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Topic: OMG what to do... what to do?
Milesoftheusa's photo
Tue 04/15/08 07:51 AM

I have to agree with you on this one. The scriptures point out you do not go to heaven but death is like sleep the next thing you will know is his comming, When you are risen. Equality throughout all time.
Now Terry Sharvo?not sure on name. That was pure and simple torture by everyone involved in murdering her. They will pay for thier actions. death by starvation is the worst death you can have.

Now to an elderly person in pain who wants to be let go. I have no problem. Saul took his own life.

And He was annointed as a prophet by Yahweh.

So the circumstances are a big consideration. But for us to argue that a death row inmate might feel pain from the drugs we give him to go to sleep then die and then take an innocent person and pull thier food suppy is outrageous. Our Court system is Upside down on this issue.. Blessings Abra..Miles

yzrabbit1's photo
Tue 04/15/08 08:00 AM


I have to agree with you on this one. The scriptures point out you do not go to heaven but death is like sleep the next thing you will know is his comming, When you are risen. Equality throughout all time.
Now Terry Sharvo?not sure on name. That was pure and simple torture by everyone involved in murdering her. They will pay for thier actions. death by starvation is the worst death you can have.

Now to an elderly person in pain who wants to be let go. I have no problem. Saul took his own life.

And He was annointed as a prophet by Yahweh.

So the circumstances are a big consideration. But for us to argue that a death row inmate might feel pain from the drugs we give him to go to sleep then die and then take an innocent person and pull thier food suppy is outrageous. Our Court system is Upside down on this issue.. Blessings Abra..Miles

Terry Shevo told her husband to do exactly what he did. Also they can (and I am sure they did sedate her). She made it clear to him what she wanted. He had already moved on with his life. He could have just left it in the hands of her parents to do as they pleased with out regards for her wishes. He was a man of courage and honor and he could not turn his back on a promise he made to someone he loved. I hope I have an advocate as brave as he is when it is my time.

froglittlesis's photo
Tue 04/15/08 08:06 AM
I can honestly say I was in this situation at one time with my sister after her car wreck. It isn't easy but, the drs done all they could do for her and she was left paralyzed from neck down. Her mind was all in tact but, it was difficult for both she and I since I completely cared for her until her death. She did recover some use in her arms but not her hands or her legs.:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: I can honestly say it was one of the most difficult times in my life especially after her loss!!!! God has made me stronger in my faith and I am here to tell her testimony.

AngelLight's photo
Tue 04/15/08 08:21 AM
I think Miguel is right...many wouldn't know what they would do unless in the situation.

As for me, I think if my loved one was in a permanent veggie state, :cry: I'd let them go.

Sorry for your loss frog, yet happy you are stronger.

Milesoftheusa's photo
Tue 04/15/08 08:25 AM
I am sorry for your loss froglittlesis that had to be hard to watch and take.

Rabbitt.. Who in the world would want to starve to death. I have never seen anything about sedating her. Why was it so important for her to die a death like that when she had a willing loving family who wanted custody of her and would take care of her? Would you want to be locked in a cell with no food and water untill you died? No one would. Her husband saw more in this than the supposed wish she had.Courage no. A mean person yes.Still why would the state starve her to death which they know would happen instead of just giving her a shot and letting her fall asleep and and die in peace. This was a BIG SHOW wabbitt. Then our courts turn around and say how compassionate they are to death row inmates who may of did horrible things. It is called conditioning our minds. It is the same as Hitler started out as doing. It comes so slowly we believe a lie. Who can stand up to the Govt. today if they do not want you to? Blessings Wabbit..Miles

no photo
Tue 04/15/08 08:27 AM

Without the request - no

With request - yes

I agree...

Milesoftheusa's photo
Tue 04/15/08 08:30 AM
so if something happened to you and the plug was to be pulled. You would have no problem starving to Death..

no photo
Tue 04/15/08 08:49 AM
There is innate value to all human life. Even those who are crippled, criminals, insane or suicidal. If society cannot see the value of human life, then we are on a slippery slope with unimaginable horrors at the bottom. Self-pity and depression are emotional states which cannot be allowed to make life or death decisions.

I saw Million Dollar Baby and I loved the movie. You could see the pain that both of the main characters were going through. It was a moving story. But I believe that when we are ruled by our instincts and emotions rather than our intellect, we are nothing more than base animals.

