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Topic: '''''''''''''''''''''''''''a''''''''''''''''''poem''''''''''
lurchs_sister's photo
Fri 04/18/08 08:15 AM
There you go again Abra!sad sad sad sad

The love you speak of between two people as lovers is a wonderful thing and I'm really deeply touched by the letter you wrote but I would like you to think of it another way for a minute.
Not only od we search for that one person in our lives that we can love with everything we have and that will love us in return but there is another kind of love that sometimes goes unnoticed. Actually there are two...
The love I have with my brother that is now passed; this is the one man that I patern all relationships after. If I don't feel a connection with that person like I did with him I know that there is nothing for me there and I move on. His love is complete and will last for the rest of my life.
That man is my hero, my best friend, my confidant, my protector, my support, my brother... No matter what he was always there for me and told me he loved me every time we spoke even when he was mad at me. I am all of these things for him as well and I can safely say that we are fierce in that love and proud of eachother.
Yes I speak of him as if he had not been gone for 7 years but that is because to me he is not; he will live forever in my soul and I carry him with me always.
The other love that gets over looked is that from God above. Our Father has an all encompassing love for us that should satisfy all of our heart's desires and with it we should feel fulfilled. He provides for us, cares for us, knows what is best for us even though we may not see it that way, He protects us, and He loves us unconditionally.
I know that these two loves aren't some warm body that you can take to bed with you at the end of the day but they are loves that will sustain you and help you in the search for the ONE love that we all look for. What would we do without the two loves that I just spoke of?
Without those two would we ever truly know the type of love we so desire?
Because I know those types of love in my heart and soul I have reason to cry...

Just my thoughts...

Terry, Brother Man,
My words are a gift from God and there for me to share.
Should I ever decide not to share them with all then
that gift would have been given in vain.
You are welcome my brother!

Though I have become very serious this thread has also been a lot of fun and I thank you for that!! You too Abra!

God bless

Abracadabra's photo
Fri 04/18/08 10:26 AM
I’m not unaware of other types of love. The imaginary letter I wrote was based on romantic love of a couple. I didn’t mentioned the love of a parent, child, sibling, or spirit for the sake of brevity. I’m aware of those types of love as well.

The following is a poem I wrote when my mother died. I would have to say that she was, without a doubt, the closest person to me in this life thus far.

~ Empty Heart ~


Waves crash upon the rocks
with undulating persistence
washing away the sands of time
that gave birth to our existence

From ashes to ashes and dust to dust
everything cycles in form
this is the nature of life as we know it
it's a endless emotional storm

My mother was a living testament
to the beautiful things that arise
and now that she's gone
there's nothing to do
but wipe
the tears
from my eyes

Emptiness is but a void
a void that carries great pain
emptiness within my soul
is an unbearable emotional drain

I loved my mother more than I can say
I've told her many times
but knowing that does not relieve
the pain of all my crimes

In retrospect I could have done
this, and that, and so much more
my mother never thought like that
she wasn’t one to keep the score

She accepted life with all its woes
and rejoiced in all its joy
the only wish she ever had
was to love her little boy

She loved her little girl as well
for love is what she was
a thought of mom will bring a smile
because it always does

It really is that simple
my mother was like a star
spreading rays of loveshine
that traveled near and far

Missing her is hard to take
her vacant room left in her wake
death has shaken like a quake
my empty heart so full of ache

Everything seems so futile now
it doesn't make sense to plan
nothing will ever replace her
for nothing ever can

The tides recede from the rocky beach
and sand is washed away
loneliness lingers as the waters calm
and emptiness fills the day

Sunlight glistens on the ocean's skin
sparkling like a magical wand
a visual signal from heaven
a message from the great beyond

Life as we know it is temporary
for everyone dies in the end
life's an illusion of atoms and dust
an illusion we all must transcend

My mother's in spiritual form once again
and she's watching her little boy grow
I need to be thankful for all of her memories
and for all that she gave me I owe

