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no photo
Wed 04/16/08 06:07 PM
Your mother asks you to help fix the store. While you are working, a very hot pipe slips its moorings and falls towards her. What do you do?

1. Position yourself between the pipe and your mother.

2. Push your mother out of the way.

3. Grab the hot pipe and try to push it away.

Max_Darkling's photo
Wed 04/16/08 06:08 PM

joshyfox's photo
Wed 04/16/08 06:09 PM
I would most likely go for 1, but is would be impossible to tell without actually being in the situation...

Still, my first impulse is to say 1.

no photo
Wed 04/16/08 06:09 PM
While in town the baker gives you a sweet roll. Delighted, you take it into an alley to enjoy, only to be intercepted by a gang of low life thugs. The leader demands the sweet roll, or else he and his friends will beat you and take it. What do you do?

1. Act like you are going to give him the sweet roll, but at the last moment throw it in the air, hoping that they will pay attention to it long enough for you to get a shot at the leader.

2. Give him the sweet roll without argument, knowing that later this afternoon you will have all your friend with you and can come and take whatever he owes you.

3. Drop the sweet roll and step on it, and then get ready for the fight.

joshyfox's photo
Wed 04/16/08 06:11 PM

Max_Darkling's photo
Wed 04/16/08 06:12 PM

no photo
Wed 04/16/08 06:14 PM
The gypsy gets weak and sees that she can barely take the powers of the crysal ball for one more question. Odd noises and static hits her. Her eyelids turn white as she asks the last question.

Entering town you find that you are witness to a very well dressed man running from a crowd. He screams to you for help. The crowd behind him seems very angry. What do you do?

1. Rush to the mans aid immediately, despite your lack of knowledge of the circumstances.

2. Stand aside and allow the man and mob to pass, realizing that it is probably best not to get involved.

3. Rush to the town’s aid immediately, despite your lack of knowledge of the circumstances.

Max_Darkling's photo
Wed 04/16/08 06:15 PM

joshyfox's photo
Wed 04/16/08 06:16 PM

no photo
Wed 04/16/08 06:20 PM
The crystal ball vibrates as it floats into the air. Static shoots from all sides and hits the elves suddenly.

Vun Fain receives +7 attributes added to intelligence.
Max Darkling gets +6 attributes added to intelligence.

The crystal ball then drops back into its slot and the gypsy slumps over.

For my service I ask for 50 gold pieces each. If you decide not to pay then don't add the attributes to your character sheet.

joshyfox's photo
Wed 04/16/08 06:23 PM
*He pays the gypsy*

thank you for the reading

Max_Darkling's photo
Wed 04/16/08 06:32 PM
he pays

EveningKiss's photo
Wed 04/16/08 06:34 PM
*Waits outside watching the empty streets woundering why she's even waiting for a drow and an old man*

Barbus's photo
Wed 04/16/08 06:40 PM
*Wings spread wide, Barbus Soars from the northeast towards the Green Dragon's Inn. Sees the hooded figure below standing outside the Gypsy's house, but instead of landing near by to keep her company, he remembers how poorly she had treated him, and continues to his final destination, the Green Dragon's Inn.*

no photo
Wed 04/16/08 06:49 PM

Building 37


silverwaya's photo
Wed 04/16/08 06:54 PM
she walks up to the window and peeks in

EveningKiss's photo
Wed 04/16/08 07:01 PM
*stops at the door and removes hre small blade*

no photo
Wed 04/16/08 07:03 PM

Building 37


Everyone enters the house as an illusion of many types of sceneries engulfs everyone’s mind. A shrill laugh occurs afterwords as the images fade and a woman in a pointy hat looks seriously at the group. Her hands are extracting a greenish mist. “You are uninvited to my home, yet I could put you in use. The door slams shut behind quickly and she steps up to cast a spell.


Strength 14
Dexterity 16
Hit points 350

Magical Spells: Cast green lightning bolt damage 50 HP per round. On second round the green bolt turns a player into a toad.


Vun Fain

Strength 11 ( -3 against witch)
Dexterity 14 ( -2 against witch)
Hit points: 450


Strength 11 ( -3 against witch)
Dexterity 14 ( - 2 against witch)
Hit points: 350
Magical Abilities – summon wolf for 50HP additional damage to combat role 2 x per day

Max Darkling

Strength 16 ( +2 against witch)
Dexterity 16 ( 0 against witch)
Hit points: 500
Armor: Black leather armor 100% - can deflect 10HP per round

Tatahl Arekeneaplith

Strength 15 ( +1 against witch)
Dexterity 15 ( -1 against witch)
Armor: Black leather armor 100% - deflects 10HP per round battle


1. What are the chances of a blink dog appearing behind you?

a. 100%
b. 75%
c. 50%
d. 25%

2. What is a Hydra's range of heads?

A. 5 to 12
B. 5 to 24
C. 3 to 12
D. 1 to 36

3 Which of these spells would affect a mummy?

B. Charm
C. Paralyze
D. Magic Missile

Which of these spells can't a vampire cast?

A. Fly
B. Magic Missile
C. Charm
D. Polymorph

joshyfox's photo
Wed 04/16/08 07:10 PM
1. What are the chances of a blink dog appearing behind you?

a. 100%

2. What is a Hydra's range of heads?

D. 1 to 36

3 Which of these spells would affect a mummy?

D. Magic Missile

Which of these spells can't a vampire cast?

B. Magic Missile

EveningKiss's photo
Wed 04/16/08 07:14 PM
Edited by EveningKiss on Wed 04/16/08 07:18 PM

1. What are the chances of a blink dog appearing behind you?

A. 100%

2. What is a Hydra's range of heads?

A. 5 to 12

3 Which of these spells would affect a mummy?

D. Magic Missile

Which of these spells can't a vampire cast?

B. Magic Missile

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