Adult stem cell research promises great hope for those who are paralysed. Paralysed rats have been made to walk again in several studies. One doctor in Lisbon has treated 45 paralysed people, so that they can now walk again. How horrible would it be to assist a loved one to commit suicide because a condition that is rapidly becoming treatable?

angelinboots's photo
Tue 04/15/08 08:49 AM
Edited by angelinboots on Tue 04/15/08 08:50 AM
The only thing I know about the Terry Shivo case is what each side said. I do think that as she wasn't in pain, and it was just too painful for her parents to pull the plug, and the husband had already moved on, he should have stepped out of the picture and let the parents see her to the end.
I worked in nursing homes and worked for a hospice. I saw many patients on their way to death or die. One thing I know is that not eating is a natural part of death. It is a burdon on a system shutting down, to be fed, and isn't comfortable. If a patient stipulated they wanted feeding, you honor it. A difficulty is sometimes, after they have reached a point, they may change their minds and not be able to communicate it. Patients can still be very mentally aware, imprisoned by an unresponsive body. People need to know that possibility before they elect to go this route. Changing the mind from not wanting to be fed is usually from fear, but whatever the reason, you carry that out. I knew five patients who had feeding tubes. EVERY ONE of them begged people to unplug it. Most of them lived like this for years. It was my job to care for people and to make them as comfortable and pain-free as I could. IF there is absolutely NO way this person can continue to live, even feeding them, I do not think it killing to pull the plug. IF the patient or family desires it. It is getting out of the way of a natural process, and can make for a little more comfort. Hunger is no longer felt. Their systems are shutting down and they are fading. I cared for my mother when she was dieing, and she wouldn't even let us give her oxygen. I thank God for pain relievers!!! As a Christian, I don't fear death at all. I'm ready. I'd rather not hurt, but we may not have that choice. Give me the med.'s! But don't prolong my pain. If God will heal me, He will, regardless. He knows my heart. May none of you ever have to face the pain of this for your loved ones, and may you finish this life with joy and peace and no suffering, and pass right into the presense of God! BTW:Jesus spoke of Heaven several times. As a Christian, I believe Him.

yzrabbit1's photo
Tue 04/15/08 08:53 AM
Edited by yzrabbit1 on Tue 04/15/08 08:58 AM

so if something happened to you and the plug was to be pulled. You would have no problem starving to Death..

If your whole problem is just with the starving part I can see where you are coming from. The only reason they have to do that is because religious zealots think it is immoral to just give someone like her a shot that ends her life peacefully. So that leaves the person that has expressed a wish to die with only one option. Stop eating and drinking. (In some states you do not even have that option) So yes the very best way is a shot that would let you go to sleep and die peacefully. Unfortunately the majority of Christians will not allow that.

So I will take anyway I out I could take. I am very prepared to starve myself to death at the end of my life. I just hope some idiot doesn't force a tube down my throat (in all his Christian kindness) and make me eat and live.

That was very informative angelinboots ty

Milesoftheusa's photo
Tue 04/15/08 09:09 AM
Thanks wabbitt

That is my problem in that case. But I also have a problem with these courts worrying about a deathrow inmate might feel some pain when they are given the sleeping meds if they do not i guess go to sleep fast enough.

That is where I say we are upside down in those 2 instances.. Shalom.Wabbitt...Miles

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Tue 04/15/08 02:42 PM
honestly, I just don't know.
we keep seeing wrong concepts coming from all sides.
Ofcourse that the major happiness a person could have is death because through it we get back to our sources. In my case i'd go back to my Heavenly Father's arms.
However, my question goes for the ones who stay here. We are still human.
I mean it really broke my heart when she asked him to take her life away, and the struggle of this man had endure.
The only thing i can say is that I don't know.
I guess it's ok to say: "I don't know," sometimes.

yzrabbit1's photo
Tue 04/15/08 04:36 PM

The only problem with saying "I don't know" is that if you get in that situation yourself someday that will have the same effect as saying keep me alive. Because if they do not know your wishes they are going to err on the side of life.

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Tue 04/15/08 07:06 PM

The only problem with saying "I don't know" is that if you get in that situation yourself someday that will have the same effect as saying keep me alive. Because if they do not know your wishes they are going to err on the side of life.

then what to do?

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