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Topic: What upsets you?
Army_Strong's photo
Tue 04/22/08 12:23 PM
It really bothers me if people read an e-mail and don't reply. Well, people piss me off in general lol. Too many people judge books by they're cover. I'm not complaining. Just stating facts.. Anyways, what upsets you?

pennyg281's photo
Tue 04/22/08 12:25 PM

Yeah I agree, I reply to any e-mails I get. Even if I'm not interested in them as a romantic prospect, I can always use a new friend...Besides you never know what the future has instore for you.

franshade's photo
Tue 04/22/08 12:25 PM
my major annoyances are stupidity and ignorance

Single_Rob's photo
Tue 04/22/08 12:26 PM
internet gangstas. People who will level insults over the web that would never have the balls to say such things to your face.

TheShadow's photo
Tue 04/22/08 12:27 PM
Why even bother with a post like this when this site is ment to have a good time. not trying to be rude but life is ment to enjoy not looked down on..

Totage's photo
Tue 04/22/08 12:27 PM

It really bothers me if people read an e-mail and don't reply. Well, people piss me off in general lol. Too many people judge books by they're cover. I'm not complaining. Just stating facts.. Anyways, what upsets you?

When people post about people not reading their e-mails. grumble

Totage's photo
Tue 04/22/08 12:28 PM

internet gangstas. People who will level insults over the web that would never have the balls to say such things to your face.

A.K.A Telephone Tough Guys laugh

DebbieJT's photo
Tue 04/22/08 12:29 PM
running out of bubble wrap

No1sLove's photo
Tue 04/22/08 12:29 PM

Why even bother with a post like this when this site is ment to have a good time. not trying to be rude but life is ment to enjoy not looked down on..
It really gets my goat when people don't listen to this guy! Couldn't agree more! happy

Army_Strong's photo
Tue 04/22/08 12:30 PM

internet gangstas. People who will level insults over the web that would never have the balls to say such things to your face.

LMAO RIGHT! One time I had this kid talkin crap online and I saw a pic of him but he had no idea what I looked like. He wanted to fight I was like ook. You live around town here.. Meet me here at X time. Kid never showed lol. Probably drove around on his bike or some crap and saw me and was like oh hell no lol

rubyivygirl's photo
Tue 04/22/08 12:32 PM

It really bothers me if people read an e-mail and don't reply. Well, people piss me off in general lol. Too many people judge books by they're cover. I'm not complaining. Just stating facts.. Anyways, what upsets you?

why do you think everyone is obligated to reply to you? I'm not being sarcastic, being serious.

Totage's photo
Tue 04/22/08 12:33 PM

It really bothers me if people read an e-mail and don't reply. Well, people piss me off in general lol. Too many people judge books by they're cover. I'm not complaining. Just stating facts.. Anyways, what upsets you?

why do you think everyone is obligated to reply to you? I'm not being sarcastic, being serious.

I DEMAND you answer my e-mails RIGH NOW! :angry: :tongue:

Single_Rob's photo
Tue 04/22/08 12:35 PM

It really bothers me if people read an e-mail and don't reply. Well, people piss me off in general lol. Too many people judge books by they're cover. I'm not complaining. Just stating facts.. Anyways, what upsets you?

why do you think everyone is obligated to reply to you? I'm not being sarcastic, being serious.
how about it is just considerate. We aren't apes, we are supposed to be civilized. I reply to everyone, it's called having manners

Single_Rob's photo
Tue 04/22/08 12:36 PM

internet gangstas. People who will level insults over the web that would never have the balls to say such things to your face.

LMAO RIGHT! One time I had this kid talkin crap online and I saw a pic of him but he had no idea what I looked like. He wanted to fight I was like ook. You live around town here.. Meet me here at X time. Kid never showed lol. Probably drove around on his bike or some crap and saw me and was like oh hell no lol
I am not promoting violence, just think you should be more respectful of yourself than to resort to insults because you can get away with it over the internet

Army_Strong's photo
Tue 04/22/08 12:36 PM

It really bothers me if people read an e-mail and don't reply. Well, people piss me off in general lol. Too many people judge books by they're cover. I'm not complaining. Just stating facts.. Anyways, what upsets you?

why do you think everyone is obligated to reply to you? I'm not being sarcastic, being serious.

I don't. BUT. Of all the e-mails I've sent over the years not even just talking about sites like this and what not. Just in general. It would be nice to hear back from someone. I mean I've sent friends e-mails sayin stuff like hey know your sore from breakin your leg or w/e hope ya feel better soon. A quick thanks.. Not a big deal, I don't think. But, maybe it's just me

Army_Strong's photo
Tue 04/22/08 12:37 PM

internet gangstas. People who will level insults over the web that would never have the balls to say such things to your face.

LMAO RIGHT! One time I had this kid talkin crap online and I saw a pic of him but he had no idea what I looked like. He wanted to fight I was like ook. You live around town here.. Meet me here at X time. Kid never showed lol. Probably drove around on his bike or some crap and saw me and was like oh hell no lol
I am not promoting violence, just think you should be more respectful of yourself than to resort to insults because you can get away with it over the internet

No I know. I was just saying lol

Single_Rob's photo
Tue 04/22/08 12:38 PM

internet gangstas. People who will level insults over the web that would never have the balls to say such things to your face.

LMAO RIGHT! One time I had this kid talkin crap online and I saw a pic of him but he had no idea what I looked like. He wanted to fight I was like ook. You live around town here.. Meet me here at X time. Kid never showed lol. Probably drove around on his bike or some crap and saw me and was like oh hell no lol
I am not promoting violence, just think you should be more respectful of yourself than to resort to insults because you can get away with it over the internet

No I know. I was just saying lol
I understood your point, no apology required

dae11x's photo
Tue 04/22/08 12:38 PM

It really bothers me if people read an e-mail and don't reply. Well, people piss me off in general lol. Too many people judge books by they're cover. I'm not complaining. Just stating facts.. Anyways, what upsets you?

why do you think everyone is obligated to reply to you? I'm not being sarcastic, being serious.
I think if it's an introductory email and you're not interested, it's just common courtesy to at least let the person know.

Jill298's photo
Tue 04/22/08 12:41 PM

my major annoyances are stupidity and ignorance

Jill298's photo
Tue 04/22/08 12:42 PM

my major annoyances are stupidity and ignorance

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