Topic: where did you go
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Sat 01/27/07 09:59 PM
where did you go why did you dye
why did you leave us all behind
your love was everlasting
our bond was ever growing
until that day
the day they took you away
i miss you so much
just wanting to feel your touch
just a hug or a kiss
those are the things i wish
you were my world
i will always be your little girl
until that day we meet again
there youll stay until the end
the screems the dreams they dont go away
all because that awful day
i will always love you so
i just wish you didnt have to go
love your peanut
this was writen in a really painful time of my life
writen by sharon/daddysgirlforever

michael1313's photo
Sat 01/27/07 10:04 PM
sorry for your losses...

it is good to release in a poem,
a constructive therapy for most...very healing...

good poem,please show us some more when you feel you can!

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Sat 01/27/07 10:06 PM
thanks i wrote it when my father died but never let anyone read it so u
guys r the first i know its not anything like what u all write but it
was what i felt at the time

TxsGal3333's photo
Sun 01/28/07 10:06 AM
Very heartfelt for I lost my father 3 years
ago to a massive heart attack. It really is
hard when they go so quick with out warning.

slowtogetit's photo
Sun 01/28/07 10:15 AM
woww forever,that strikes really deep. sorry for your loss.

Cybear's photo
Sun 01/28/07 11:32 AM
I am very sorry for your loss DGF.When I initially attached the song to
your first poem I did not have this knowledge.However then,I can only
hope that you will perceive them words as your Father's thoughts for
you.For if he was here now this is exactly how he would feel about
you.So then let them cherished words remain in your heart for all time
for they come directly from him in Heaven as he looks down at you and
smiles.You are his angel for all eternity.Godspeed!Cybear.

dizzydean5's photo
Sun 01/28/07 11:44 AM
THANKS for butting on here my name is DEAN i know how you fell right
now i am watching my dad die right in front of my eyes and it hurts i
dont let people see my paini was all ways taught to hide your fellings
if you need to cry run so no one see ya if you need to scream find a
pillow and yell in it people see me in here and they think i am happy
if they could only see what i am doing be hind this coumpter have the
time i am crying but i can not addmite that i am in pain man do not are
not allowed to show there fellings here or dad makes fun of you and
sayes you are a sises so dont be fooled by who i act thats just just
what it is and act that i am not in pain watching him die a man that was
so strong is know a child you dont know how hard it is to watch.

michael1313's photo
Sun 01/28/07 12:02 PM
I had to read your words three times to understand you...
slow down and type it so we can read it easier please?

no photo
Sun 01/28/07 02:17 PM
hey guys thanks for your rely on this i hope that my poems help in some
way i know it helps me with the pain almost every poem ive wrote has
been about my dad see he was killed on his motorcycle on fathers day
2005 he was my world and he will never die in my heart and in my mind

no photo
Sun 01/28/07 06:33 PM
DGF i know how bad you are hurting my father will be gone now for 11
years the 31 of this month ,but it feels like i still lost him it is
nice knowing we will all meet again though in time, he will always be
with you and watching over you .