Topic: Why does God tease and torment when he os supposed to love h
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Sat 04/05/08 10:20 PM
I'm sorry I shocked you. But I have seen people who manipulate others for sympathy and sometimes I just see it for the game it is.

I think sometimes people need a good dose of reality sometimes in order to snap out of what ever pain or self pity they are in. If you think you are in pain, you can always find someone else who is in a lot worse pain than you, and you should thank God for your good fortune.

Gratitude will pull you out of your mental anguish if you can find something to be thankful for.


yellowrose10's photo
Sat 04/05/08 10:22 PM

I'm sorry I shocked you. But I have seen people who manipulate others for sympathy and sometimes I just see it for the game it is.

I think sometimes people need a good dose of reality sometimes in order to snap out of what ever pain or self pity they are in. If you think you are in pain, you can always find someone else who is in a lot worse pain than you, and you should thank God for your good fortune.

Gratitude will pull you out of your mental anguish if you can find something to be thankful for.


tell that to him....that is good. i get down myself and i know i want answers (that i may never hear explainng what i want) and i need a good wake up call too

no photo
Sat 04/05/08 10:24 PM
Anyway it was probably a woman who was tormenting him... not God. laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Just a guess.

I will tell him that he should be grateful he is so good looking.

bigsmile drinker smokin

yellowrose10's photo
Sat 04/05/08 10:24 PM
THAT'S THE JB I KNOW and respectflowerforyou

no photo
Sat 04/05/08 10:27 PM

THAT'S THE JB I KNOW and respectflowerforyou

Well, even though I am accused of being an atheist or an agnostic, I still don't like it when people start blaming God for things.


yellowrose10's photo
Sat 04/05/08 10:30 PM

THAT'S THE JB I KNOW and respectflowerforyou

Well, even though I am accused of being an atheist or an agnostic, I still don't like it when people start blaming God for things.


then just tell people that from what you think it might be. i don't care what belief someone is as long as they are giving what they see and believe. I don't like blaming God either...but the fact is ...i did for almost 25 yrs when my dad died. i think everyone goes through a time when they blame God or whatever deity they have. it's usually when the pain is so bad they are struggling for answers to why. sometimes it's easier for people to blame God instead of seeing they whys

no photo
Sat 04/05/08 10:34 PM

THAT'S THE JB I KNOW and respectflowerforyou

Well, even though I am accused of being an atheist or an agnostic, I still don't like it when people start blaming God for things.


then just tell people that from what you think it might be. i don't care what belief someone is as long as they are giving what they see and believe. I don't like blaming God either...but the fact is ...i did for almost 25 yrs when my dad died. i think everyone goes through a time when they blame God or whatever deity they have. it's usually when the pain is so bad they are struggling for answers to why. sometimes it's easier for people to blame God instead of seeing they whys

Yeh, people get angry when their loved one's die, and rather be mad at them for dieing they seek to blame someone else. God gets it a lot.

Well, I guess I'll go to bed. Night!flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

yellowrose10's photo
Sat 04/05/08 10:47 PM
something a pagan/wiccan friend emailed me about this topic that i would like to post, as well, if I may

If you feel alive
In a darkened room
Do you know the name
Of your solitude
If you aint got the answer
If you dont know the truth
If you want the power
Then let it flow through

Would you let it go
Would let it go
They cannot end this mourning
Of my life

Show me
How the gods kill

If you feel alive
If you got no fear
Do you know the name
Of the one you seek
If you want the answer
If you want the truth
Look inside your empty soul
Youll find the noose

Would you let it go
Would you let it go
They cannot end this mourning
Of my life

Show me
How the gods kill

creativesoul's photo
Sat 04/05/08 10:58 PM
Perhaps 'God' does not think or feel or act like a human, with the flaws of the human condition...

Perhaps 'God' does not meddle...


wiley's photo
Sat 04/05/08 11:01 PM

Got me there. blushing
After a little research I find that God allowed satan to test Job. Satan's purpose was to prove that he could get Job to curse God. Avoiding boring everyone with lengthy c&p. flowerforyou
It has been a long workday Miguel. I'll have to check this tomorrow. Nite all! :wink:

Yeah. There's a good example of a God who loves his creations.

isaac_dede's photo
Sat 04/05/08 11:29 PM

Got me there. blushing
After a little research I find that God allowed satan to test Job. Satan's purpose was to prove that he could get Job to curse God. Avoiding boring everyone with lengthy c&p. flowerforyou
It has been a long workday Miguel. I'll have to check this tomorrow. Nite all! :wink:

Yeah. There's a good example of a God who loves his creations.

Love is always shown in making everything perfect for someone. Not that we can or ever will truly understand why God did this because he is on a completly different level than us. But here's my personal opinion on the matter. Instead of explaining i'll give an example.