I can't now go back to give her more love
but I can live with love in my heart
for this is what my mother would wish
and it's what I must impart

The empty void that fills my heart
will not be easy to ignore
but filling it with love will be,
my most endearing chore

Loving my mother is still alive
even though she's no longer here
I'll love her forever with all of my heart
as I pursue my empty frontier


(Abra 2/06/05)

Abracadabra's photo
Fri 04/18/08 10:37 AM
Terry, my apologies if I’ve inadvertently hijacked your thread. It started out as a little playful competition to give you a kick in the butt, and now it’s turned all mushy. laugh

no photo
Fri 04/18/08 10:56 AM
:heart: My life has been spent mostly IN-LOVE even if IT was only her pretending. My first wife was NOT a good mommy, and I trveled and was gone alot, we lasted three years.
I would come home off the road and find the hose, kids, laundry, ALL a pigs pen.
I hade just redone the intire house and new everything.
So, I would do all her work my ONLY two days off a week.
Dishes piled and spoiled everything, for a whole week..no clean bath towels , clothes??
And she and I had agreed that SHE didn't need to have a job just take care of our kids and house work..
After MANY coming homes to this SAME issue we started fighting
in words, and she would go cry,,and I would still do ALL of her stuff she had left..
THEN, I started to see my two boys being hurt by her neglict. I cane home one weeken and had to smell a house of urene.
And literally PEEL a pair of traning pants off my oldest boy, to see him burnt around his waist and legs was more than I could take, I cried with him as I tried so hard to rub some
cream on his blistered red skin...WELL,,we were done shortly after that affair, I filed for a divorce.
Thinking I could get custidy?
But found out that if I never had pictures or witnesses that it wouldn't stand up in court..And my job took me out a week at a time,so she won ,,,and THAT was as close to having a nerious break down I had ever have happen.
SO,,love is NOT all its cracked up to be Abra...
But I gained two children through that marriage.
My second wife, yes,,,MY LAST,,lol and second exwife,
Had a daughter already when we met, and after two years my 1ST exwife GAVE ME CUSTIDY of my boys, NEVER to get them back...SO now WE, became a little 5-pack.
We shared about 17 years together in a very caring close love.
All the seasons you spoke of, we did live. All the beautiful
times fishing ,camping out, vacations..AND OHHHHH, the Christmas
times were my very best memories of keeping Santa alive with their minds,,,lol.
So after coming home and finding her with another, I WAS DONE..
Our youngest was our girl she was about 17 and the boys were already gone in their careers.
So THAT was my life and Now have 9 grandchildren and we are all very close..
SO, to have had LOVE and felt LOVE yes.
But because of embracing THAT LIFE for so long.
Now, time FEELS so alone.....
YOUR life has more aquired YOU to IT and single living.
Mine has me empty, and STILL LEARNING single living.
But I feel WE WILL BOTH NOT DIE, w/o first finding a GREAT LADY
to show us and give us ALL that WE BOTH MISSED...:heart:

no photo
Fri 04/18/08 11:05 AM

Terry, my apologies if I’ve inadvertently hijacked your thread. It started out as a little playful competition to give you a kick in the butt, and now it’s turned all mushy. laugh

drinker Abra, there are three things ALWAYS ABOVE,
ANY issues in the poems.


And YOUR giving your heart man,thats what LIFE is here or anywhere..I couldn't be MORE PLEASED as to how OUR,wink, POST has ran, and to END in heart and Truth, is a nice ending to have...:heart: drinker :wink: :heart:

I THANK YOU for HELPING make this post so FUN and so HEART-FELT.. Great friends sharing life, IS TRULLY LIVING...:wink:
In WORDS or in TYPE, sharing is GREAT!!!

Differentkindofwench's photo
Fri 04/18/08 11:05 AM
Yo chopped liver, don't know you as well as Abra lol.

Hmmm, ponders how does one express feelings of friendship towards chopped liver.....

Hello chopped liver,
I could make you pate'.
I really should do something with you
you're too good to throw away.

