they get like that.

Calling Children's services will do NO good, as they will come to the house and tell them not to yell...

The husband is nice to me when I see him, I've only seen the wife a few times...

The little boy is one... who yells at a one year old???

Etrain's photo
Sun 04/27/08 10:50 AM
kick there @sses Lilydevil devil devil rain hell on themdevil devil devil

kkKen's photo
Sun 04/27/08 10:51 AM
Damn skippy,kick 7 kinds of $hit outta much trouble could a 1 year old be causing them?mad mad mad

FallinAngel82's photo
Sun 04/27/08 10:53 AM
explode asssholes explode

crazy_lover's photo
Sun 04/27/08 10:53 AM
its sad but i have seen many do that, my bro n law screams at his 3 yr old,and he has serbal palsy(may be misspelled sorry) sister chooses to stay with the jerk...nothing i can do i hate that

Lily0923's photo
Sun 04/27/08 10:53 AM

Damn skippy,kick 7 kinds of $hit outta much trouble could a 1 year old be causing them?mad mad mad

Exactly... he cries... uhm, news flash...they do that.

He's so cute too... I'll bring him here and he can be mine... (the kid, not the guy... he won't walk when I get done....explode )

no photo
Sun 04/27/08 10:54 AM
lots of people yell at their it obscenities and put downs? then that is hurtful to the child no doubt...its a shame but unless you know these people well enough for them to take you into their confidence, nothing you say is going to change the situation..
maybe just be nice to the 1 year-old so he has some healthy adult role models in his life...

itsmetina's photo
Sun 04/27/08 10:54 AM
you can't get in trouble lily.i'd call children services again if you think its will go on record.i don't know why people would yell at a precous one yr oldmad

kkKen's photo
Sun 04/27/08 10:55 AM

its sad but i have seen many do that, my bro n law screams at his 3 yr old,and he has serbal palsy(may be misspelled sorry) sister chooses to stay with the jerk...nothing i can do i hate that

Some people just shouldn't have kids.This crap pi$$es me offmad mad mad mad

no photo
Sun 04/27/08 10:57 AM

you can't get in trouble lily.i'd call children services again if you think its will go on record.i don't know why people would yell at a precous one yr oldmad
:heart: takes CALLS to get them to ACT...But at least YOUR doing something to TRY and help the cild..And THATS what lifes suppose to be about....thanks for
caring about another...:heart:

Winx's photo
Sun 04/27/08 11:03 AM
Edited by Winx on Sun 04/27/08 11:05 AM
I once had a neighbor that constantly screamed at his son.:cry:
I could hear it in my house thru closed windows. He gave his son a good spanking for urinating in his pants. Shame on him.

The boy ended up needing bladder surgery.

That couple had two more children.

PacificStar48's photo
Sun 04/27/08 11:03 AM
Maybe having empathy for a clearly overwhelmed new set of new parents and being friendly to the MOTHER would do a lot of good. Girlfriend neighbors always make for better/quieter parents and peace for you.

MsTeddyBear2u's photo
Sun 04/27/08 11:04 AM
Call Child pertective services till they do something.
Yelling at a child usually proceeds much worse behavior.

:angry: People who abuse children piss me off...:angry:

angelinboots's photo
Sun 04/27/08 11:06 AM
I really hate that! Just the screaming can damage a child, make him think he deserves it. It can mess up his emotions the rest of his life. What more is done to kids is just so horrible because of what it teaches and instills in a kid. Keep calling and calling DHS until they get it on the records so many times. Also, go ahead and call the police. It's ok to tell them you suspect child abuse. What you hear is always less than what's done in private. If nothing is done soon, you can contact your representative. Sometimes, even if it's just to score points with voters, they will demand an investigation. This child is worth the effort.
I have a question: why is this topic entitled: "I might go to jail today"?

PacificStar48's photo
Sun 04/27/08 11:15 AM

its sad but i have seen many do that, my bro n law screams at his 3 yr old,and he has serbal palsy(may be misspelled sorry) sister chooses to stay with the jerk...nothing i can do i hate that

Maybe she knows what many parents of children with Cerebral Palsy know which is that if she runs him off she is alone for the rest of her life. Many family don't really understasnd the heartache and frusteration that go with having a child with overwhelming needs and will always throw hands up and blame her for living with and angry jerk rather than helping out even more with daycare, maybe getting her and him in a peer support group that will help them cope, or giving her a place she can go that will last longer than an hour or so when her child becomes the disability and her the failure for not really knowing how to handle something that is real easy to talk about but very difficult to live.

no photo
Sun 04/27/08 11:18 AM

The little boy is one... who yells at a one year old???

Stupid breeders.

cnoteblack's photo
Sun 04/27/08 11:23 AM
thats so mean a lil one year old cant even understand if you whisper .i feel bad for the lil guy.but i see people yelling at kids all the time it sux.

no photo
Sun 04/27/08 11:35 AM
children are innocent.... they are a blank slate..... they are neutral, unconditional.... no child deserves to suffer..... When you make a child you make a commitment...... the parents should be ashamed.......

DestinysDream's photo
Sun 04/27/08 11:38 AM
Keep calling protective services. Talk to the other neighbors around you and have them do the same thing. The more complaints the better.

Every time someone sends in a complaint it costs money, upwards of 600 dollars for a visit out there. Governments are tight for funds and will take action if enough people contact them about the problem.

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Sun 04/27/08 11:40 AM

Maybe having empathy for a clearly overwhelmed new set of new parents and being friendly to the MOTHER would do a lot of good. Girlfriend neighbors always make for better/quieter parents and peace for you.

I agree.Sounds like parenting classes are in order.

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