Topic: hello from minnesooooda
manbannana's photo
Thu 01/18/07 09:05 PM
howdy all! imm new here , im not one to look or search for a date ,..
but times chsnge i recon , life to short to be alone!
you all take a few minutes an look me up ,.. i plan to add to my
profile with more pics if i get some responces other than computer bots!
i want a real woman to be friens with ,.. not a computer! , im a true
good guy with a bad boy ora,i love animals ,.. kids ( i have none) i
have a very small group of friends an love hanging out with them all ,
i work long an hard , .time for me time im thinkin! so ,.. wheres all
the gals at from minnesoda?

FedMan's photo
Thu 01/18/07 09:19 PM
lol manbanana? so does that mean you have banana hands?

Kevin3824's photo
Thu 01/18/07 10:23 PM
Hello welcome to JSH

kij's photo
Fri 01/19/07 06:33 AM
Hey how's it going!!! Where the heck is Birchwood??

Tneal's photo
Fri 01/19/07 06:58 AM
Welcome to the site... if you see any of my family around there give
them a hi for me k???? *S*

karmafury's photo
Fri 01/19/07 08:25 AM
Hi and welcome to the site.

LAMom's photo
Fri 01/19/07 09:45 AM
Good Morning & Welcome to JSH

Morena350's photo
Fri 01/19/07 11:19 PM
hello and welcome

no photo
Sat 01/20/07 12:15 AM
hey bro hop in and check out them different topic we have-- start
blendin' yaself there with conversation a'right