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Topic: Is there meaning to life?
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Wed 04/09/08 11:54 PM
Excellent sharing there, Yashafoxdrinker

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Thu 04/10/08 12:14 AM
Edited by MorningSong on Thu 04/10/08 12:39 AM

What do you do when you're bored? A recent AP News Service story mentioned the recreational choice of two teens. Having used the game Grant Theft Auto "a means of escaping the monotony of teen life," they decided to act it out by shooting at cars. They killed one person and injured others.

I don’t see where this has anything to do with religion. These teens don’t need God. They needed some half-decent parental guidance and mentoring in their lives. Clearly whoever raised these kids had no clue how to raise a human being. Human guidance and mentoring could have cleared this up, no need to call upon a supreme being to intervene.

Lot’s of atheists have very well-behaved responsible productive children. Clearly a belief in a God has nothing at all to do with it. This is a case of poor mentoring on the part of the parents.

You can’t expect God to solve all man’s problems. Somewhere along the way man is going to have to take on some responsibility for himself.

Abra , I don't agree with what you are saying about man not needing God .

However, I do agree that man does need to take more responsibility for his actions , and do his part also ....and not expect God to do it all.

Afterall, God did say ,
Faith without works is dead.

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Thu 04/10/08 12:29 AM
Edited by MorningSong on Thu 04/10/08 12:42 AM

The writer, Solomon, tells us he has tried all life has to offer, wine, women and song. Hi conclusion is "Fear God and obey his commands, for this is everyone's duty" (12:13). In other words, God gives meaning to our lives. No God, no meaning.

How on earth did you translate "Fear God and obey his commands, for this is everyone's duty"

to mean: .. "In other words, God gives meaning to our lives. No God, no meaning." ????????????


In OTHER WORDS indeed.

Way .... other words.

They don't mean the same thing at all!

A Slave master would say that to the slaves. Slaves, after all, in the eyes of their superior masters, are so pathetic that they have no purpose and no reason to even live, other than to "fear their master and obey him."

Please re-read these words:

Fear your master and obey him, for you are a pathetic slave and you are good for nothing else!! To serve your master is your only purpose in life. You have no other purpose whatsoever. It is your duty to fear your master and obey his commands. It will give meaning to your pathetic lives.

And you translate it to mean:

Your master gives meaning to your lives. No master, no meaning.

My advice is to free yourself from your slave masters.


Old Testament there ,Jeannie.

Which was also about keeping the law and the 10 commandments... which man could not do..which God already KNEW that man couldn't do....hence God sending us a Saviour .....

We Can't take the word out of context....it won't make sense...and therefore can easily become misunderstood.flowerforyou

Hence the reason for the quick conclusions drawn here ....on just a mere few words shared here ....

one has to look at the whole picture..not just bits and pieces..to make sense of the Word of God.flowerforyou

jrbogie's photo
Thu 04/10/08 01:32 AM
Sure there's a meaning to life. To propagate the species. Simple really.

toastedoranges's photo
Thu 04/10/08 11:40 AM

Sure there's a meaning to life. To propagate the species. Simple really.


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Thu 04/10/08 11:43 AM
Who has the most toys, wins!laugh

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Thu 04/10/08 12:15 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Thu 04/10/08 12:16 PM

The writer, Solomon, tells us he has tried all life has to offer, wine, women and song. Hi conclusion is "Fear God and obey his commands, for this is everyone's duty" (12:13). In other words, God gives meaning to our lives. No God, no meaning.

How on earth did you translate "Fear God and obey his commands, for this is everyone's duty"

to mean: .. "In other words, God gives meaning to our lives. No God, no meaning." ????????????


In OTHER WORDS indeed.

Way .... other words.

They don't mean the same thing at all!

A Slave master would say that to the slaves. Slaves, after all, in the eyes of their superior masters, are so pathetic that they have no purpose and no reason to even live, other than to "fear their master and obey him."

Please re-read these words:

Fear your master and obey him, for you are a pathetic slave and you are good for nothing else!! To serve your master is your only purpose in life. You have no other purpose whatsoever. It is your duty to fear your master and obey his commands. It will give meaning to your pathetic lives.

And you translate it to mean:

Your master gives meaning to your lives. No master, no meaning.

My advice is to free yourself from your slave masters.


Old Testament there ,Jeannie.

Which was also about keeping the law and the 10 commandments... which man could not do..which God already KNEW that man couldn't do....hence God sending us a Saviour .....