Let's say your married and YOU know that without a doubt that your spouse loves you. But your in a situation that means you spouse needs to prove to someone else that she loves you or you may lose her. So there is a test to prove it and she does. That i believe is the same reason God let satan test Job. JMHO.

no photo
Sat 04/05/08 11:32 PM

Got me there. blushing
After a little research I find that God allowed satan to test Job. Satan's purpose was to prove that he could get Job to curse God. Avoiding boring everyone with lengthy c&p. flowerforyou
It has been a long workday Miguel. I'll have to check this tomorrow. Nite all! :wink:

Yeah. There's a good example of a God who loves his creations.

Wiley....God ALLOWED JOB to be tested by Satan, cause God already KNEW the OUTCOME...and that is, that Job would come out even better and stronger in the end....then if he would never have been allowed to be tested at all.
God KNEW Job ..... God knew Job would not give in to the test.

When God allows something, its because he already knows the outcome....and that is.....we will beat the odds and win.

God knows the end from the beginning and the beginning from the end.

We may not understand why now....about a lot of stuff we are going thru in our lives....but in the sweet by and all will become to why it all was allowed to happen...and we will then go .....ahhhhhhhhhh I understand why all this happened...and all things finally will be crystal clear.

It's like the clay on the potters the process, the clay goes thru a lot while being molded into the finished product even has to go thru the fire....but the end result is something beautful that the pure reflection of the potter himself, is seen in the finished pot of clay.

yellowrose10's photo
Sat 04/05/08 11:35 PM

no photo
Sun 04/06/08 11:36 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sun 04/06/08 11:37 AM
I don't think there is some deity who tests people or some devil who gets to do the dirty work.

The Law of Karma is precise. Torment is in the mind. Grief is an emotion,~~be thankful for emotions, it makes us who we are.

The ultimate plan is to learn from our mistakes and to learn to use the will to direct our thoughts and our lives.


feralcatlady's photo
Sun 04/06/08 02:47 PM
Well now isn't this interesting on so many level......And since I know Rod and have known him for quite a long time.......although not authority on what his intentions....I do know this man.

Second there is never ever ever a dumb question about anything.....If someone asks it then it is important to them and we should to the best of our ability help. Well at least for me. I don't put down what another questions I try to help them seek what they are searching.

This man is the sweetest man I probably have ever met, and he has many medical problems, and just does not understand why his soulmate he has not found....And yes he questions God in the whole scheme of his life. Now as I have said on many many many occasions. Why is it that people question God when things are going bad? There cannot be a God because he would not put me through this torture I am enduring.

But has anyone when things are going good ever got to their knees and thanked God for all that He does in their life. You are always going to have things in you life Rod included that you may not think is fair.....But everything in your life is with purpose....ever lil tiny minute part of your life God already knew about.....He knows you better then anyone. From the time that you were in yoru mother's womb.

Now I will use me as an example in this next part......yes I have had horrible things happen in my life. But I can say that since I have given my life to Christ......My life is great....Now this doesn't mean that stuff doesn't happen.....the difference is I give him the burden I ask Jesus to take it........This folks is why Christ died for us......for our sin, for our iniquities. Also when things are going really bad in onces life satan will always jump at this chance to take you from Christ.....He will do everything and anything to turn you away from the Father.......This is up to you, with how you deal with things....

wiley's photo
Sun 04/06/08 03:18 PM
Edited by wiley on Sun 04/06/08 03:19 PM
What a crock. If God were truly omniscient, there wouldn't be any need for a Judgment Day and Free Will would be meaningless. Since God would already know what we were going to do before we did. Life would be little more than a practical joke and we would simply be the punchline.

feralcatlady's photo
Sun 04/06/08 03:54 PM

What a crock. If God were truly omniscient, there wouldn't be any need for a Judgment Day and Free Will would be meaningless. Since God would already know what we were going to do before we did. Life would be little more than a practical joke and we would simply be the punchline.

Of course he does.......he knows all but we my friend do not....and will never be on the same level....God gave us free will to choose to believe in him or not....And just because God's knows all were going to do the choices in how we go about our journey is all ours. It's called life my friend.....And this my dear is no joke......and yes judgement day will come and the book of life will be open........

wiley's photo
Sun 04/06/08 03:58 PM
I believe in God. I just don't believe in your God. But that's ok. Nobody knows for sure.

feralcatlady's photo
Sun 04/06/08 04:27 PM

I believe in God. I just don't believe in your God. But that's ok. Nobody knows for sure.

I do

wiley's photo
Sun 04/06/08 04:30 PM
You may think so, but you don't. If you did know for sure you would be God. For only God can know absolutely. Even your scripture says as much.