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Topic: Dealing with loss.
NeedaLife's photo
Wed 04/23/08 09:13 AM
Edited by NeedaLife on Wed 04/23/08 09:14 AM
My dad passed away last night. This is the first time I've dealt with losing someone that close, dealing with arrangements and the tons of sympathetic people who mean well but make it more difficult at the same time. Any advice on what helped you through a similar situation? I'd appreciate anything you found that helped you through the situation and might help me as well.

Bornnaked's photo
Wed 04/23/08 09:16 AM
Both of my parents are deceased and I never could find any easy answers.I know people mean well but some times spending a few minutes alone remembering what made you happy with your Dad helps.

franshade's photo
Wed 04/23/08 09:16 AM

My dad passed away last night. This is the first time I've dealt with losing someone that close, dealing with arrangements and the tons of sympathetic people who mean well but make it more difficult at the same time. Any advice on what helped you through a similar situation? I'd appreciate anything you found that helped you through the situation and might help me as well.

my deepest and sincerest sympathies flowerforyou

Strangely enough I focused on the positive, I was glad to not see them in pain any longer, glad that their memory would be with me always, and made myself believe that they would still be with me in spirit.

Talking helps too

Jill298's photo
Wed 04/23/08 09:17 AM
There is no right or wrong way to deal with loss. I am so very sorry to hear of your dad passingflowerforyou It takes lots of time, lots of tears, and lots of focusing on the great times to get you thru it.

dodger1953's photo
Wed 04/23/08 09:17 AM
sorry for your loss! heard that alot huh? well its meant well. i have lost both parents and am still amazed at the people who their lifes touched.find solace in the fact that we all pass this way. you and me as well! the many memories are there for a reason. good luck

LAMom's photo
Wed 04/23/08 09:19 AM

My dad passed away last night. This is the first time I've dealt with losing someone that close, dealing with arrangements and the tons of sympathetic people who mean well but make it more difficult at the same time. Any advice on what helped you through a similar situation? I'd appreciate anything you found that helped you through the situation and might help me as well.

I am so sorry to hear of your loss,,, There is no right or wrong way to deal with the pain,, My parents have been gone for 26 years now,, and I to this day still deal with it,,, They live in my heart and soul and the memories are still there,,
Take a deep breath,, sit a bit,, He is with you always and within you will find the strength you need to push forward and endure this troubling time...

rebel_woman07's photo
Wed 04/23/08 09:21 AM
i lost my dad on august 9 of 2007 and i know how it feels so if you need any help just email me all i can send are my warm thoughts and prayers and a great big hug

Wed 04/23/08 09:31 AM

Redsoxfan1's photo
Wed 04/23/08 09:42 AM
My sincere sympathies:cry: I lost my mom in 2004, the biggest way I got thru was support from my friendsflowerforyou They were just there for me, to talk to, cuz they knew I would need to just "hold on" to them, and cry!:cry: I would've never gotten thru if it weren't for them!:heart: I'll pray for you, and your family!:heart: flowerforyou

Wed 04/23/08 09:48 AM
I lost my younger brother in 1997... I found a group called transitions for me and my young son... and I also did then and still do, write poetry for him. you need to find your own way to comfort yourself. The ones who mean well are harder to cope with, because they truly mean well, but unless you've gone through it, you don;t understand how much harder they really make it... good luck and sorry for your loss:heart:

me2g's photo
Wed 04/23/08 09:53 AM
:cry: flowerforyou my deepest condolences.. Both my parents are still with me but my grandfather and I were extremely close when he passed I didnt know what to do.. hell I still don't .. the one thing that got me through was knowing he was in a better place lookin down and watching me.

No1sLove's photo
Wed 04/23/08 09:53 AM
So sorry to hear of your loss. frown It's the hardest thing in the world to deal with, but you will. Here to listen if you need someone. flowerforyou

wiley's photo
Wed 04/23/08 09:56 AM
Everyone grieves in their own way. I always think of death as a transition and cause for celebration rather than mourning. Yes, our loved ones are leaving this existence, but moving on to the next, and we will see them again. In whatever form that may be.

wickedlluccy's photo
Wed 04/23/08 10:00 AM
Edited by wickedlluccy on Wed 04/23/08 10:01 AM

My dad passed away last night. This is the first time I've dealt with losing someone that close, dealing with arrangements and the tons of sympathetic people who mean well but make it more difficult at the same time. Any advice on what helped you through a similar situation? I'd appreciate anything you found that helped you through the situation and might help me as well.

...I was just telling someone of such things last...when my Daddy(everything) left this world I found when I got uncontrollably overwhelmed, If I found a mindless game of sorts to do while sorting through the stuff and responsibilities...such as grouping his clothes by kind...or photos by year...stuff like that, kept me from going off the deep end...then later I would tackle real decisions...
i am so sorry for your lossflowerforyou


cdanny47's photo
Wed 04/23/08 10:04 AM
:smile: Everyone here has said it well!!!! Remember the good time's,,,,, Keep in mind that he isn't in pain anymore and I find comfort in knowing that..........:heart:

oldsage's photo
Wed 04/23/08 10:41 AM
Circle of life, need to chat, been thru it, to many times.

NeedaLife's photo
Wed 04/23/08 11:54 AM
Edited by NeedaLife on Wed 04/23/08 11:56 AM
Thank you all. I was feeling overwhelmed and from your comments I understand this is normal and it's ok and I appreciate that kowledge. Every time I tried to talk to a family member about my feelings I just lost it, so I thought this might be the place to come. I could "talk" without saying anything and ask what I needed to above the crying. I've never had to make the decisions I was forced to take part in over the past couple of days and that is weighing a bit on me along with the loss, but you've given me advice, insight, and a little strength from your words which I needed desperately. Thanks again to all of you.brokenheart

I'm getting ready to head to his home to help plan funeral arrangements, which I know is going to be another ordeal, If anyone has any other comments they think I might find useful over the next few days. Please leave them for me, I will be checking back because this did help in some small way. I've always found it easier to express my feelings in writing easier than speaking.

froglittlesis's photo
Wed 04/23/08 12:01 PM
I lost my sister last year even though it isnt the same I know its still tough!! Arrangements and etc. to be done. Cry when you need to get it out shout, scream, run around do whatever makes you feel better there is no right or wrong way to deal with the loss of a parent or loved one. We had a party instead of a sad funeral we had a slideshow of life with lots of pics of my sis and family and whomever wanted to say things about her could, afterwards we had a potluck where we all fellowshipped together and it was so much nicer to say goodbye that way and at end we released helium filled balloons to heaven. Still not sure if she got them or not.happy God bless you and your family during this difficult time your in my prayers.flowerforyou

creationsfire's photo
Wed 04/23/08 07:45 PM
Im very sorry for your loss......I will keep you in prayer.

Amberdee29045's photo
Wed 04/23/08 07:55 PM
i lost my grandpa when i was 18 and a freshman in college, we were very close, the night he died, i didn't know how to kill the pain, and i ended up guzzling a fifth of bacardi 151 rum and got sick on my RA's doorwayohwell all i can tell you is that drinking will not help

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