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Topic: economy
Winx's photo
Sun 04/06/08 12:49 PM

I don't think the media / news is making it out to be so bad. Because it is bad.

When gas / oil prices keep going up and people all over the world keep losing there current jobs and can not find new ones.

I mean if I could find a new job tomorrow then I'd be happy as hell, but the fact of the matter is I've been looking for a new job for some time is crazy, when I say some time I mean well over two years and or more.

I mean if I could wave a magic wand my self then gas prices would go back to the $1.30 mark I remember seeing a long time ago, a long with more jobs opening nation wide. But the fact remines we will never see these types of things ever again..

I mean we could probably see as long as Bush is in the White house and if MCcain get's in there record high gas prices probably no doubt up to $8 dollares or more, I mean Truck drivers are slowing down so stores do not keep in stock as well as they used to because of gas prices.

This and everything pisses me off a bit to much just thinking about it.

Yes we are all in a recession or at least a good number of us are right now, which you can thank Bush and every body else working a long side President Bush.

The sad part is Bush see's noting wrong going on and could care less, because his family owes a big part of the oil companys and what not, and he could care less about jobs because he has the best one right now.

Bottom line Bush doesn't give a rat a$$ about america or the american people, and either does John MCcain.. since there both on sides with each other.


Fanta46's photo
Sun 04/06/08 12:53 PM
Damn Republicansgrumble grumble


boredinaz06's photo
Sun 04/06/08 12:56 PM

Well We the Sheeple are Fu*ked either way! cause the two Parties we Have are Corrupt Mother Fu*kers.

no photo
Sun 04/06/08 01:52 PM

Well We the Sheeple are Fu*ked either way! cause the two Parties we Have are Corrupt Mother Fu*kers.

laugh leftwing, rightwing..it's the same corrupt bird

adj4u's photo
Sun 04/06/08 01:57 PM

Well We the Sheeple are Fu*ked either way! cause the two Parties we Have are Corrupt Mother Fu*kers.

if everyone that did not like what the ""two parties""

are doing would go to the poles and write in a name

it would send a message

really would if it was the same name drinker

Fanta46's photo
Sun 04/06/08 05:48 PM

Well We the Sheeple are Fu*ked either way! cause the two Parties we Have are Corrupt Mother Fu*kers.

laugh laugh

Yeah Yeah,
Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah,,,,:tongue: :tongue: :tongue:


laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

itsmetina's photo
Sun 04/06/08 06:57 PM

for real on that and how is it we let our country rely on foreign coutries that gulge gas up whenever they can.where was the forethought in this?i bet the people that pre bought gas at $1.00 a gallon are really bennefitting now.if only we were all rich enough to do that yrs back.i bet many of you didn't even know of that

I knew about pre-bought gas.drinker
i knew a few would its called gas reserves i believe

Drew07_2's photo
Sun 04/06/08 09:25 PM
I think it cuts both ways. I am fortunate (and I do my best never to forget that) in that I have a good job right now in a field (health care) that isn't likely to slow down anytime soon. But I've also been in jobs where making ends meet each month was tough. What gets me is not those struggling to make things work. I feel for those folks and I know they are doing the best they can. What gets me is when a buddy of mine driving the biggest pick-up a person can legally drive complains about gas prices even though he rarely ever hauls anything in his truck. I get sick of listening to people decry the economy while watching TV on a 42 inch HD TV they bought on credit. And I get really tired of people talking about how they can barely afford milk while spending 15 minutes a day in line at the local coffee stand at $3.90 a pop.

Carrying debt on houses and cars I get. Carrying debt when emergencies occur is also practical an sometimes needed. But if you are in to Visa for 15K for a jet ski and a new entertainment center it is a bit tough for me to take you seriously when you then complain about a weakened economy.

I realize that is not most people and this response is not directed at anyone here.


itsmetina's photo
Sun 04/06/08 09:29 PM
for sure if u can beuy a big screen u r not suffering

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