Topic: New Church of Free Will
no photo
Thu 04/26/07 09:37 AM
you do realize you can't have a church that gives everyone the freedome
to believe what they want, partly because most religions are formed of
a sacred society that do not welcome the stranger, nor do they welcome
questions, not to mention you'd have the problem of everyone
believing their way is the right way, and in many religions the proper
thing to do if someone is following the wrong way, is introduce them to
the correct way and try to convert them ultimately

no photo
Thu 04/26/07 09:37 AM
you do realize you can't have a church that gives everyone the freedome
to believe what they want, partly because most religions are formed of
a sacred society that do not welcome the stranger, nor do they welcome
questions, not to mention you'd have the problem of everyone
believing their way is the right way, and in many religions the proper
thing to do if someone is following the wrong way, is introduce them to
the correct way and try to convert them ultimately

catchme_ifucan's photo
Thu 04/26/07 09:50 AM
flowerforyou Hello & welcome to the site!!
& the Church! bigsmile

Do you realize how you just sounded ??? huh

Gurlfriend read a thread before you post.

:wink: Come sit by the pond & feed the fish!! flowerforyou

LAMom's photo
Thu 04/26/07 09:54 AM
Hello Sorority,, Welcome to JSH! And our haven from Life to sit
back and discuss, learn, share and express what is pulling us down in
life and to Hug, Kiss and just remind each other of what
friendship and understanding really are, We are all here to share and
hopefully bring alittle hope and faith along with cheer to one
another,,, We do not pass judgement here nor try to push one Religion on
to each other, were here to share ask questions and maybe learn from one
another,,, so Welcome to you, we embrace your insight and hope you find
some peace here as we all have found... flowerforyou

songbirrd's photo
Thu 04/26/07 08:46 PM
Am I safe here???????glasses

Gryphyn's photo
Thu 04/26/07 08:46 PM
Now you went and started talking about religion. This is a spiritual
church, there is no Preacher and there is no "Good Book". As far as I
know there is only one rule in our church, maybe two if you want to be
finicky. We never agreed on what the rule was because we don't feel it
necessary to have rules, but one day we might agree on one and your
welcome to vote.laugh

If you wish to find out more about how this church is built have some
fun and read the posts in this thread. Thery will tell you how we made
the pond, the Doorways and even how The Doors used to be windows.

Sit down and enjoy the Gazebow by the pond.

Oh I remember the rule NO FISHING in the pond. CCP will have a fit or
you might catch me sleeping with the fishys.

laugh laugh laugh

Welcome to our humble sanctuary.

flowerforyou bigsmile


Gryphyn's photo
Thu 04/26/07 08:48 PM

I missed you.

Glad to see you back.


catchme_ifucan's photo
Thu 04/26/07 08:49 PM
noway OMG!!! IS IT REALLY YOU???

songbirrd's photo
Thu 04/26/07 08:50 PM
Thank youflowerforyou :heart:

I missed you too.Sadly my post is gonefrown So most ppl will have to
find out via e-mail.

catchme_ifucan's photo
Thu 04/26/07 08:51 PM
I'LL BRB (((((((((((((((((((G,SONG)))))))))))))))))))

LAMom's photo
Thu 04/26/07 08:53 PM
{{{{{{{{{{{ Song, G, Catch }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
((( Fishies))))))))))))) ((((((((((( Ms Poet ))))))))
I miss you so muchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou

songbirrd's photo
Thu 04/26/07 08:57 PM
I MUST say Mike is the best and I'm sorry to everyone who may have
gotten the wrong idea mmk?flowerforyou :heart: smooched

Gryphyn's photo
Thu 04/26/07 08:58 PM
You have email song



Gryphyn's photo
Thu 04/26/07 09:00 PM
More than one of us on at a time?


Wow, it never ceases to amaze me how miracles do happen in our little



LAMom's photo
Thu 04/26/07 09:01 PM
Awwwwwwwwww Miracles are incredible,,,, Love our Little Church
bigsmile :heart: flowerforyou

catchme_ifucan's photo
Thu 04/26/07 09:07 PM
:heart: {{{FAMILIA}}}}}}:heart: flowerforyou

songbirrd's photo
Thu 04/26/07 09:11 PM
I missed it here....flowerforyou :heart: smooched But for some
reason I'm still uneasy....flowerforyou Nothing anyone's done just me.

songbirrd's photo
Thu 04/26/07 09:14 PM
Sooooooooo what am I going to do the next 8+ while I can't
drink?????laugh flowerforyou

LAMom's photo
Thu 04/26/07 09:17 PM

Be you silly and happy,,, Love you girl,,, I am so happy for you,,, Must
start planning my Cyber Baby Shower,, Goshhhhhh I have my sons and His
girlfriends baby shower in 2 weeks and then my other son and his wife in
October,,, Got to squeeze you in thier sometime,,,, Smile
sweetie,,,happy :heart:

Hugs to all of you,,, Meds are kicking in time for bed
Love ya :heart:

{{{{ Familia }}}}}}}:heart: Such a Beautiful Thing

Gryphyn's photo
Thu 04/26/07 09:17 PM
Don't worry about drinking, I haven't hada drink in over 16 yrs.

Its no big deal.

drinker bigsmile