We Can't take the word out of context....it won't make sense...and therefore can easily become misunderstood.flowerforyou

Hence the reason for the quick conclusions drawn here ....on just a mere few words shared here ....

one has to look at the whole picture..not just bits and pieces..to make sense of the Word of God.flowerforyou

The "whole picture" is a collection of books which were put together. There is no "Whole picture" that makes sense.

As a writer, and one who studies truth and true statements, I look at a complete sentence as a complete statement.

If a sentence is a whole complete sentence and if it makes a statement, then that statement is complete and should be interpreted and considered as a whole and complete statement.

"Fear your master and obey his commands."

I know what that sentence means. It does not mean anything else. It is a complete statement. It should stand on its own merits. It does not mean anything else except for what it says.

It does not mean that my master gives meaning to my life.

It means exactly what it says. It means that I should live in fear of my mister and obey his commands. That is all it says.

For someone to take a statement as clear as that and try to tell others that it means something else is a good example of how preachers deliver their own interpretations to their "flock."


no photo
Thu 04/10/08 12:23 PM

one more thing i don't measure a saint by his/her wisdom. i measure a saint by his/her capacity to love. A saint does not need 10 lives to learn that. He/she just needs to let God's love flow through him/her.
Now good night and sweet dreams

I am well aware that Christians don't believe in reincarnation, so I understand your resistance to any references to that.

It should be considered a privilege to be able to live as many lives as we choose on this earth experience because that is where we learn to love unconditionally and most of all that is where we learn to create.

It is possible to retain enough god-knowledge to reduce the number of lives you live here on earth I think. But to say that you only need one, to me, is like a first grader saying that they only need to go to school one day and they are finished with the first grade. It just seems silly to me. But kids will be kids.


yashafox_F4X1's photo
Thu 04/10/08 05:02 PM
Great comments, all, very interesting. I saw something the other day that said the Lord didn't call children to be disciples, but he called his disciples to be like children. Childlike-faith is one of the keys to Christianity, I think. A kay to faith.

God Bless You All. The Lord be with you.

And I agree with those saying people need to be responsible for their own actions and they should take responsibility for raising their children in the right way, paying attention to them and giving them morals, the ability to make informed, responsible choices, and consequences so they know the right way to go.

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Thu 04/10/08 05:53 PM
For me it's a privilege to live just one well lived life.
Who gives to a human being the power or the right to choose how many lives he or she wants?
U r right when u say that i don't believe in reincarnation.
I don't believe just simply because it does not make sense to me.
I can't understand in which level of being a human can choose or decide on how many lives he or she can live?
It's just a myth to justify some people's existance.
The same as you would say about my christianity.
It's funny how towards the end relatively both of us are believers in fairy tales.
I said "relatively" because u think that christianity is a fairy tale or a myth, and I think exactly the same thing about reincarnation. Just myth that somebody came accross several centuries ago, and some others just want to believe.

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Thu 04/10/08 07:01 PM

For me it's a privilege to live just one well lived life.
Who gives to a human being the power or the right to choose how many lives he or she wants?
U r right when u say that i don't believe in reincarnation.
I don't believe just simply because it does not make sense to me.
I can't understand in which level of being a human can choose or decide on how many lives he or she can live?
It's just a myth to justify some people's existance.
The same as you would say about my christianity.
It's funny how towards the end relatively both of us are believers in fairy tales.
I said "relatively" because u think that christianity is a fairy tale or a myth, and I think exactly the same thing about reincarnation. Just myth that somebody came accross several centuries ago, and some others just want to believe.

This is good, now we understand each other, myth to myth. laugh laugh

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Thu 04/10/08 07:24 PM

For me it's a privilege to live just one well lived life.
Who gives to a human being the power or the right to choose how many lives he or she wants?
U r right when u say that i don't believe in reincarnation.
I don't believe just simply because it does not make sense to me.
I can't understand in which level of being a human can choose or decide on how many lives he or she can live?
It's just a myth to justify some people's existance.
The same as you would say about my christianity.
It's funny how towards the end relatively both of us are believers in fairy tales.
I said "relatively" because u think that christianity is a fairy tale or a myth, and I think exactly the same thing about reincarnation. Just myth that somebody came accross several centuries ago, and some others just want to believe.

This is good, now we understand each other, myth to myth. laugh laugh


toastedoranges's photo
Thu 04/10/08 07:41 PM
i live in theory

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