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Topic: First Church of JSH
herewego's photo
Fri 01/19/07 04:46 PM
my daughter is alive and well.. i was saying when i die i'll look down
upon her and still love her. yes, i could have, but i prefered the way
the ankh looked over a cross. plus, my daughter drew it for me. i'm not
worshipping idols, my mom knows what an ankh stands for and she is fine
with it. she is a missionary in mexico. actually, no one in my family
that knows about the tattoo has said anything bad about it and they all
go to church also.

DANE1973's photo
Fri 01/19/07 04:54 PM
Well it sounds like you have a very nice family. I'm sorry I
misunderstood about your daughter. My little sister has the same thing
with her boys names in it,on her calf, that's why I wondered.I hope I
didn't offend you it just seemed odd to me,is all..

herewego's photo
Fri 01/19/07 04:59 PM
no you didn't offend me.. and i am a little odd. i enjoy egyptology and
other things and like that. i don't worship their idols, i just find
them intreging

DANE1973's photo
Fri 01/19/07 05:05 PM
My first love was Archeology, though Egypt really wasn't at the top of
my list. I love learning about ancient cultures.Guess that's why I chose
to believe as I do. I know many would say I am lost,but I'm not.

herewego's photo
Fri 01/19/07 05:19 PM
and what is it that you believe?

DANE1973's photo
Fri 01/19/07 05:28 PM
Since this is a Christian thread I won't post my beliefs here,but I will
say I follow in the steps of many of our ancestors.Hence the name.

herewego's photo
Fri 01/19/07 05:29 PM
fair enough

TheGoodShepherd's photo
Fri 01/19/07 05:43 PM
Well, Dane...thanks for stopping by !

herewego's photo
Fri 01/19/07 05:46 PM
goodshepherd do you have a problem with my tattoo?

DANE1973's photo
Fri 01/19/07 05:47 PM
You're welcome I hope the rest of the pagans don't come here to bash
you. It isn't our way.

herewego's photo
Fri 01/19/07 05:49 PM
yes, dane i know it isn't your way.

TheGoodShepherd's photo
Fri 01/19/07 05:53 PM
No, there is not a problem with your tattoo, and Dane, be careful, your
choice will be accounted for !

DANE1973's photo
Fri 01/19/07 06:10 PM
Judge not,lest ye be judged yourself shepard,are you prepared to tell me
where I will go now?Or did you forget that lesson from your Christ?

TheGoodShepherd's photo
Fri 01/19/07 06:18 PM
I will, be judged and so will you...I,m not judging you Dane, but if you
play with rattlesnakes, you,re going to get bitten,
that what we,re trying to prevent here, we want to try and help
save you from a miserable end.

DANE1973's photo
Fri 01/19/07 06:25 PM
You truly don't understand do you? In trying to save me you have
condemned yourself. You save by spreading the word of your God, not
trying to convert others to your cause.

halfnutts's photo
Fri 01/19/07 06:33 PM
It,s you who don,t understand Dane...this is you chance to learn
more then you think you know !

herewego's photo
Fri 01/19/07 06:38 PM
so true

kaminorisu's photo
Fri 01/19/07 06:45 PM
it is the end of the world!
churches on dating sites!
say it cant be so
oh god its so cold
but this soul must stand bold!
for this chaotic spirit within can not be bound or sold!
inside i scream NO NO NO
churches on JSH would BLOW BLOW BLOW

dont mind me just being random but really church on a dating site? lol
careful may want to lock the doors for this subject im sure is gunna be
filled with hungry rattlesnakes

DANE1973's photo
Fri 01/19/07 06:46 PM
I have been enlightened I have seen the heavens,and I will not be

kaminorisu's photo
Fri 01/19/07 06:48 PM
No my brother do not give into thy lie!
god created by man is in no way divine!
Run Run turn away!
do not be swayed!
only then will you be saved!

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