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Topic: The Crimson Vixar Tavern
EveningKiss's photo
Mon 04/28/08 11:10 PM
best in the world. *grins*

Rathil_Thads's photo
Mon 04/28/08 11:14 PM
Good, I look forward to it yawn *He says as he takes another big swig almost finishing off the whole bottle.*

And, I am not a sore winner my dear so I have decided... *His eyes fully closed now* that while you didn't win a full life story I will give you 3 rule free questions. yawn Anything you want to know. Not tonight though, take your time and make them good. Nobody else would get this chance.

*Rathil brings the bottle back up and finishes it off before falling asleep, Even the sound of the bottle hitting the floor doesn't wake him up*

EveningKiss's photo
Mon 04/28/08 11:45 PM
*curls up at the base of the bed and sleeps*

Rathil_Thads's photo
Tue 04/29/08 05:56 AM
*Rathil wakes up after a few more hours of sleep and sees Cosmina sleeping at the end of the bed. He chuckles a little to himself just thinking of her strong and proud demeanor and realizing how great a woman she is. He carefully slides out of the bed and without moving her adjusts the covers over her before he slips out of the room and goes back to the main room of the tavern. He retrieves his hat that he must have left downstairs the night before. Plops it on his head over his eyes and kicks back in his favorite chair before falling asleep again. Replaying the previous nights events over in his head he falls asleep with a smile on his face.*

livelife68's photo
Tue 04/29/08 07:54 AM
*walks into the inn looking for something to drink and a meal. There is only an interesting looking elf with a funny hat sleeping at a table. He decides not to wake him and leaves the inn to look for more adventure but will return. Inns are usually good places to cause a little mischief.*

EveningKiss's photo
Tue 04/29/08 10:46 AM
*Yawns and wakes up slowly. She reaches for her rum and takes a swig before getting to her feet. She looks around the room a little then heads downstairs into the main bar*

Rathil_Thads's photo
Tue 04/29/08 10:57 AM
*Rathil hears the clopping of heavy boots on the stairs. Without opening his eyes or looking up he speaks*

Good morning Cosmina, did you sleep well?

joshyfox's photo
Tue 04/29/08 11:11 AM
-The 9th Day of Taurus-

The Scarecrows for previous reports turned out to be an army of lesser Golems made of stuff by a Wizard convinced the Sinatorium Refugees possessed some kind of valuable foreign secrets. The wizard was brought to justice by a group of the very people he wanted secrets from.

We have received word that the elf King Oberon seeks an audience with representatives for the Sinatorium people concerning providing them any assistance. Anyone from Sinatorium interested in representing their people should sign up for consideration in the town hall.

Last night during the Scarecrow invasion someone apparently dug up corpses from a cemetery outside of town. This is a disturbing concept as hardly any good can come from such an activity.

EveningKiss's photo
Tue 04/29/08 11:21 AM
*Looks at Rathil and yawns* more or less. *staggers to a table and sits*

Rathil_Thads's photo
Tue 04/29/08 12:03 PM
Good to hear my dear,

So when would I be expecting payment? Can't do much celebrating without the world's finest Rum now can I?

EveningKiss's photo
Tue 04/29/08 12:11 PM
*Laughs* Right you are. *she stands and heads to the door* Wait here. I'll be back shortly.

Rathil_Thads's photo
Tue 04/29/08 12:22 PM
*Rathil smiles as he watches Cosmina leave. He closes his eyes again and waits.*

EveningKiss's photo
Tue 04/29/08 12:34 PM
*Comes back in with a little boy. The boy cant be more then 12 years old. Both Cosmina and the boy carry some large bottles (equal to 5 gallons each) filled with rum. They set them on the table before Rathil and Cosmina turns to the boy and hands him something. The boy hugs Cosmina and runs out the door*

your payment.

Rathil_Thads's photo
Tue 04/29/08 12:41 PM
*Smirks as he watches the spectacle*

Friend of yours? ,he asks as the little boy runs out of the tavern.

None the less a woman true to her word is a welcome sight indeed.

*Stands and dips into a low bow*

Perhaps later you can join me for a drink and we can talk more. Remember you still have your 3 questions to ask. Anything you want to know. I am quite interested to see what it is you find so curious about me.

EveningKiss's photo
Tue 04/29/08 12:59 PM
That thing?? Street erchent who will do anything for a shiny coin. *smirks and sits putting her boots on the table* Tell me Mr Rathil, tell me about this woman you lost. *looks at the barkeep as if asking for a drink*

Rathil_Thads's photo
Tue 04/29/08 01:27 PM
*Rathil stands up, walks to the bar and grabs two glasses*

"Oh My, what a waste of a first question", he casually says as he returns to the table and begins to open one of the bottles

I don't recall ever mentioning losing a woman, although being the astute and intelligent woman you are I guess you would know that every story has to have a woman in it wouldn't you. :wink:

"Very Well" he says as he pours two glasses of the rum and slides one of the glasses to Cosmina.

The only woman that I ever came close to losing, I never even knew her name. You may be able to argue whether or not I actually lost her at that point but I choose to view it as I lost her before I even had her. She was killed in the attack that destroyed Sinatorium.

She was a wood elf, same as myself who had obviously led a tortured life up until the point I met her. It took me weeks of trying to even get her to talk to me and even then her words were only full of contempt. She was very reserved and liked to keep to herself. In fact she pretty much viewed everyone around her as someone not to be trusted. The only time she would ever speak to me is if we were the only two in an area. If that was her form of opening up and beginning to trust I will never know.

I tried for weeks to help her, to save her from her inner demons if you will. Trying to convince her there was more to this life than the hatred she held and the contempt in her heart, Oh how naive I was just a short month ago, *He says while taking a drink*

Near the end, I was beginning to realize what it was she had been trying to tell me was true all along. I started becoming a lot more distant. I really was a much more energetic and happy man than I am now. I started keeping more to myself and reflecting up on my life up til this point. Trying to convince myself that the world couldn't really suck as much as she seems to think.

I had sort of an epiphany regarding my outlook on this world and what it was she saw it as. The night before she died me and a few adventurers found our way into an underground arena of sorts where we had to fight for our lives. There was no way out except to fight and kill 10 challengers in the arena. As I was down there fighting to survive the idea of seeing her again was what kept me fighting. I have never had much to really hold onto in this world but I think I began to care for this woman who never told me her name.

Of course as the story ends I never ended up seeing her alive again. She was killed by the demons who raided our town. Seems rather anti-climatic after everything we had gone through. I do miss her though. *He finishes, taking another long drink*

EveningKiss's photo
Tue 04/29/08 01:57 PM
Wow. Sounds kind of tragic.. and she seems like areal... "winner". Dont get me wrong seems very mysterous but its hard to say what she was thinking.

Rathil_Thads's photo
Tue 04/29/08 02:08 PM
Ah yes, of course you are right. My descriptions of what she was thinking are of course just based on my best assumptions. Although that is all I can do since she kept everything so close to the vest.

EveningKiss's photo
Tue 04/29/08 02:13 PM
well luv im sure she had her reasons *raches out and places a hand on his*

Rathil_Thads's photo
Tue 04/29/08 02:18 PM

Of course she did. We all have reasons for doing the things we do. Things that have happened to mold and shape how we react to what we come up against in the future. Hers I fear was more tragic than I had truly come to realize I believe. Although now she is but a memory. My experience of meeting her will surely change me in some way and perhaps will be a changing factor for a reason I do something in my future. Although that is what I have to look forward to now, My future. We cannont change what is in the past and surely those who attempt to try will have their lives consumed by regret.

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