Hello chopped liver,
no, no, don't run and hide.
I've got it, I'll put you in a jar,
with much formaldehyde!!!

How's that T? :tongue: Quick hug and hauls butt outta thread.

no photo
Fri 04/18/08 11:33 AM

Yo chopped liver, don't know you as well as Abra lol.

Hmmm, ponders how does one express feelings of friendship towards chopped liver.....

Hello chopped liver,
I could make you pate'.
I really should do something with you
you're too good to throw away.

Hello chopped liver,
no, no, don't run and hide.
I've got it, I'll put you in a jar,
with much formaldehyde!!!

How's that T? :tongue: Quick hug and hauls butt outta thread.
blushing blushing THATS MUCH BETTER,grumble
Did I ever tell you I hate to be put in SMALL PLACES,,,,,,,lol
Thank you DKOW,,,flowerforyou drinker YOUR the BEST!!!

Abracadabra's photo
Fri 04/18/08 11:34 AM
SO,,love is NOT all its cracked up to be Abra....

Well in the situation you described I’d have to say there was lack of love on the part of your first wife. The picture you paint sounds like some serious child abuse via neglect. I wonder, can that situation really be referred to as love?

I certainly hope this doesn’t come across wrong, but I did have ample opportunity to marry women that I know would not have been a good wife or mother and I passed on those opportunities. I don’t mean to imply that you could have known beforehand. But I have always had a really good ability to read people very early on. I can often tell whether someone has a loving heart or not within minutes of having met them. And I’ve found this to be quite accurate. It may well be a gift, I dunno.

In any case, I believe that had I ever found the right woman, it would have been right, and she would be every bit as loving as me, or maybe more so. And so I always base my dreams and imaginings on that premise. Otherwise, I don’t marry.

YOUR life has more aquired YOU to IT and single living.
Mine has me empty, and STILL LEARNING single living.

There’s a whole lot of truth to this Terry, and I fully understand what you are saying here. That’s why I truly say that I have no reason to cry. I had nothing to lose. And therefore I lost nothing. But you did have love that slipped away.

There's a popular saying, “It's better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all”.

I’m not so sure that’s true. There's a lot of pain in lost love. And like you say it must be difficult trying to become accustomed to single life after having been used to having a loving partner around.

There is something to be said for having never known love. At least I haven’t really had anything to lose. I think it’s easier to live an empty life than to have love ripped from the core of your soul.

So I will be the first to agree that you are in a worse predicament than me. But you do have your kids, and your grandchildren. Don’t take that too lightly either. I would have been a great father, and I really wish I could have had the opportunity to have done that. I would like to have had kids, and grandchildren too that I could still offer some sort of mentoring or guidance to in whatever way I can.

I certainly hope you find someone to help you mend your anguished heart. But like I say, you’re young yet. And you have a very youthful appearance for your age. So there’s no need for urgency. Women like the wisdom of an older man. :wink:

Take your time, relax. You’ll find her. Just know that it will happen and be cool. glasses

And quit referring to yourself as chopped liver. laugh

Differentkindofwench's photo
Fri 04/18/08 11:34 AM
Hmmm, I'm gonna behave on that one (cough, cough, cackle, cough, choke).

You're welcome T......

no photo
Fri 04/18/08 03:30 PM

Hmmm, I'm gonna behave on that one (cough, cough, cackle, cough, choke).

You're welcome T......
noway noway noway Your soooo badddlaugh :wink:
But your welcome,lol,lol

no photo
Fri 04/18/08 03:33 PM
:heart: drinker drinker smokin :wink:
Take your time, relax. You’ll find her. Just know that it will happen and be cool.

Thanks Abra,,,I will take this advice, and a drink to my lips.
To long living and to both meeting our LOVES.CHEERS,drinker
drinker :heart: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:

no photo
Sun 06/06/10 08:52 PM
:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: drinker drinker

no photo
Sun 06/06/10 08:53 PM
flowerforyou drinker :heart: drinker :banana:

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