Topic: New Church of Free Will
karmafury's photo
Mon 04/16/07 04:23 PM
Hello Lili. How are you doing?flowerforyou

songbirrd's photo
Mon 04/16/07 04:32 PM
Sorry Aprilflowerforyou I left for a little while. I've got a
headache. Darn wheather changesgrumble

catchme_ifucan's photo
Tue 04/17/07 01:06 AM
noway why is 1/2 the water out of the pond? huh

flowerforyou fills pond lays down on pew to look at stars...

mmmmmmmmmmmmm there's a lady I know hmmmm mmmmmm & she's buying the
stairway to heaven.... mmmmm

songbirrd's photo
Tue 04/17/07 12:07 PM

no photo
Tue 04/17/07 02:31 PM
We must all repent for our sin if want live eternal life in heaven:)Who
all feels they might be on the road to heaven if say die right now:)

songbirrd's photo
Tue 04/17/07 02:43 PM
Ummm..Not me....I'm kinda living in sin nowlaugh

liliuminterspinas's photo
Tue 04/17/07 04:04 PM
Hello again! flowerforyou

songbirrd's photo
Tue 04/17/07 09:52 PM
I miss Mom:cry: I want her to come home. I need to talk to She
keeps me sane.

Gryphyn's photo
Tue 04/17/07 10:19 PM

why is 1/2 the water out of the pond?

fills pond lays down on pew to look at stars...

mmmmmmmmmmmmm there's a lady I know hmmmm mmmmmm & she's buying the
stairway to heaven.... mmmmm

Well at least now I know why I couldn't sleep last night.

Blame it on Song she tossed me in it.

bigsmile bigsmile


songbirrd's photo
Tue 04/17/07 10:21 PM
lol I said I was sorry. How are you doing G? (((((G))))):heart:

Gryphyn's photo
Tue 04/17/07 10:31 PM
I am doing Fine, my clothes are dry and I am getting ready for bed, I
have been up well over 18 hrs today and hopefully someone won't be
singing tonight, I love the song, however it has many memories that go
along with it and I need to turn this brain off for a day or two.



songbirrd's photo
Tue 04/17/07 10:33 PM
Ok goodnight G.:heart:

songbirrd's photo
Wed 04/18/07 01:49 PM
Mom's home yayyy!flowerforyou :heart:

songbirrd's photo
Wed 04/18/07 04:39 PM
Where IS everyone????? I want to talk to someone as long as it's NOT
about "what's bothering" me.flowerforyou :heart:

songbirrd's photo
Thu 04/19/07 09:15 PM
It's spooky here-all alone lol

Abracadabra's photo
Thu 04/19/07 10:00 PM
Sexylady wrote:
“We must all repent for our sin if want live eternal life in heaven
Who all feels they might be on the road to heaven if say die right now”

If angels appeared before me right now and told me that I was going to
die in 10 minutes and that I would be forgiven any sins that I ask
forgiveness for right now, I would be at a completely loss to think of
anything worth asking forgiveness for.

I mean, sure, I could ask to be forgiven for not having been perfect and
having reached my absolute maximum potential in life. But is that
really a sin?

Where was it ever written that it is a sin not to be perfect?

Basically I have absolutely nothing to confess that I would consider to
be a sin. So people who claim that no man is without sin are full of
it. If you can’t even think of something to confess then I think it’s
pretty safe to say that you are sinless.

And if you find yourself scraping the bottom of the barrel for tiny
little imperfections to ask ‘forgiveness’ for then you miss the point
because nowhere was it ever written that it’s a sin not to be perfect.

The bottom line as I see it, if you don’t feel guilty enough about
something to feel compelled to ask forgiveness for it, then you have no
sin to forgive.

Yes, at this point in my life I can honestly say that there is nothing I
feel compelled to ask forgiveness for. I’m prepared to die right now
with no fear of going to any judgment. When I got to the courtroom in
the sky (which I don’t believe in anyway) St. Peter, or whomever, would
ask to have the charges against me read, and the angel who reads the
charges would reply, “There are no charges pending against this man”.

St. Peter would simply tap down his mallet and say, “You are free to

songbirrd's photo
Thu 04/19/07 11:19 PM
Considering all of the types of sins I KNOW no one is w/out sin. You've
never lied? Or been jealous of something or someone? Had pre-marital
sex? All of those things are sins,We ALL fall Short of the Glory of God
wich is why we are given the oppurtunity to be saved.

AdventureBegins's photo
Thu 04/19/07 11:43 PM
I do not believe in sin.

Sin is a concept of organized religion used to contol.

I do not believe in hell. Hell is also a control system useing fear to
bring guilt and cause belief in sin.

Guilt stunts growth and hurts the learning process.

Is my belief right? I will know when I cross the thin veil between and
dance amoung the stars.

songbirrd's photo
Thu 04/19/07 11:52 PM
Yeah I've thought that a few times but even if it's true you must admit
MOST of the things in the bible are good rules of thumb anyway.

AdventureBegins's photo
Thu 04/19/07 11:57 PM

Most holy books contain jems of pure brilliance.

Wading through the smoke screen of interpretations is the hard part.