Topic: "Terry & Denise"
TxsGal3333's photo
Sun 01/28/07 07:16 AM
Well when that day comes that I meet my truelove.
It will be one very happy day. As of yet that time
does not seem to be within my grasp. But I will not
give up my dreams on finding that one that will make
me complete. drinker Cheers too all who have found
love and for those that will soon.

TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 01/29/07 05:13 AM

LAMom's photo
Mon 01/29/07 06:40 AM
Txs, that day will come, and when that
man stills your heart how incredible that will be,
For you are so Beautiful! Your Soul is so pure and
your Friendship and Love is always given Unconditionally!!!
Love you so Much!!!

slowtogetit's photo
Mon 01/29/07 06:51 AM
terry and denise, i hope those 7 days are like paradise. and you know
the best part...terry this is for you.sorry you'll have 6 nights
together. for there is nothing more special than true love....good luck
and hope to hear from you's on the 8th

LAMom's photo
Mon 01/29/07 07:15 AM
Slow you are a Gentleman in all the words, No apology needed:
I too my dear friend have 6 Night as well, I will pass your message to
Terry,,,, Thanks so much Slow... flowerforyou

slowtogetit's photo
Mon 01/29/07 07:21 AM
you both deserve it denise and terry.ths what makes this all worth see and hear the excitement in 2 adults, just like when you
were teenagers........see anything is possible people.just hold your
heads up high and enjoy all around you.cause you just never knoow when
cupid will strike. and mom tell terry we will understand if we don't
hear from you's for about 12 days....need to get your

LAMom's photo
Mon 01/29/07 07:27 AM
Slow your the best!

TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 01/29/07 07:53 AM
Awwww girl I know that someday my day will come too. And he better be
one hell of a man to put up with me. He better be one that loves to talk
and likes to listen as well for there is no telling what will come out
of my mouth. But when it does happen I hope I don't overlook him or his

Anywho, so much for that for now this is your time that is here and now.
I was keeping up with when the day was but you will have to refresh my
memory I know it is very close now that is why I bumped this post up
this morning. lol So how many days or should I say hours do we have till
D Day lmao.

LAMom's photo
Mon 01/29/07 08:00 AM
Hello Beautiful Lady,,, again thank you ,
you have an incredible soul and when that
special one comes for you, it will be as
Magical and as beautiful as your Soul...

I fly out on Thursday, Will arrive in
Indiana around 6:45 in the evening,,,

As I am getting ready to Fly to Indiana I want to
thank My Family here at JSH for all your kind
words and warm wishes,,, As i fall into the arms
of my Soulmate I will take with me the Unconditonal
love that all of you have shown me,,, as Terry and
I start our lives together as one, I will keep all of
you so deeply tight in my heart...

My Youngest Son asked me one day what is
Love,,, I told him it is the bond you have with
someone that is Unconditional, nothing asked
for and nothing expected,,, just plain simple
Unconditional Warmth and Compassion
from the heart...

You my Family here are a fine example
of Love: Unconditional, Phoenominally,
Beautiful Souls...

Thank you from the depths of my Heart

DANE1973's photo
Mon 01/29/07 08:06 AM
Not to make fun and in all seriousness Tex, This was beautiful. I hope
you write one like that for me someday. sad happy

TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 01/29/07 08:26 AM
THURSDAY, OHHhhhhhh heck ya, you will have to share with us all hummm
when you come down out of the clouds long enough to let us know even tho
there is no doubt how things will go. lmao:heart: :heart: :heart:
:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

Ohhhhhhh Dane would love to and I hope that you will also soon find the
one your looking for bigsmile

michael1313's photo
Mon 01/29/07 08:58 AM
LaMom,you have a safe flight,and tell Terry hey for me!!!

LAMom's photo
Mon 01/29/07 10:23 AM
Michael thank you, I will pass your message on!

TxsGal3333's photo
Wed 01/31/07 05:49 AM
Well tomorrow is the day that Denise will board that plane so figured
this needs to be back up by the top with there sweet words to each

:heart: :heart: :heart: smooched :heart: :heart: :heart:

karmafury's photo
Wed 01/31/07 06:13 AM
Very well written and very happy for them both.


Tneal's photo
Wed 01/31/07 06:23 AM
no need for a bumb here.... great poem hon....

Congrats Denise and Terry!!!

LAMom's photo
Wed 01/31/07 07:14 AM
Karma & Tneal thaank you again for your kind words,,, The love and
support means the world to me & Terry :heart:

LAMom's photo
Wed 01/31/07 07:16 AM
Txs,,,Your an incredible woman whos Soul Shines bright in your eyes,
Txs,, I love you,,, :heart: :heart: flowerforyou :heart:

no photo
Wed 01/31/07 07:29 AM
Well,well, my dear friend Texs, this was read to me by D, but it was
worth one more time to really read it through my eyes...
And 'wow' You do capture this time and are frame of mind!!!!
YOU were my first true FRIEND here and from that moment to now, YOU have
always been a real lady of heart and compassion, and
I have every bit of true thought that YOUR man will come in here
when YOUR not paying attention to him, but HE will see YOU!!!!
Everyone on this site that I and now D call FRIENDS, are TRULLY some of
the best people and humans,lol That we will ever meet,
I think we all just have times in life, that GOD makes hard and
lonely and sad,,,,JUST so we can be so HAPPY with all in life that is
SIMPLE and PURE!!!!!
I was very much blind to LOVE and now,hee, hee, IM FULL OF IT!!!
TEXS, I told ya when I first met ya and it still holds true, if we or me
ever get close to ya,,dang-it lady we will share some food and
drink!!!!!drinker happy and YOU will always be in our :heart:

Gryphyn's photo
Wed 01/31/07 07:43 AM
Txs, I waited till today to tell Terry and Denise how much this poem
means. It does come true and Txs you put it to words. Friends like you
are of the best kind, I call you a forever Friend.
